React Native App - Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance

One of the most popular gladiators in the cross-platform app development space has been React Native. React Native, which is owned by Facebook, provides developers and companies with a number of advantages.

The whole process of creating cross-platform apps is made easy, clear, and linear by React Native.

React Native is used in the development of some of the most well-known mobile applications, including those from Tesla, Walmart, Uber Eats, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

React Native: What is it?

Facebook owns the open-source, JavaScript-based React Native framework. It facilitates the creation of cross-platform apps for iOS and Android by developers.

Code may be written once, and developers can utilize the same codebase to create apps for other platforms. For instance, you may utilize the same codebase to create an iOS app if you have already built the code for an Android device.

Facebook also owns the well-known React library, which serves as the foundation for React Native. Developers can create high-performing, feature-rich, native-like mobile applications that beautifully support business objectives using React Native's extensive feature set.

React Native's greatest feature is that it eliminates the need for developers to create distinct code for every platform. It significantly reduces expenses and time.

In order to create native-like applications, React Native also gives you access to native APIs and components, such as contacts, mobile cameras, and geolocation. Additionally, React Native offers cross-platform compatibility for well-known frameworks like Redux and an easy-to-use UI library.

For developers, React Native streamlines the whole app development process. Complex features may be implemented using code in OS-native languages. For instance, it provides code implementation in Java and Kotlin for Android and Swift and Objective-C for iOS.

What Advantages Does React Native Offer?

Let's now quickly go over React Native's advantages.

#1. Reusability of Code

You may use a single codebase to create two or more apps using React Native. It is React Native's greatest benefit, particularly for businesses with limited resources and short turnaround times.

Hiring different teams for iOS and Android applications is not necessary. For any cross-platform app development project, you must work with React Native developers.

#2. Reloading

Hot It is yet another helpful React Native feature. Developers may see code changes in real time without refreshing thanks to the Hot Reloading functionality. It enables developers to get immediate feedback about code modifications they have made.

Efficiency and production rise as a consequence. Additionally, by removing the requirement for complete compilations, you will just need to reload certain code segments, saving you time.

#3. Performance

Another benefit of React Native is its performance. Because of its bridge approach, React Native applications function as close to a native user experience as possible. React Native applications don't take longer to load, and even the most complicated features function flawlessly.

#4. Cost-Effectiveness

Cost is the primary driver behind a company's decision to build cross-platform apps. React Native's code reusability feature significantly lowers the cost of developing apps.

In contrast to native app development, which requires two distinct teams for iOS and Android, React Native app development may be completed by a small team.

#5. Community Assistance

The vibrant React Native community serves as a resource for all React Native developers throughout the globe. It provides many resources to support developers as well. Developers are contributing to the continuously growing community.

Additionally, since Facebook owns it, they provide a variety of features and enhancements to expand the network. You will get assistance if you run into any problems.

#6. Always

Changing Despite being a relatively new network, React Native is becoming more and more well-known worldwide since it is the most dynamic framework. Facebook often creates updates and new features to assist developers in creating very robust and feature-rich mobile apps.

Testing React Native Apps

Apps must be fully tested in a variety of settings before being deployed. Before publishing the React Native app, all of its features and functions must be examined.

Developers use a variety of techniques for quality assurance and testing with React Native.

✓ Testing Units

Unit testing is used by developers to test discrete React Native code units or components. Developers often utilize testing libraries like Jest, Enzyme, or React Testing Library for testing React Native apps.

Unit testing's primary goal is to make sure every React component operates as intended. It also assesses whether or not certain tasks operate precisely and flawlessly.

✓ Testing for Integration

Another app testing technique is integration testing, which makes sure that all of the interactions and interconnections between different React Native modules or components work as intended. It is a comprehensive method of figuring out how the system will behave.

To make sure the app's integrated components are functioning properly, developers examine and validate how various modules and components interact with one another. The most popular integration testing framework that developers use for this is called Detox.

✓ Testing Snapshots

One of the most important testing techniques for React Native and other JavaScript-based development frameworks is snapshot testing. Ensuring the consistency of user interface elements across several renderings throughout time is the primary goal of snapshot testing.

The UI component is captured as a snapshot, which developers use as a point of reference. After a while, a second test is run, and the outcome is contrasted with the first picture.

