Getting Started with Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook on Windows for Python Programming

Getting started with Python programming can often feel overwhelming, especially when setting up the environment and managing libraries. This is where Anaconda shines. More than just a Python distribution, Anaconda provides a complete ecosystem tailored for data science, machine learning, and education. It comes pre-installed with essential libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, saving you the hassle of manual installations. The built-in Conda package manager simplifies dependency management, and tools like Jupyter Notebook and Spyder are ready to use out of the box. Anaconda streamlines everything, so you can focus on coding rather than configuration.

If Anaconda sets the stage, Jupyter Notebook brings the performance to life. Jupyter offers an interactive coding environment where you can write and execute code in small, manageable cells, see immediate results, and mix code with rich text and visualizations. This makes Jupyter ideal for teaching, learning, and data exploration. Its ability to seamlessly blend code, notes, and visuals transforms programming into an interactive experience, helping students grasp concepts more intuitively. Together, Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook eliminate the complexity of setup and make Python programming both accessible and engaging.

Downloading and Installing Anaconda Distribution

To begin your Python programming journey with ease, Anaconda provides an all-in-one toolkit. Here’s a step-by-step guide to downloading and installing Anaconda on a Windows machine.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Go to the Anaconda Downloads Page:
    Visit the official Anaconda downloads page at

  2. Download the Windows Installer:

    • On the downloads page, select the Windows version of the installer.

    • If you’re unsure, choose the 64-bit (Python 3.x) version for the latest Python environment.

  3. Install Anaconda:

    • Once the download is complete, double-click the installer to launch it.

    • Accept the License Agreement when prompted.

    • When asked about the installation type, select “Just Me” to install Anaconda for a single user.

    • When prompted about the installation location, you can keep the default directory or choose a different one.

    • An option to add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable will appear. This is optional but recommended for ease of use. However, be aware that adding Anaconda to PATH can affect other Python installations.

    • Click Install and wait for the process to complete.

  4. Complete Installation:

    • Once the installation finishes, click Finish to exit the installer.


To verify that Anaconda and Python have been installed correctly:

  1. Open the Anaconda Prompt:

    • Go to the Start Menu and search for “Anaconda Prompt”.

    • Click on it to launch.

  2. In the Anaconda Prompt, type the following commands to check the versions:

     conda --version
     python --version

    If the installation was successful, these commands will display the versions of Conda and Python.

Launching Anaconda Prompt from PowerShell

If you prefer using PowerShell instead of the Anaconda Prompt, you can activate the Anaconda environment directly in PowerShell by following these steps:

  1. Set Up Anaconda for PowerShell:
    After installation, Anaconda typically sets up a script to initialize the environment for PowerShell. To enable it:

    • Open PowerShell as an administrator.

    • Run the following command to enable the Conda script for PowerShell:

        conda init powershell
  2. Restart PowerShell:
    Close and reopen PowerShell for the changes to take effect.

  3. Activate the Base Environment:
    When you open PowerShell, it should automatically load the base Conda environment. If not, you can activate it manually:

     conda activate

Now, you can use Conda commands and run Python directly from PowerShell.

Launching Jupyter Notebook

After successfully installing Anaconda, launching Jupyter Notebook is straightforward. You can do this through Anaconda Navigator or the Anaconda Prompt. Let’s go through both methods step-by-step and understand the user interface in detail.

Using Anaconda Navigator

  1. Open Anaconda Navigator:

    • Click the Start Menu on your Windows taskbar.

    • Search for “Anaconda Navigator” and click to open it. This will launch the Anaconda Navigator interface, a graphical user interface (GUI) that helps manage your Anaconda environments and tools.

  2. Locate Jupyter Notebook:

    • On the Anaconda Navigator Home Page, you’ll see a list of available tools such as Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, Spyder, and others.

    • Find the tile labeled “Jupyter Notebook”.

  3. Launch Jupyter Notebook:

    • Click the “Launch” button under the Jupyter Notebook tile.

    • This action will open a new tab in your default web browser, displaying the Jupyter Notebook dashboard.

Using Anaconda Prompt

  1. Open Anaconda Prompt:

    • Click the Start Menu and search for “Anaconda Prompt”.

    • Click to open it. This will launch a command-line interface pre-configured for Anaconda.

  2. Launch Jupyter Notebook:

    • In the Anaconda Prompt, type the following command and press Enter:

        jupyter notebook
    • This command will start the Jupyter Notebook server and automatically open a new tab in your default web browser, showing the Jupyter Notebook dashboard.

Understanding the Jupyter Notebook Interface

Once Jupyter Notebook launches, you’ll see the Jupyter Dashboard in your browser. Let’s break down the key components:

  1. File Browser:

    • The main page displays a list of files and folders in the directory from which you launched Jupyter.

    • You can navigate through folders by clicking on their names.

    • You can also create new folders or rename/delete existing files by using the checkboxes and action buttons.

  2. Top Menu Bar:

    • Files: Allows you to create new notebooks or text files, upload files, and manage directories.

    • Running: Shows all currently running notebooks and terminals. You can shut them down from here.

