CTF: How it Works đŸš©

Kaustubh RaiKaustubh Rai
11 min read

College students or most people, in general, are drawn to hacking as they want to feel the rush of excitement that comes from hacking something.

But their general idea of what hacking is often coming from seeing it done in a movie, television, or a video game. The problem is, they often show it wrongly. Hacking isn’t typing faster than the other person or solving a puzzle by rotating objects. It takes much longer than that and requires a lot of patience (Reading this article is also gonna require you a lot of patience 😛).

CTF players are often newbies and a CTF is meant for them as an introduction to the world of cybersecurity.

So what is a CTF?

A CTF stands for Capture The Flag1. It’s like a puzzle to solve but instead of a puzzle we are given an IP address, an image, some code or a software or literally anything and you have to work your way around using Google as your best friend and your skills in Bash Scripting and Linux. It’s like when a little bird is pushed out of the nest and it has to learn to fly by itself, you are expected to use your skills and find the flag and then using what you have learned you have to apply them to defend your companies against hackers or in Layman’s terms you can call it a hacking competition.

CTF is somewhat held in high regard if you run in the cyber-security community. It tests your skills to outthink, outsmart, and most importantly outhack any situation given to you.

You have to apply real-world hacking tools to infiltrate a computer system, find intentionally placed vulnerabilities, and exploit them to capture a flag. You then submit this flag so that you get points.


Each challenge is usually oriented around a single concept. By solving challenges, you (hopefully!) learn about a new concept, vulnerability, tool, class of attack, etc. A CTF can be performed individually or in a team(it’s hard finding security nerds).

CTF Styles

There are three common types of CTFs: Jeopardy, Attack-Defence, and mixed.

Most CTFs are “jeopardy style”, meaning that there are a handful of categories, and each of the (typically standalone) challenges falls into one of those categories.

The categories vary from CTF to CTF, but typically include:

  • RE (Reverse Engineering): get a binary and reverse engineer it to find a flag.

  • PWN: get a binary and a link to a program running on a remote server. Cause a buffer overflow, etc. to bypass normal functionality and get the program to read the flag to you.

  • Crypto: crypto means cryptography! Get an encrypted flag and figure out how to decrypt it (includes both classical and modern ciphers).

  • Web: web-based challenges where you are directed to a website, and you have to find and exploit a vulnerability (SQL injection, XSS, etc.) to get a flag.

  • Forensics/Steganography: given a file, image, audio, or other files, find a hidden message and get the flag.

  • Other: this is a bit of a grab bag. Includes random puzzles, electronics-based things, OSINT2, anything that doesn’t fit into the other categories.


The next task in the chain can be opened only after someone or a team solve the previous task.

Attack-defence is another interesting kind of CTF, can not be done by a single individual it needs a team. Here every team has its’s own network(or only one host) with vulnerable services. Your team has time for patching their own services and protecting it while also attacking other servers. You should protect your own services for defense points and hack opponents for attack points.

Possible formats in Mixed competitions may vary. It may be something like wargame with special time for task-based elements.

Logistics and How to Find CTFs

Wait! Now before you go any further

It’s definitely more fun to play with friends or even internet strangers. Playing with other people means that you can help each other, support each other when you make progress, get a new tool working, or find a flag
 or when you don’t. Especially when you’re new, CTFs can feel like repeatedly banging your head against the wall (there’s so much to learn in this field!). Having others to play alongside can definitely help lift that emotional burden when things aren’t going well, and give you people to celebrate with when you make a breakthrough.


There are online groups that are open to beginners. A shortlist includes :

If there’s anybody interested in teaming up you can try Slack/Discord for local security meet-up groups. The same goes for university groups if you’re a student, as there are often other people looking for teammates. Use them to meet other hackers/coders who can mentor you.

Where to find CTFs?

There are in-person CTFs throughout the year, plus many at conferences. There are also online CTFs which run for 1-3 days, some go for a week. CTF Time provides you with a list of upcoming events. Some CTFs and CTF platforms are available online, year-round.

  • OverTheWire “Bandit” is a good option if you want to learn Linux commands through a beginner-friendly game. It has a number of other great ‘wargames’ as well like Natas, Narnia, Maze. Each wargame has some levels, you pass one level to continue to the next.

  • HTB, the most popular platform which includes both “Jeopardy” style challenges and network pentesting VMs3 for you to attack. You have to hack this site just to make an account on this platform (hint: find the login portal). After you do that, try solving the retired machines to gain confidence and then move on to the active ones.


You can try solving above machines from the 2 columns first as they are the easy ones. These boxes are all retired. While hacking these machines, keep in mind that you have to first connect to them using OpenVPN (I did not know this and it gave me a lot of headaches). Remember to visit the Starting Point page to understand everything on the platform.

  • VulnHub’tis the same as HTB, it also has vulnerable machines for you to practice on. There are many blogs on how to start and how to solve such machines. I would suggest reading at least blogs for 5 machines and then try to understand the approach for starting on these machines.


This Google Sheet has VulnHub and HTB boxes, it is kept updated by the fellow InfoSec people.

  • picoCTF is technically an event in the fall, but the challenges remain open year-round. This is probably my top recommendation for a beginner Jeopardy-style CTF.

Other multi-category platforms (paid and free) include Root Me, Escalate, Pen Tester Lab, 24/7 CTF, Hacker101, and CTFLearn. There are many more
 if you’re a beginner, leverage these to get access to many different types of challenges in each category to determine what you like, and build up a knowledge base (Hacker101 has a few Android challenges).

Now before even trying to attend a CTF or hack a machine, you must have a basic knowledge in programming or know your way around a Linux machine. Learning Linux could be hard for some people, Learn Linux is a guided room designed to teach you all the basic fundamentals of Linux that you need to get started.