The actual behavior of the user interface serves as the reference point. If these two snapshots vary in any way, it simply indicates that the testing was unsuccessful since the user interface has undergone significant modification.

Let's talk about the Snapshot Testing procedure.

#1. Configuring the Testing Environment

Developers must first install a testing library such as Jist. You may create a testing environment for your app code using the library. Other testing tools, such as react-test-renderer, are also available.

#2. Component for Rendering

You must create a test case for the aforementioned testing tool that renders the component you need to test.

This tool will now render the component using the Virtual DOM and provide you with a number of ways to work with and see the produced result. A snapshot will be captured throughout this rendering phase and stored in a specific file.

#3. Further Test Runs

A snapshot of the freshly generated output will be recorded for every future run, and it will be compared to the reference point. The test is deemed unsuccessful if they don't match. The test is considered successful if they match.

#4. Changing the Snapshots

This is important now. You must update the snapshot if you have made any modifications to the user interface. This may be accomplished using a flag such as -u or --updateSnapshot. It will replace the old snapshot with the updated one.

✓ Comprehensive Testing

The primary goal of this test, also known as E2E testing, is to examine the application's whole process. This is mostly done from the viewpoint of the user.

Developers will verify that the application and all of its components are functioning flawlessly. To make sure the app works and acts as intended, the user interface, features, and functionalities are all extensively tested. Appium and Detox are two technologies that developers may use for E2E testing.

Deploying React Native Apps

Another major undertaking is deploying the React Native app, particularly for the Apple App Store. What should be considered before deploying an application? It is covered in depth in this section.

✓ Android React Native

App Deployment Prior to deployment, your app has to be digitally signed, which includes a certificate. A release key that can be used for all future upgrades must be used to sign it. App Signing, a function that automatically handles signing releases, was added to the Google Play Store in 2017.

Also, before you can deploy your React Native app, it has to be signed with an upload key. The "Signing Your Applications" page has further information about it.

#1. Create an Upload Key

To create an upload key, you may use Keytool, a private signing tool.

Regarding Windows:

You must use C:\Program Files\Java\jdkx.x.x_x\bin to launch the Windows keytool.

You will be asked for the keystore and key passwords after executing this command. The keystore will then be created as a file named my-upload-key.keystore.

The validity of this key is 10,000 days.

#2. Configuring Gradle

Variables The aforementioned keystore has to be placed in the Android/app directory inside your project folder in order to configure Gradle variables.

The file must now be edited to include the following.

FILE=my-upload-key.keystore MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE_FILE


Password for MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE=*****


You must substitute your keystore password, alias, and key password for *****.

The app may be signed using these Gradle variables that are available for usage in Gradle settings.

#3. Including Signing

Config in the Gradle Config of Your App It is necessary to prepare release builds for signing using the upload key. The following signature configuration must be used.




defaultConfig {... ~

signingConfigs {


if ('MYAPP_UPLOAD_STORE_FILE') in project.hasProperty) {








buildTypes {



The signingConfig.release file





#4. Producing the AAB

Release You must enter the following command in the terminal:

--mode=release npx react-native build-android

With this command, you may bundle all of the JavaScript needed to execute your app into the Android App Bundle using Gradle's bundleRelease. The produced AAB is now available for upload to Google Play at android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab.

✓ Deploying React Native Apps on iOS

You will need to take into account many factors while publishing the iOS software to the Apple software Store.

#1. Turn on App Transport Security.

With iOS 9, Apple introduced the ATS (App Transport Security) capability. All HTTP requests that are not transmitted over HTTPS are rejected by this feature. This functionality is disabled for localhost in React Native applications to streamline the development process.

Before beginning the app development production, the localhost entry must be deleted. NSAllowsArbitraryLoads may be adjusted to false in your info.plist file by going to NSExceptionDomains.

#2. Set up the Release

Plan In order to create an app for distribution, you will require the release plan in Xcode. The in-app Dev Menu will be immediately disabled. In production, users won't be able to access this menu. Additionally, it will assist developers in locally bundling JavaScript for computer-free app testing.

You must do as instructed:

Scheme → Product → Edit Scheme

Send the Build Configuration dropdown to Release after choosing the Run tab from the slidebar.

