The Bcrypt Algorithm for Secure Password Hashing

Hashing is a cryptographic function that cannot be reversed. It takes an input of random size to produce fixed-size values. These fixed-size values are called hash values, and the cryptographic function is called the hashing function. Hashing has a consistent and predictable nature, meaning the same input will always produce the same hash value. It also exhibits the avalanche effect, which means even a slight change in the input results in a drastically different hash value, ensuring high security and uncertainty.
Hashing often employs salted hashing, where a unique random string called salt is added to the input before hashing, making each hash unique even for identical inputs
Salted hashing is primarily used in password hashing. One such algorithm is the bcrypt algorithm.
Bcrypt Algorithm
The Bcrypt algorithm is based on the Blowfish encryption algorithm. bcrypt generates a unique salt (random string) for each password, and then the salt is combined with the password before hashing. This makes Bcrypt resistant to brute-force attacks.
How Bcrypt Works
Generating Salt:
Bcrypt generates a random salt that is 16 bytes long and typically in Base64 format.Hashing the given string:
The salt is combined with the password, and the resulting string is passed through the Blowfish encryption algorithm. bcrypt applies multiple rounds of hashing defined by the work factor. The high number of rounds makes it computationally expensive, which enhances its resistance to brute-force attacks.
The work factor, also known as cost, is defined by the logarithmic value of 2. If the cost is 12, this means 2^12 rounds. The higher the cost factor, the more time it takes to generate a hash, which in turn makes it harder for attackers to brute-force passwords.
Format and Length of Bcrypt Hash:
The given string consists of:
: bcrypt version12
is the cost factor (2^12
rounds)The next 22 characters (odwBFokG9vTK/BAaRXKKl.) are Base64-encoded salt
The remaining characters are the Base64-encoded hash of the password and salt.
Python Implementation of Bcrypt Algorithm
Required Dependencies
import hashlib
import os
import base64
Class Initialization
class Bcrypt:
def __init__(self, rounds=12, salt_length=22):
self.rounds = rounds
self.salt_length = salt_length
class encapsulates the functionality to hash and verify passwordsParameters:
rounds: this defines the work factor for the hash algorithm.
salt_length: this defines the length of salt string
Generating a Salt
def generate_salt(self, salt_length=None):
if salt_length is None:
salt_length = self.salt_length
return base64.b64encode(os.urandom(salt_length)).decode('utf-8')[:salt_length]
Function generate_salt creates a random salt, which will be a unique value that will be added to passwords to ensure that even identical passwords produce different hashes.
Hashing a Password
def bcrypt_hash(self, password, salt, cost):
password_salt = f'{password}{salt}'
password_salt = password_salt.encode('utf-8')
hashed_password_salt = hashlib.sha256(password_salt).hexdigest()
for _ in range(2**cost):
hashed_password_salt = hashlib.sha256(hashed_password_salt.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return hashed_password_salt
def hash_password(self, password, salt_length=None, cost=None):
if salt_length is None:
salt_length = self.salt_length
if cost is None:
cost = self.rounds
salt = self.generate_salt(salt_length)
hashed_password = self.bcrypt_hash(password, salt, cost)
return f'{cost}${salt}${hashed_password}'
Function bcrypt_hash securely hashes the password with the provided salt and cost factor.
and Function hash_password generates a secure hash for the given password with a random salt.
import hashlib
import os
import base64
class Bcrypt:
def __init__(self, rounds=12, salt_length=22):
self.rounds = rounds
self.salt_length = salt_length
def generate_salt(self, salt_length=None):
if salt_length is None:
salt_length = self.salt_length
return base64.b64encode(os.urandom(salt_length)).decode('utf-8')[:salt_length]
def bcrypt_hash(self, password, salt, cost):
password_salt = f'{password}{salt}'
password_salt = password_salt.encode('utf-8')
hashed_password_salt = hashlib.sha256(password_salt).hexdigest()
for _ in range(2**cost):
hashed_password_salt = hashlib.sha256(hashed_password_salt.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return hashed_password_salt
def hash_password(self, password, salt_length=None, cost=None):
if salt_length is None:
salt_length = self.salt_length
if cost is None:
cost = self.rounds
salt = self.generate_salt(salt_length)
hashed_password = self.bcrypt_hash(password, salt, cost)
return f'{cost}${salt}${hashed_password}'
def verify_password(self, password, hashed_password):
cost, salt, hashed_password = hashed_password.split('$')
cost = int(cost)
return hashed_password == self.bcrypt_hash(password, salt, cost)
bcrypt = Bcrypt()
password = 'vinayak'
hashed_password = bcrypt.hash_password(password)
print('string :', password, ' bcrypt hash :', hashed_password)
print('verify password :', bcrypt.verify_password(password, hashed_password))
print('verify invalid password :', bcrypt.verify_password('vinayak1', hashed_password))
string : vinayak bcrypt hash : 12$FxJAsfQ2+7WuMj+ZGPAdFE$546a20a2ad890186ab661cb4969e8651a6f75eb5d4ffa0706ba4153414b65ea5
verify password : True
verify invalid password : False
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Written by

Vinayak Sharma
Vinayak Sharma
Currently working as a Software Engineer, and possess strong knowledge and experience with python (flask/Django, selenium), javascript(node, loopback, node-red), and backend design and development.