How to Hash Objects Without Repetition: std::hash can be DRY

In my previous article on std::tie, I discussed how to simplify comparison operators for your classes using the std::tie() function.

Now we’ll explore a more complex case. Let's create a generic implementation of a hashing function for a class or structure we develop.

Repetitive hashing

To provide a hash value for our custom object, we should write a std::hash specialization for our type.

A typical code example looks like this:

struct Person
    std::string first_name;
    std::string last_name;
    std::uint8_t age;

template <>
struct std::hash<Person> 
    size_t operator()(const Person& p) const
        std::size_t seed{};
        some_lib::hash_combine(seed, p.first_name);
        some_lib::hash_combine(seed, p.last_name);
        some_lib::hash_combine(seed, p.age);
        return seed;    

To calculate the hash value, we need to call a function that incrementally combines the hash values of all our data members. This function often comes from an external library, like Boost - boost::hash_combine(). This task is repetitive and tedious. Let's find a better solution.

Fold expressions & hash_combine

We can start by writing a variadic version of hash_combine(). Such a function should accept any number of arguments and return combined hash for all of them. This can be done using a fold expression with the “famous” , operator:

template <typename... TValues>
auto combined_hash(const TValues&... values)
    size_t seed{};
    (..., some_lib::hash_combine(seed, values));

    return seed;

Now we can simplify hashing with the following code:

template <>
struct std::hash<Person> 
    size_t operator()(const Person& p) const
        return combined_hash(p.first_name, p.last_name, p.age);

It's now possible to pass data members as arguments to our function.

Hashing & std::tie

As you might recall from my previous post, std::tie() can create a view that refers to the data members of our class. We used this to simplify the implementation of comparison operators:

struct Person
    std::string first_name;
    std::string last_name;
    std::uint8_t age;

    auto tied() const
        return std::tie(first_name, last_name, age);

    bool operator==(const Person& other) const
        return tied() == other.tied();

Can we use the same trick in our hash implementation?

We can try to tie the data members together and combine their hash values like this:

template <>
struct std::hash<Person> 
    size_t operator()(const Person& p) const
        return combined_hash(p.tied());

Now, we are passing a tuple as an argument to our combined_hash() function. Unfortunately, std::tuple does not have a std::hash<> specialization, so the compiler will generate an error. However, if we use boost::hash_combine(), it works because Boost can hash the tuples for us.

std::apply to the rescue

Let's pause for a moment and reexamine the code.

Now, we can calculate a combined hash for any set of hashable values:

std::string first_name = "John";
std::string last_name = "Smith";
uint8_t age = 42;
size_t hashed_value = combined_hash(first_name, last_name, age);

We need to call this function for arguments that are tied in a tuple. The code should look like this:

std::tuple tpl{"John"s, "Smith"s, 42};

size_t hashed_value = combined_hash(std::get<0>(tpl), std::get<1>(tpl), std::get<2>(tpl));

It occurs that in the standard library we have std::apply(F&& f, Tuple&& t) function that allows calling any function f with elements of t passed as arguments.

void foobar(const std::string& foo, int bar) 
    std::cout << "foobar(" << foo << ", " << bar << ")\n";

std::tuple args{"Foo"s, 42};
std::apply(foobar, args); // tha same as foobar(std::get<0>(args), std::get<1>(args))

Let’s apply std::apply to our needs :)

template <>
struct std::hash<Person> 
    size_t operator()(const Person& p) const
        return std::apply(combined_hash, p.tied());

Unfortunately, this is not enough. The compiler will complain that it cannot deduce the template parameter F for std::apply(F&& f, Tuple&& t). This is because our combined_hash() is a template function. We can easily solve this problem by wrapping the function in a closure (also known as a lambda). The working code will be as follows:

template <>
struct std::hash<Person> 
    size_t operator()(const Person& p) const
        auto hasher = [](const auto&... args) { return combined_hash(args...); };
        return std::apply(hasher, p.tied());

Generic hashing solution for future classes

This solution might seem complex, but it offers us a benefit. We can create a generic specialization for any custom type that has a tied() member function. We can provide a std::hash<T> specialization for each type that chooses to use our hashing implementation.

struct HashableForTiedMembers
{ };

template <typename T>
constexpr bool hashing_for_tied_members = false; 

template <typename T>
concept HashableForTied = std::derived_from<T, HashableForTiedMembers> || hashing_for_tied_members<T>;

template <HashableForTied T>
struct std::hash<T>
    size_t operator()(const T& value) const
        auto hasher = [](const auto&... args) {
            return combined_hash(args...);
        return std::apply(hasher, value.tied());

The creator of the class can choose from two opt-in options:

  • A class can inherit from the HashableForTiedMembers struct, which serves as a tag, enabling the compiler to specialize std::hash for that type. However, this option requires our class or struct to have constructors. For aggregates that derive from empty-base classes, additional {} are needed in the argument list, changing the syntax of object initialization.

      struct HashableForTiedMembers
      { };
      struct Person : HashableForTiedMembers
          std::string first_name;
          std::string last_name;
          std::uint8_t age;
          Person(std::string first_name, std::string last_name, std::uint8_t age)
              : first_name{std::move(first_name)}
              , last_name{std::move(last_name)}
              , age{age}
          auto tied() const
              return std::tie(first_name, last_name, age);
  • Alternatively, we can define the opt-in tag externally using template variables.

      struct AggregatePerson
          std::string first_name;
          std::string last_name;
          std::uint8_t age;
          auto tied() const
              return std::tie(first_name, last_name, age);
      // opt-in hashing for AggregatePerson
      template <>
      constexpr bool hashing_for_tied_members<AggregatePerson> = true;

By using the tied() member function for hashing, we can easily implement operator==, which is needed for storing objects as keys in unordered associative containers. The following class can be used as a key in an unordered_map:

class Coordinate : public HashableForTiedMembers
    Coordinate(int x, int y) noexcept
        : x_{x}
        , y_{y}
    { }

    auto tied() const noexcept
        return std::tie(x_, y_);

    bool operator==(const Coordinate& other) const noexcept
        return tied() == other.tied();

    int x_;
    int y_;

int main()
    std::unordered_map<Coordinate, std::string> coordinates;
    coordinates.emplace(Coordinate{0, 0}, "origin");
    coordinates.emplace(Coordinate{1, 0}, "right");
    coordinates.emplace(Coordinate{0, 1}, "up");
    coordinates.emplace(Coordinate{1, 1}, "up-right");


In this blog post, I showed a way to implement hashing for types in a generic way.

I hope you find it interesting. Let me know if you do.

The sample code can be found at

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Written by

Krystian Piękoś
Krystian Piękoś

Modern C++ trainer with 25+ years of experience. I have developed and delivered training courses on many aspects of OO development. My professional interests include design patterns, TDD, concurrency & multithreading.