How to Implement Type Safe Functions in JavaScript

Panth PatelPanth Patel
7 min read

Ever run into the issue where you can't make type-safe functions in JavaScript? So you switch to TypeScript, only to find out that types are just for development and don't actually validate function inputs or outputs! Then you end up using a validation library like Zod to solve it.

Now, if you want to add a caching layer to a function without messing with its code, you'll need to use higher-order functions.

What about adding static variables to a function and keeping them out of the global scope? Kind of like using the static keyword in a class.

And what if we could pass a context through the function call tree? We could group all this context.log stuff and maybe add context.dispose callbacks that get triggered when the original context source decides to dispose of them! This context could also have a shared state, either local to the function or global to the call tree.

Sounds awesome, right? Let's check out how can help us!

Function Design

  • We've kept it simple with a single argument, so all arguments are named.

  • Use name and namespace for a great debugging experience! You can also define them later in the code.

  • Define your input and output types using Zod! If you're using generators, also define yield and next schemas.

  • Create your own context-builder and pass it as buildContext, or just use our default one!

  • wrappers are local middleware. You can create higher-order functions and pass them as wrappers, which looks much clearer than the traditional approach!

  • Finally, we've got func for your implementation! You have access to context, input, and build, which makes your implementation super powerful and clear!

  • Add extra properties! It's up to you how you want them, and you can access these properties from build, just like using static in a class.

const getUser ={
    namespace: 'PgQuery', // optional
    name: 'getUser', // optional
    input: z.object({ userId: z.number().int().gt(0) }),
    output: z.object({ name: z.string(), ... }).optional(),
    static: { // add static variables
        db: new Pg.Pool(...),
    buildContext: YourCustomContextBuilder, // optional
    wrappers: (_params) => [FUNCTIONS.WRAPPERS.SafeParse({ _params })], // optional
    async func({ context, input, build }) {
        context.log('getting user', input.userId);
        const result = await build.db.query(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1`, [input.userId]);
        const user = result.rows[0];        
        if (!user) return undefined;
        context.log('found user',;
        return user;
getUser.getRef(); // 'PgQuery.getUser'
const user = await getUser({ context, input: { userId } });


What you pass as context in build then goes to the buildContext function, which creates a new context. The context is identified by its id, but you can have multiple contexts with the same id. I recommend creating one context with a unique ID for each task and passing that context to all other calls!

await FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.forTask('myId', function (context, done) {
    // use parent context as refrence
    const context1 = FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.fromParent(context, 'ref1');
    const context2 = FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.fromParent(context, 'ref2');
    console.log( // 'myId'
    console.log( === // true
    console.log(context === context2) // false 
    console.log(context.path) // []
    console.log(context2.path) // ['ref1', 'ref2']
}); // create a new context


console.log is cool, but you can't really tell which thread or task made the log! So, we came up with context.log.

FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.forTask('myId', function (context, done) {
    // get logs immediately on FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onLog
    context.log('Hi', 'World');

These logs don't show up in the console by default, so you might need to add a logger.

FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onLog(function (context, args) {
    console.log(, ...args);
(0 sec) myId Hi World


If you need to do some cleanup but don't want to slow down the main task, just add a callback to the dispose function. Whoever created the context in the first place should also handle disposing of it!

await FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.forTask('myId', function (context, done) {
    // just before this function is call, FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onCreate is called
    console.log('my implementation');
    context.dispose(() => TOOLS.delay(2_000).then(() => console.log('MyDispose1')));
    context.dispose(() => TOOLS.delay(2_000).then(() => console.log('MyDispose2')));
    // after the done call, FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onDispose is called
console.log('task completed!');

We have lifecycle hooks like FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext for when things are created and when they're disposed of.

FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onCreate(async function (context) {
    await TOOLS.delay(2_000);
    console.log('task',, 'started1');
FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onCreate(async function (context) {
    await TOOLS.delay(2_000);
    console.log('task',, 'started2');
FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onDispose(async function (context) {
    await TOOLS.delay(2_000);
    console.log('task',, 'ended1');
FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onDispose(async function (context) {
    await TOOLS.delay(2_000);
    console.log('task',, 'ended2');
(2 sec) task myId started1
(2 sec) task myId started2
(2 sec) my implementation
(4 sec) task myDispose1
(4 sec) task myDispose2
(6 sec) task myId ended1
(6 sec) task myId ended2
(6 sec) task completed!

