Terraform Essentials: Using Input/Output Variables and Resource Attributes

Neeraj GuptaNeeraj Gupta
4 min read

In this blog, we will understand the input/output variables and resource attributes in the Terraform.

HCL Basics

  • The HCL file consists of Blocks and Arguments.

       <block> <parameter> {
           key1 = value1
           key2 = value2
  • A block is defined within curly braces & it contains a set of arguments in a key-value pair.

  • In Terraform: A block contains information about the infrastructure platform & set of resources within that platform, that we want to create.

Basic command

  • terraform init: Terraform initializes the project & identifies the provider to be used for the target environment.

  • terraform plan: Terraform drafts a plan to get a preview of the changes.

  • terraform apply: It makes the necessary changes required on the target environment to bring it to the desired state.

Example: Create the local file using Terraform

config file: main.tf

resource "local_file" "testing" {
  filename = "/opt/test.txt"
  content = "This test is created by Terraform."

- Block-type: resource
- Resource-type: local_file, It provides two bits of info, local → provider & file → resource type
- Resource-name: testing
- filename & content are the arguments

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Note: We can have multiple configuration files within the configuration directory, saying that the file should have a .tf extension.

Input variable

Input variables are used to make your configurations more flexible and reusable. They allow you to parameterize the values in your configuration files instead of hardcoding them.


variable "variable_name" {
  type        = <type>       # Optional, e.g., string, number, bool, list, map
  default     = <default>    # sets a default value

Types of Input Variables

  1. String: A single line of text.

     variable "environment" {
       type    = string
       default = "production"
  2. Number: A numeric value, which can be an integer or a float.

     variable "length" {
       type    = number
       default = 1
  3. Bool: A boolean value (true or false).

     variable "enable_monitoring" {
       type    = bool
       default = true
  4. List: A sequence of values of the same type and can have duplicate elements.

     variable "salutation" {
       type = list
       default = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Sir", "Maam"]

    We can also define the type of element in the list, it could be string, number, or bool.

     variable "salutation" {
       type = list(string)
       default = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Sir", "Maam"]
  5. Set: A sequence of values of the same type, but no duplicate element.

     variable "length" {
       type    = set(number)
       default = [1, 2, 5]
  6. Map: A collection of key-value pairs, where keys are strings, and values can be any type.

     variable "content" {
       type = map(string)
       default = {
         "stat1" = "Hello world"
         "stat2" = "How are you"
  7. Object: A custom structure with named attributes of specific types.

     variable "car_config" {
       type = object({
         make      = string
         model     = string
         year      = number
         hybrid    = bool
         features  = list(string)
       default = {
         make      = "Toyota"
         model     = "Camry"
         year      = 2023
         hybrid    = true
         features  = ["Sunroof", "Bluetooth", "Backup Camera"]
  8. Tuple: A sequence of values of different types.

     variable "car_details" {
       type = tuple([string, number, bool]) # Car name, manufacturing year, and hybrid status
       default = ["Toyota", 2023, true]

Example: Use a different input variable and create the local file using Terraform.

Config file: main.tf, variable.tf

git clone https://github.com/minex970/terraform-overview/
cd basic
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply


-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   97 Dec  1 19:13 car-1.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   82 Dec  1 19:13 car-2.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   87 Dec  1 19:26 car-3.txt

Resource attributes

The attributes refer to the properties or outputs of a resource that can be accessed by other resources, variables, outputs, or modules. These attributes allow you to connect resources and pass information between them, enabling dynamic configurations.

# Using resource attributes in the resource block
resource "random_pet" "my_pet" {
  prefix = "Mr"
  separator = "."
  length = 1

resource "local_file" "pet" {
  filename = "/opt/pets.txt"
  content = "My favorite pet is ${random_pet.my_pet.id} \n"

Here, we use the following expression to get the output of the my_pet resource name and use them in the pet resource name.
${random_pet.my_pet.id}, this expression is also known as an interpolation sequence.

Output variable

  • Like the input variable, Terraform also supports the Output variable.

  • This is used to store the output of any resource or say the attributes of that, into an output variable.

Example: Use output variable to store the value of resource attribute.

output "pet-name" {
  value = random_pet.my_pet.id

Command: terraform output, to list the value of all output variables w/o running terraform apply command.

Github URL: https://github.com/minex970/terraform-overview/tree/master/basic

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Written by

Neeraj Gupta
Neeraj Gupta