Understanding JWT Access and Refresh Tokens

4 min read

If you've ever logged into a website and remained signed in, you've likely benefited from something called tokens, specifically JWT (JSON Web Token) access and refresh tokens. Let's break it down in simple terms.

What is a JWT?

A JWT is a compact, secure way to transmit information between two parties, like a user and a server. It's essentially a string of characters that contains information (like your user ID) and can be easily verified.

Think of a JWT as a ticket to prove who you are when accessing a service.

The Two Key Players: Access Token and Refresh Token

JWTs come in two flavors: Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens. They serve different but complementary purposes.

1. Access Token

  • What it does: It's like a key that lets you access a specific service, such as viewing your profile or checking your emails.

  • Lifespan: Short-lived (usually a few minutes to a few hours). This limits the risk if it gets stolen.

  • Example use case: When you visit a page, the server checks your access token to ensure you're authorized.

2. Refresh Token

  • What it does: It's like a backup key that lets you request a new access token without logging in again.

  • Lifespan: Long-lived (days or weeks) but is stored securely and used sparingly.

  • Example use case: If your access token expires, the refresh token is used to get a new one behind the scenes, so you stay logged in.

Why Two Tokens?

Having both tokens improves security and usability:

  • Security: If an access token is compromised, its short lifespan limits the damage. The refresh token, being long-lived, is stored more securely (e.g., in a secure HTTP-only cookie).

  • Usability: You don’t have to log in repeatedly because the refresh token silently gets new access tokens for you.

How It Works

  1. Login: When you log in, the server gives you an access token and a refresh token.

  2. Accessing Resources: Your app sends the access token to the server whenever you make a request.

  3. Token Expiry: If the access token expires, the app uses the refresh token to get a new one.

  4. Logout or Expiry: If both tokens expire, you'll need to log in again.

Simple Analogy

Imagine checking into a hotel:

  • Your access token is like the room key card. It allows you to access your room and maybe other amenities like the gym or pool. However, if it stops working (e.g., it expires after your checkout time), you can’t use it anymore.

  • Your refresh token is like the booking confirmation email. If your key card stops working or you lose it, you can show the confirmation at the front desk to get a new key card without needing to rebook the entire stay.

This system ensures you have quick access to your room while limiting risks if the key card is lost or stolen

Best Practices

  1. Secure Storage: Store tokens securely (e.g., use secure cookies for refresh tokens and local storage for access tokens).

  2. Short Expiry for Access Tokens: Keep access tokens short-lived to minimize risk.

  3. Rotate Refresh Tokens: Replace refresh tokens periodically for added security.

  4. Revoke When Necessary: If a token is stolen or compromised, ensure there’s a way to revoke it.

Final Thoughts

JWT access and refresh tokens make authentication secure and seamless. By using them, apps can strike a balance between user convenience and system security. Understanding how they work can help you build better, safer applications.

Feel free to dive deeper, but for now, you're already ahead of the game!

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to Hitesh Choudhary . I learned so much from their YouTube videos, especially on topics like JWT access and refresh tokens. Their in-depth explanations and practical examples helped me truly understand how these work in real-world applications. The way they break down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps is unmatched. Their content feels like having a mentor right beside you, guiding you through industry-level practices. Thank you for creating such high-quality resources and empowering developers like me to grow!

Hitesh sir's video of Implementing the Jwt tokens

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