Here's how it goes: first, we wait for all the FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onCreate callbacks to finish up (using Promise.allSettle), then we run the task. Once done is called, we wait for all the context.dispose callbacks to wrap up, and finally, we wait for all the FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.onDispose callbacks to finish.


We've got a state manager in context too. You can set up local state and even global state. Local state is specific to the context instance, while global state is available to all parent and child contexts.

const GlobalStateKey = FUNCTIONS.DefaultContextState.CreateKey<string>({
    label: 'MyGlobalState',
    scope: 'global',
const LocalStateKey = FUNCTIONS.DefaultContextState.CreateKey<number>({
    label: 'MyLocalState',
    scope: 'local',
FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.forTask('myId', function (context, done) {
    const context1 = FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.fromParent(context, 'ref1');
    const context2 = FUNCTIONS.DefaultContext.Builder.fromParent(context, 'ref2');
    console.log(context2.useState(GlobalStateKey).get()) // 's1'
    console.log(context2.useState(LocalStateKey).get()) // undefined
    console.log(context.useState(GlobalStateKey).get()) // 's2'
    console.log(context.useState(LocalStateKey).get()) // 1
    console.log(context2.useState(LocalStateKey).get()) // 2


We often use higher-order functions, like when we need to throttle by time or cache results. So, we came up with the idea of wrappers, which make implementing these functions super easy. (Wrappers run in the order you write them.)

const fib ={
    input: z.number(),
    output: z.number(),
    wrapper: (_params) => [
        // your custom wrapper
        function ({ context, input, func, build }) {
            console.log('start w1', input);
            const result = func({ context, input, build });
            console.log('end w1', input);
            return result;
        function ({ context, input, func, build }) {
            console.log('start w2', input);
            const result = func({ context, input, build });
            console.log('end w2', input);
            return result;
    func({ context, input, build }) {
        console.log('fib', input);
        if (input <= 2) return 1;
        return build({ context, input: input - 1 }) + build({ context, input: input - 2 });
fib({ context, input: 3 });
start w1 3
start w2 3
fib 3
start w1 2
start w2 2
fib 2
end w2 2
end w1 2
start w1 1
start w2 1
fib 1
end w2 1
end w1 1
end w2 3
end w1 3

Here are some of the ready-made wrappers:

  • FUNCTIONS.WRAPPERS.CloneData helps you copy inputs and outputs (and yields & next arguments in a generator).

  • FUNCTIONS.WRAPPERS.Debug lets you log your input/output and check if the time taken went over the set throttle time.

  • FUNCTIONS.WRAPPERS.MemoData helps you remember results in AsyncFunction and SyncFunction.

  • FUNCTIONS.WRAPPERS.SafeParse helps you parse your input/output.

name & namespace

These are optional parameters when building the function, but you can set them later using .setName & .setNamespace. I usually like to export all my functions from a directory and then gather them in a single index.ts. After that, I loop through all the functions and set namespace as the directory name and name as function aliases.

// --- pg/users.ts ---
export const getUser ={ ... });
export const getSubUsers ={ ... });
// --- pg/devices.ts ---
export const getDevices ={ ... });
export const updateDevice ={ ... });
// --- pg/_index.ts ---
export * from './a.ts';
export * from './b.ts';
// --- pg/index.ts ---
export * as Pg from './_index.ts';
import * as _Pg_ from './_index.ts';
const Pg = (_Pg_) as Record<string, any>;
for (const name in Pg) {

Extra Static Variables on Build

You can even throw in some extra variables during the build, and they'll stay attached to it.

const getUser ={
    static: {
        query: new QueryBuilder(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID = {{{SqlNum userId}}}`),
    async func({ context, input, build }) {
        const rows = await pg.query(build.query.compile(input))
getUser.query; // QueryBuilder

Schema of input & output (next & yield)

With FUNCTIONS, you can create SyncFunction, AsyncFunction, SyncGenerator, and AsyncGenerator. This lets you set up input, output, next, and yield schemas for better type safety while coding, using the declared Zod schema. To ensure they're safe at runtime, you need to add a parsing layer! That's where FUNCTIONS.WRAPPERS.SafeParse comes in handy!

Check out to make your project clearly coded instead of that clean coding nonsense...

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Written by

Panth Patel
Panth Patel