    • Clusters: Not commonly used by beginners, but helpful for managing computational clusters.

  3. New Button:

    • Located on the top right corner, the “New” button allows you to create:

      • New Python 3 Notebook: Click on "Python 3" to create a new notebook.

      • Text File, Folder, Terminal: Create other file types or open a terminal.

  4. Kernel Selection:

    • When creating a new notebook, you’ll notice the kernel type (e.g., Python 3) displayed at the top right of the notebook interface.

    • You can change the kernel by going to Kernel → Change kernel if you have multiple environments installed.

  5. Notebook Tabs:

    • Each notebook you open appears in a new browser tab. This makes it easy to switch between different notebooks.
  6. Shutting Down:

    • To shut down a notebook, click the “Quit” button in the top-right corner of the dashboard.

    • Alternatively, in the notebook itself, go to File → Close and Halt.

Creating Your First Notebook

  1. From the Jupyter Dashboard, click “New” and select “Python 3”.

  2. A new notebook will open in a new tab. You’ll see a blank cell ready for input.

  3. Type a simple command like print("Hello, world!") and press Shift + Enter to execute the cell.

Creating and Opening Notebooks in Jupyter Notebook

Once you've launched Jupyter Notebook, you can easily create new notebooks or open existing ones. Let’s go through both processes in detail.

Creating a New Notebook

  1. Navigate to Your Desired Folder:

    • From the Jupyter Notebook dashboard (home screen), browse through the file explorer to the directory where you want to create your new notebook.

    • The file explorer functions like any standard file manager: click on folder names to navigate deeper or use the breadcrumb links at the top to go back.

  2. Create a New Notebook:

    • In the top-right corner of the dashboard, locate the “New” button.

    • Click “New” and select “Python 3” from the dropdown list.

    • This action creates a new notebook with a Python 3 kernel and opens it in a new browser tab.

  3. Notebook Interface:

    • Your new notebook will have a single blank cell ready for input. You can start typing Python code immediately.

    • To run the code in a cell, press Shift + Enter.

  4. Rename Your Notebook:

    • By default, the notebook is named something like "Untitled".

    • Click on the notebook’s title at the top (next to the Jupyter logo).

    • Enter a new name and click “Rename” to save it.

Opening an Existing Notebook

  1. Navigate to the File:

    • From the Jupyter Notebook dashboard, browse to the folder containing the notebook you want to open.

    • Look for files with the .ipynb extension, which stands for IPython Notebook.

  2. Open the Notebook:

    • Click on the notebook file name (e.g., example_notebook.ipynb).

    • The notebook will open in a new browser tab, ready for editing and execution.

Closing a Notebook

When you're done working with a notebook:

  • Click File → Close and Halt to close the notebook and stop its kernel.

  • Alternatively, return to the Jupyter Dashboard and click the “Shutdown” button next to the notebook name under the Running tab.

Navigating the Jupyter Interface

Once you've created or opened a notebook in Jupyter, understanding the interface is key to using it effectively. The interface is designed to be intuitive, combining code execution, documentation, and data visualization seamlessly. Let’s explore the key components in detail.

1. Toolbar

The toolbar, located at the top of the notebook, provides buttons for commonly used actions:

  • Save: Click the floppy disk icon or press Ctrl + S to save your notebook.

  • Cut, Copy, Paste: Use the scissors (cut), double-sheet (copy), and clipboard (paste) icons to manage cells.

  • Run Cell: The play button (triangle icon) runs the current cell and moves to the next one. You can also press Shift + Enter.

  • Stop Kernel: The square (stop) icon interrupts code execution if it’s taking too long.

  • Restart Kernel: The circular arrow icon restarts the kernel, clearing all variables and running states. Useful if your code behaves unexpectedly.

  • Add Cell: The + icon inserts a new cell below the current one.

  • Cell Up/Down: The up and down arrows move the selected cell up or down.

2. Cell Types

In Jupyter Notebook, each cell has a specific type, allowing you to mix code, text, and explanations within one document. You can change a cell's type using the dropdown menu in the toolbar or by using shortcuts.

  • Code Cells:
    These are the default cell types where you write and execute Python code. When you run a code cell, the output appears directly below it. For example:

      print("Hello, world!")
  • Markdown Cells:
    Use Markdown cells for adding text, explanations, and documentation. Markdown supports formatting like headings, lists, and LaTeX for equations. For example:

      ## This is a Markdown cell  
      You can write *formatted text* and include mathematical expressions:  
      \( E = mc^2 \)
  • To change a cell to Markdown:

    • Press Esc to enter command mode and then press M.

    • To revert to a code cell, press Y.

3. Kernel

The kernel is the computational engine that executes your code. In Jupyter, each notebook is associated with a kernel, typically Python 3.

  • Selecting a Kernel:
    The kernel type (e.g., Python 3) is displayed at the top-right corner of the notebook. You can change the kernel by selecting Kernel → Change kernel from the menu bar.

  • Restarting the Kernel:
    Sometimes, your notebook may encounter errors or you may want to clear all outputs and start fresh. In such cases, go to Kernel → Restart. This will reset the notebook’s state and clear all variable data.

