I Used to Overload My Browser with Events – Here’s What I Learned

Darshit AnjariaDarshit Anjaria
5 min read

Modern web applications often rely on high-frequency events such as scroll, resize, mousemove, or input to provide interactive user experiences. However, firing too many function calls for these events can degrade performance, strain network resources, and lead to a sluggish user experience.

To tackle this, developers often rely on debouncing or throttling techniques to control how frequently functions are executed in response to such events.

In this article, we’ll break down these two approaches, explore their differences, and provide practical examples to help you implement them effectively in JavaScript.

Why Control High-Frequency Events?

Events like scroll, mousemove, and input can trigger functions hundreds of times in a very short period. For example:

  • Tracking a user’s mouse position with mousemove.

  • Fetching API results while typing in a search bar (input event).

  • Adjusting UI elements during a resize event.

Without optimization, these events can overload your browser’s main thread, cause network congestion, or execute resource-intensive operations repeatedly.

By using debouncing or throttling, you can limit the number of times a function executes, leading to smoother and more efficient applications.

What is Debouncing?

Debouncing ensures that a function is executed only after a specified delay since the last time the event was triggered. If the event continues to occur, the timer resets.

This is particularly useful for scenarios where you want to delay execution until the user stops performing an action.

Example: Debounce a Search Input

Imagine a user typing into a search bar that triggers an API call for every keystroke. Without debouncing, it may fire hundreds of API requests.

Here’s how you can debounce the input event:

function debounce(func, delay) {
  let timer;
  return function (...args) {
    clearTimeout(timer); // Reset the timer
    timer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(this, args), delay);

// Usage
const searchInput = document.getElementById("search");

function fetchSearchResults(query) {
  console.log("Fetching results for:", query);

const debouncedFetch = debounce(fetchSearchResults, 500);

searchInput.addEventListener("input", (e) => {

How it Works:

  • debounce accepts a function (func) and a delay in milliseconds.

  • Every time the input event fires, the previous timer resets.

  • The function executes only if no further events occur within the specified delay (500ms in this example).

Use Cases for Debouncing:

  • Search suggestions (fetching results only after the user pauses typing).

  • Window resize events (e.g., repositioning elements after the resize finishes).

  • Form validation on input fields.

What is Throttling?

Throttling ensures that a function executes at regular intervals, regardless of how many times the event is triggered.

Unlike debouncing, throttling does not delay execution until the user stops an action but instead ensures a consistent rate of execution.

Example: Throttle a Scroll Event

Imagine an event listener on the scroll event that updates some UI elements. Without throttling, it could fire dozens of times per second, overwhelming your app.

Here’s how you can throttle the scroll event:

function throttle(func, limit) {
  let lastFunc;
  let lastTime;
  return function (...args) {
    const now = Date.now();
    if (!lastTime || now - lastTime >= limit) {
      func.apply(this, args);
      lastTime = now;
    } else {
      lastFunc = setTimeout(() => {
        func.apply(this, args);
        lastTime = Date.now();
      }, limit - (now - lastTime));

// Usage
const handleScroll = () => {
  console.log("Scroll event triggered at", new Date().toLocaleTimeString());

const throttledScroll = throttle(handleScroll, 200);

window.addEventListener("scroll", throttledScroll);

How it Works:

  • throttle accepts a function (func) and a time limit in milliseconds.

  • The function executes at most once in every specified interval (200ms in this example).

  • If events continue to fire, the remaining calls are queued up and executed at the next allowable interval.

Use Cases for Throttling:

  • Scroll events (e.g., lazy-loading images or updating the position of UI elements).

  • Mousemove events (e.g., tracking cursor movement or triggering animations).

  • Resize events (e.g., updating element positions periodically).

Debounce vs Throttle: Key Differences

Execution TimingExecutes after a delay since the last event.Executes at regular intervals.
Behavior on EventsTimer resets on every new event.Ignores events until the interval passes.
Use CaseUser input, validation, search.Scroll, resize, mousemove.
  • Debounce is ideal when you want to wait until a user action stops.

  • Throttle is ideal when you want periodic updates during continuous events.

Choosing Between Debounce and Throttle

The choice depends on the behavior you want:

  • Use debouncing when you care about the final state after an action is complete (e.g., fetching API results, validating inputs).

  • Use throttling when you need consistent updates while an action is ongoing (e.g., smooth scrolling, animations).

Hybrid Approach

In some cases, you may combine both debounce and throttle for specific scenarios. For example, you might throttle API requests but debounce to stop sending requests after user inactivity.


High-frequency events can cause performance bottlenecks in JavaScript applications if left unoptimized. By using debouncing and throttling, you can ensure smoother user experiences and efficient resource utilization.

  • Debouncing delays execution until events settle.

  • Throttling limits execution to fixed intervals.

Understanding their differences and applying them to appropriate scenarios will help you build performant and responsive applications.

Next Steps

To further optimize performance, explore additional techniques like requestAnimationFrame for smooth animations or Intersection Observer API for lazy-loading images during scroll events.

Now that you understand the power of debounce and throttle, try applying them to your next project, and watch how your app’s responsiveness improves!

Thank You!

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Happy Coding!
Darshit Anjaria

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Written by

Darshit Anjaria
Darshit Anjaria

An experienced professional with 5.5+ years in the industry, adept at collaborating effectively with developers across various domains to ensure timely and successful project deliveries. Proficient in Android/Flutter development and currently excelling as a backend developer specializing in Node.js. I bring a strong enthusiasm for learning new frameworks, paired with a quick-learning mindset and a passion for writing bug-free, optimized code. I am always ready to adapt to and learn cloud technologies, ensuring continuous growth and improvement. I actively contribute to communities by writing insightful articles on my blog and am seeking support from you all to create more valuable content and tutorials like this.