Learning Input Methods in C


You need to read and print a character, a word (string), and a sentence (with spaces) in C. Each input type must be handled correctly and output in the required format.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Declare variables for character, string (word), and sentence
    char c;
    char s[100]; // To hold a string (word)
    char s2[100]; // To hold a sentence (with spaces)

    // Read and print the character
    scanf("%c", &c);
    printf("%c\n", c);

    // Read and print the string (single word without spaces)
    scanf("%s", s);
    printf("%s\n", s);

    // Clear the input buffer before reading the sentence
    getchar(); // This consumes the newline character left by the previous scanf

    // Read and print the full sentence (including spaces)
    scanf("%[^\n]", s2);
    printf("%s\n", s2);

    return 0;


  1. Declaring Variables:

    • char c; : to store a single character.

    • char s[100]; : to store a word (up to 99 characters and a null terminator).

    • char s2[100]; : to store a sentence (including spaces).

  2. Reading and Printing a Character:

    • scanf("%c", &c); : reads a single character.

    • printf("%c\n", c); : prints the character.

  3. Reading and Printing a Word:

    • scanf("%s", s); : reads a single word (without spaces).

    • printf("%s\n", s); : prints the word.

  4. Clearing the Input Buffer:

    • getchar(); : consumes the newline character left by the previous scanf.
  5. Reading and Printing a Sentence:

    • scanf("%[^\n]", s2); : reads a full sentence until a newline is encountered.

    • printf("%s\n", s2); : prints the sentence.

What I Learned:

  • Handling Different Input Types in C:

    • Character input: scanf("%c", &c) reads a single character.

    • String input (word): scanf("%s", s) reads a single word, but not spaces.

    • Sentence input: scanf("%[^\n]", s2) reads until a newline, allowing spaces.

  • Managing Input Buffers:

    • The getchar() function helps consume leftover newline characters after reading input, preventing input issues when reading different types.
  • Understanding and Debugging:

    • Input behavior can vary with different scanf specifiers. For example, scanf("%[^\n]%*c", s2) was problematic, but clearing the buffer with getchar() resolved the issue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Always be aware of how input is buffered when using scanf.

  • Use getchar() to clear newline characters from the input buffer for smooth multiple input reads.

  • Different scanf specifiers (%c, %s, %[^\n]) serve specific purposes, and understanding these differences is crucial for writing effective input-handling code in C.

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Written by

Sarthak Kulkarni
Sarthak Kulkarni