Yes, You Can Nest Ternary Operators in JavaScript!

What Are Ternary Operators?

A ternary operator is essentially a shorthand for an if-else statement:

condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse;

Nested Ternary Operators

When you have multiple conditions, you can nest ternary operators like this:

  ? expressionIfTrue1
  : condition2
  ? expressionIfTrue2
  : expressionIfFalse;


Imagine you're building a traffic light system. You can use a nested ternary to decide what message to display:

const lightColor = "yellow";

const message = 
  lightColor === "green"
    ? "Go"
    : lightColor === "yellow"
    ? "Caution"
    : "Stop";

console.log(message); // Outputs: Caution

Pros of Nested Ternary Operators

  1. Compact code: Eliminates verbose if-else blocks.

  2. Inline logic: Perfect for JSX or returning values in a single line.

Cons of Nested Ternary Operators

  1. Readability issues: Too many nested ternaries can make the code harder to understand.

  2. Debugging complexity: It's trickier to debug compared to if-else statements

Best Practice:

If your logic starts becoming too complex, break it into a helper function or use if-else:

javascriptCopy codefunction getTrafficMessage(color) {
  if (color === "green") return "Go";
  if (color === "yellow") return "Caution";
  return "Stop";

const message = getTrafficMessage(lightColor);

In short, yes, nest them, but use them judiciously

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Written by

Agbeniga Agboola
Agbeniga Agboola