  • Stopping the Kernel:
    If a cell is running indefinitely, stop execution by selecting Kernel → Interrupt or clicking the stop icon on the toolbar.

Essential Jupyter Shortcuts

Mastering shortcuts in Jupyter Notebook significantly enhances productivity. There are two modes in Jupyter: Command Mode (for notebook-level operations) and Edit Mode (for editing cell content). Switching between them effectively allows for a smoother workflow.

Command Mode (Press Esc)

When you press Esc, you enter Command Mode. In this mode, you can perform actions on cells:

  • A: Insert a new cell above the current cell.

  • B: Insert a new cell below the current cell.

  • D, D: Delete the selected cell (press D twice quickly).

  • M: Convert the current cell to a Markdown cell for writing notes and explanations.

  • Y: Convert the current cell back to a Code cell for writing Python code.

Edit Mode (Press Enter)

When you press Enter, you enter Edit Mode. In this mode, you can type and modify the content of cells:

  • Shift + Enter: Run the current cell and move to the next one. If it’s the last cell, a new cell is created.

  • Ctrl + Enter: Run the current cell and stay in the same cell.

  • Tab: Code completion – suggest methods or variable names based on what you've typed.

  • Shift + Tab: Display the function signature and documentation within a cell.

Basic Python Commands in Jupyter

Here are some simple Python examples you can try in Jupyter Notebook to get familiar with the interface.

Basic Math

You can execute arithmetic operations directly in a cell:

2 + 3




Store and print variables using simple assignments:

name = "Alice"
print(f"Hello, {name}!")


Hello, Alice!

Loop Example

Use loops to iterate and print values:

for i in range(5):



Plot Example

Generate basic plots using matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sample data
plt.plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])

This creates a simple line plot. The output graph will be displayed directly beneath the cell.

Saving and Exporting Notebooks

Saving a Notebook

To save your work in Jupyter Notebook:

  • Press Ctrl + S to save the current notebook.

  • Alternatively, click the floppy disk icon in the toolbar to save the notebook.

  • Notebooks are saved with the .ipynb extension, preserving both your code and outputs.

Exporting a Notebook

You can export your Jupyter notebook to different formats for sharing or presenting your work:

  1. Go to the menu bar and click File → Download As.

  2. Choose your desired export format:

    • HTML: Export as a web-friendly .html file.

    • PDF: Export as a printable .pdf file.

    • Python: Export as a .py script containing the code only.

  3. The exported file will be saved in your default download location.

Shutting Down Jupyter Notebook

To properly close Jupyter Notebook and free up system resources, follow these steps:

Close an Individual Notebook

  1. In the notebook, go to File → Close and Halt.

  2. This stops the notebook’s kernel and closes the tab.

Shutdown the Jupyter Server

  1. Return to the Jupyter dashboard (home screen).

  2. Click the “Quit” button in the top-right corner.

  3. In the terminal window where you started Jupyter, press Ctrl + C.

  4. Confirm the shutdown by typing y when prompted.

Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook together offer a powerful platform for Python programming, making it easier to manage libraries, explore code interactively, and visualize results in real time. Anaconda streamlines the setup process by bundling essential libraries and tools, while Jupyter Notebook transforms coding into an engaging experience with its intuitive interface, interactive cells, and seamless integration of code and documentation.

To truly grasp the power of these tools, dive in and start experimenting. Try out basic Python commands, create visualizations, and document your thought process in Markdown cells. As you build your first project notebook, you'll discover how coding, learning, and sharing knowledge can blend into an enriching experience. The best way to learn is by doing—so launch Jupyter, write some code, and let curiosity guide you!

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Written by

Jyotiprakash Mishra
Jyotiprakash Mishra

I am Jyotiprakash, a deeply driven computer systems engineer, software developer, teacher, and philosopher. With a decade of professional experience, I have contributed to various cutting-edge software products in network security, mobile apps, and healthcare software at renowned companies like Oracle, Yahoo, and Epic. My academic journey has taken me to prestigious institutions such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison and BITS Pilani in India, where I consistently ranked among the top of my class. At my core, I am a computer enthusiast with a profound interest in understanding the intricacies of computer programming. My skills are not limited to application programming in Java; I have also delved deeply into computer hardware, learning about various architectures, low-level assembly programming, Linux kernel implementation, and writing device drivers. The contributions of Linus Torvalds, Ken Thompson, and Dennis Ritchie—who revolutionized the computer industry—inspire me. I believe that real contributions to computer science are made by mastering all levels of abstraction and understanding systems inside out. In addition to my professional pursuits, I am passionate about teaching and sharing knowledge. I have spent two years as a teaching assistant at UW Madison, where I taught complex concepts in operating systems, computer graphics, and data structures to both graduate and undergraduate students. Currently, I am an assistant professor at KIIT, Bhubaneswar, where I continue to teach computer science to undergraduate and graduate students. I am also working on writing a few free books on systems programming, as I believe in freely sharing knowledge to empower others.