Do this and you are ahead of the curve (I have wasted a lot of time focusing on redundant things and getting stuck in these basic steps).

And now the Resource List for each category!


In industry, RE skills are used for vulnerability research. You might be given a software program and asked to find vulnerabilities (without having source code). Similarly, malware research involves a lot of reverse engineering. It’s a bit more niche than its inclusion in CTFs would lead you to believe, but still a challenging/fun category.


It is daunting to get started in reverse engineering, if you have little or no experience in low-level programming languages like assembly. As you get started, try to find something in the code to orient yourself
 a call to a standard library function (read, scanf, printf, etc.), comments, strings, etc.

This article covers most of the resources that you are going to need for RE, but here’s my shortlist.

  • Learning by doing: Microcorruption is a game where you try to reverse engineer (fictitious) Bluetooth locks of increasing difficulty. It’s all in-browser (which means no-tool setup) and has a tutorial level that introduces you to some of the assembly and environment.

  • Learning by reading: Hacking: The Art of Exploitation and then Practical Binary Analysis. Hacking: The Art of Exploitation takes you from a very basic level through C, assembly, program memory, exploits, and much more.

  • Learning by watching: Live Overflow has a great series on binary exploitation.


You’ll be given a program to RE, a server and a port to connect to. The server is running that same program and has a file that contains the flag (usually called flag.txt). These challenges are a way to learn about secure coding (typically in C), as some sort of vulnerability will let you redirect the program flow to do something else (give you a flag). This category is probably what people think of when they think of (stereotypical) hacking.

The learning curve is a bit steep as these challenges are more multi-disciplinary.

  • Learning by doing: Pwnable.kr, pwnable.xyz and pwnable.tw are all geared towards beginners.

  • Learning by reading: Same as RE.

  • Learning by watching: Same as RE.


Encrypting (and decrypting) data in order to allow for its secure transmission and storage. Most challenges revolve around either decrypting a ciphertext using a classical cipher (Caesar, Vignere, etc.) or finding a flaw in the implementation of a modern cipher.

While jobs in cryptography are pretty niche (NSA?), knowing how cryptography works can be very beneficial to those developing software, or playing defense, as exploiting human error (in implementation) is far more likely than exploiting a flaw in a proven cryptographic system. That’s why you should “never roll your own crypto.” : )


  • Learning by doing: If you have the patience to learn to program while also learning cryptography, visit CryptoPals. It’s a step-by-step set of exercises that “demonstrate attacks on real-world crypto.” Think Project Euler, but for cryptography.

  • Learning by reading: The Code Book, it’s a cat-and-mouse type story about cryptography through the ages, it’s not super technical but really fun. For a more technical introduction, check out Crypto 101, a free PDF book. Then, if you still want more, check out No Starch Press Serious Cryptography.

  • Learning by watching: Christof Paar’s Introduction to Cryptography videos, there’s also a Coursera Cryptography Series offered by Standford.


This covers any sort of web-based vulnerabilities and exploits. This includes different forms of injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), insecure direct object references (IDOR), and so on.

In terms of the InfoSec industry, web hacking could get you a job in AppSec (application security) or web-based pen-testing. It might also be useful to those who want to do bug bounty, as several bounty programs focus on web targets. If you’re a web developer, developing web hacking skills could help you create a more secure codebase at your job.

  • Learning by doing: OWASP has a number of intentionally vulnerable projects. One of them is JuiceShop, an intentionally vulnerable website that teaches you about many common web vulnerabilities. You can download the image from their website, and run it locally (or deploy it somewhere like Heroku).

  • Learning by reading: Web Application Hacker’s Handbook

  • Learning by watching: This introductory course on web hacking which covers (in varying extents) HTML/CSS/JS, the HTTP protocol, cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery. Once you get past those, this has more advanced browser exploitation.

Forensics / Stego

Steganography (not to be confused with stenography) is the art of concealing a message (or file, image, etc.) within another message (or file, image, etc.). In CTFs, this category often contains other digital forensics challenges, and might be called either “Stego” or “Forensics”.

In the industry, stego and forensics skills can have a wide range of applications including digital forensics, incident response, data loss protection, and malware detection.

This image has a flag in it.

P.S - I wasn’t able to solve this problem in an in-person CTF. If anyone of you is able to, share how you did it 😝.

  • Learning by doing: A multi-category site like PicoCTF and Hack The Box and try some stego challenges.

  • Learning by reading: Trail of Bits has a fantastic CTF guide that will cover some basic stego concepts.

  • Learning by watching: Welp I’m lacking ideas here. : ( Send me a link if you know of a good beginner stego/forensics series online!


TL;DR and thoughts

  1. CTFs are competitions that teach you hacking skills through different types of challenges.

  2. Jeopardy-style CTFs are the most common and typically cover five major categories: RE, Pwn, Crypto, Web, and Stego.

  3. If you don’t know what category/categories interest you, try a bit of everything and then deep dive into your favorite areas.

  4. Try to read past CTF’s writeups or watch videos of how it’s solved.

  5. CTFs are more fun when you do them with friends!

Don’t bediscouraged if (when) you get stuck. Everyone starts somewhere, and even if you don’t solve a challenge, you can still learn something valuable and gain enough knowledge so that the next challenge is a bit easier. Infosec is a huge field that draws upon many different skills, and there’s a lot to learn. I’m just a undergrad student and I’ve got a long road ahead. And as always, Google ftw.

Happy CTFing!



  1. flag - a string of code that proves you discovered the flaw. ↩

  2. OSINT - the art of googling to find something useful about something or somebody ↩

  3. VM - a virtual environment that functions as a virtual computer, VMs allow multiple different operating systems to run simultaneously on a single computer ↩

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Written by

Kaustubh Rai
Kaustubh Rai

Application Security Engineer