You should keep in mind that a blank screen will display between your splash screen and root app view as soon as your app bundle begins to expand. The code that follows may be used to maintain your splash screen.

// Put this code before "return YES;" and after "[self.window makeKeyAndVisible]".

[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"LaunchScreen" bundle:nil]; UIStoryboard *sb =

[sb instantiateInitialViewController]; UIViewController *vc =

vc.view = rootView.loadingView;

#3. Create a Releaseable

App Building your app for release is now simple. You may choose Product–Build from the menu bar or press Cmd ⌘ + B. After that, you may publish the app to the App Store and provide it to beta testers.

You may adhere to these rules once the app has undergone extensive testing.

You must first open your terminal, go to the iOS folder, and type OPEN. To start XCode, double-click on the name of your application at YOUR_APP_NAME.xcworkspace. Click Product → Archive now. Select "Any iOS Device (arm64)" on the device. After the archiving process is complete, choose Distribute App. Click App Store Connect if you want to publish the app on the App Store. After selecting Upload, choose Next. You must choose between manually managing signing and automatically managing signing, depending on your company requirements. Click "Upload" now. The software is available on the software Store Connect under TestFlight. Once all the information has been entered, you may choose the app build in the Build Section and click Save → Submit For Review.

Maintenance of React Native Apps

Maintaining React Native is essential for steady user interaction. Long-term success and customer happiness will result from it.

To maintain users' attention, the app must be regularly monitored and new updates must be released. Additionally, developers must maintain the software to sometimes correct mistakes and bugs. This way, you don't have to spend a lot of money in a short period of time.

Regular app maintenance might provide significant returns on your investment. However, you will have to deal with the following consequences if you don't keep up your application:

Due to security flaws, your app may experience security breaches. Your app may not be operating at its best. There will be frequent application outages. You might lose money. There may be hazards associated with legal and regulatory compliance. This set of React Native maintenance advice will help you keep your app in good condition and save money.

✓ Module and Clean

Code Having a clean module code might be useful while doing maintenance. The codebase is simple for developers to read, comprehend, and alter. Additionally, developers will be able to work together creatively if the code is clean.

During the maintenance procedure, it will reduce risks and mistakes. You can maintain your app more effectively and save a lot of money on maintenance by using clean coding practices.

You can adhere to clean code standards:

Use descriptive variable and function names to make the code easier to understand. To make complicated code legible, divide it up into manageable, reusable modules. Adhere to indentation guidelines and code practices to maintain uniformity. Add comments to provide clarifications. To make the code clear, simple, and manageable, refactor and eliminate unnecessary parts.

✓ Frequent testing and bug correction

Regular testing and issue fixes are another technique to save maintenance expenses. It gives the app stability and dependability. Additionally, you may stop minor flaws from growing into larger problems by finding and fixing them. It is important for developers to realize that testing and issue fixes are continuous processes.

Here are some pointers:

To find problems and defects, use automated testing frameworks. Create a bug-tracking system to find and rank bugs that have been reported. To find any mistakes and defects, do frequent code reviews with the development teams. Request user opinions about the features and functionality of the app. Assign resources and maintain reasonable deadlines to fix defects in a proactive manner.

✓ Ongoing React Native Integration and Deployment

To make maintenance easier, develop the practice of continuous integration and deployment. By automating the build, testing, and deployment procedures, you may have a more efficient workflow.

It enables developers to swiftly find and address faults and update the application as necessary. Here are some pointers:

Make use of several CI/CD tools, such as CircleCI, Travis CI, and Jenkins. Use several automated testing frameworks, such as Enzyme or Jest. Employ containerization strategies to provide consistent app development and efficient processes. To handle code changes, use version control systems.

✓ Information and Document Exchange

Having advanced documentation makes it simple to design and maintain apps. The primary goal of documentation is to provide developers with points of reference for the features, architecture, and code structure of the application.

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Written by

Syed Zohaib Akhter
Syed Zohaib Akhter

A highly skilled software developer with a strong foundation in designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. Proficient in multiple programming languages and frameworks, including Java, Python, and JavaScript. Experienced in utilizing industry best practices and coding standards to deliver high-quality code. Collaborative team player with excellent problem-solving and communication skills, able to work effectively in cross-functional teams. Passionate about continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in software development.