Python in the Void: LogAnalyzer

Chris HolcombeChris Holcombe
5 min read

In this Python in the Void installment, we dive into building a custom log analyzer tool from scratch. This hands-on walk through takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a Python script that reads, filters, analyzes, and visualizes system logs. Perfect for beginners and pros alike, this project introduces essential programming concepts while showcasing how to craft a real-world utility tool.

By the end, you’ll have a fully functional script to parse logs, count occurrences, and export results to CSV—plus the knowledge to customize and expand it for your own needs. Whether you’re exploring system logs or building your ethical hacking toolkit, this is your guide to mastering Python through practical application.

1. get_default_log_file()

def get_default_log_file():
    return "/var/log/syslog"


  • Returns the default log file path for Linux systems.

  • Most system logs are stored in /var/log/syslog or similar locations.

How It Works:

  • This function is useful for providing a fallback path when the user doesn’t specify a custom log file.

  • You can modify this function if you want to analyze logs from a different default location.

2. read_logs(file_path)

def read_logs(file_path):
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        print(f"Log file not found: {file_path}")
        return []
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        return file.readlines()


  • Reads the content of the log file and returns it as a list of lines.

How It Works:

  1. File Existence Check:

    • The os.path.exists function checks if the specified file exists.

    • If it doesn’t, an error message is displayed, and an empty list is returned to avoid errors later in the script.

  2. File Reading:

    • If the file exists, it’s opened in read mode ('r'), and all lines are read into a list using file.readlines().

Why It’s Important:

  • This function ensures that your script doesn’t crash if the log file is missing.

3. parse_logs(log_lines, keyword=None)

def parse_logs(log_lines, keyword=None):
    filtered_logs = []
    for line in log_lines:
        if not keyword or keyword.lower() in line.lower():
    return filtered_logs


  • Filters log entries based on a keyword (if provided).

How It Works:

  1. Keyword Check:

    • If no keyword is provided, all lines are included (not keyword).

    • If a keyword is provided, it’s compared against each line (case-insensitive match).

  2. Filtering:

    • Matching lines are added to the filtered_logs list.
  3. Result:

    • The filtered list is returned.

Why It’s Important:

  • Filtering lets you focus on specific log entries, such as errors or warnings, instead of processing the entire log.

4. count_occurrences(log_lines)

def count_occurrences(log_lines):
    return Counter(log_lines)


  • Counts how many times each unique log entry appears.

How It Works:

  1. Using Counter:

    • Counter is part of Python’s collections module.

    • It takes a list and creates a dictionary-like object, where keys are unique entries, and values are their counts.

Why It’s Important:

  • Quickly identifies recurring patterns, such as frequent errors or warnings, in the logs.

5. display_results(counts)

def display_results(counts):
    print(f"{'Log Entry':<60} | Count")
    print("-" * 80)
    for log, count in counts.most_common():
        print(f"{log[:60]:<60} | {count}")


  • Prints the counted results in a human-readable table format.

How It Works:

  1. Table Header:

    • Prints a header with column names (Log Entry and Count).
  2. Formatting:

    • Each log entry is truncated to 60 characters (log[:60]) to ensure clean alignment.
  3. Sorting:

    • counts.most_common() sorts log entries by frequency, displaying the most frequent entries first.

Why It’s Important:

  • Provides an easy-to-read summary of log activity, helping you identify critical issues quickly.

6. save_to_csv(counts, output_file)

def save_to_csv(counts, output_file):
        with open(output_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
            writer.writerow(["Log Entry", "Count"])
            for log, count in counts.items():
                writer.writerow([log, count])
        print(f"Results saved to {output_file}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error saving results to CSV: {e}")


  • Exports the counted log results to a CSV file for further analysis.

How It Works:

  1. File Handling:

    • Opens the file in write mode ('w') with UTF-8 encoding to handle special characters.
  2. CSV Writing:

    • Writes a header row (["Log Entry", "Count"]) and iterates through the counts dictionary to add each log entry and its count.
  3. Error Handling:

    • If something goes wrong (e.g., permission issues), the exception is caught, and an error message is displayed.

Why It’s Important:

  • Allows you to analyze log data in tools like Excel or Google Sheets.

7. main()

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simplified Log Analyzer")
    parser.add_argument("--logfile", type=str, help="Path to the log file (default: /var/log/syslog).", default=get_default_log_file())
    parser.add_argument("--filter", type=str, help="Keyword to filter logs.", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="File to save the results (CSV format).", required=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    log_lines = read_logs(args.logfile)
    if not log_lines:
        print("No logs to process.")

    filtered_logs = parse_logs(log_lines, args.filter)
    counts = count_occurrences(filtered_logs)

    if args.output:
        save_to_csv(counts, args.output)


  • Handles command-line arguments and orchestrates the execution of all other functions.

How It Works:

  1. Argument Parsing:

    • Allows users to specify:

      • A custom log file (--logfile).

      • A keyword for filtering (--filter).

      • An output CSV file (--output).

  2. Log Analysis Flow:

    • Reads logs → Filters logs → Counts occurrences → Displays results → Saves to CSV.

Why It’s Important:

  • Provides a user-friendly interface to interact with the script from the command line.


By breaking the script into modular functions, we:

  • Simplify each task.

  • Make the code easier to understand and maintain.

  • Provide flexibility for future enhancements.

Next Steps

You can now code along, understanding each function’s role. For a hands-on experience:

  • Try running the script with different arguments.

  • Customize the filtering logic or output format.

For the complete code, visit the GitHub Repository. Stay Null. Stay Void. 🤘

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Written by

Chris Holcombe
Chris Holcombe