How to Create a Dynamic Timezone Clock Component in Vue with Day.js

3 min read

In this tutorial, we'll build a lightweight, reusable Vue.js component that displays the current time in any specified timezone. This component will automatically update every second and handle timezone conversions seamlessly.


  • Basic knowledge of Vue.js

  • Node.js and npm installed

  • Vue 3 with Composition API

Step 1: Set Up a New Vue Project

First, let's create a new Vue project using Vite:

npm create vite@latest timezone-clock -- --template vue
cd timezone-clock
npm install

Step 2: Install Required Dependencies

We'll use dayjs for timezone handling:

npm install dayjs

Understanding Timezone Handling

Before we dive into the code, let's break down why we need additional libraries for timezone management:

  • JavaScript's native Date object doesn't provide robust timezone conversion

  • dayjs with its UTC and timezone plugins allows easy, accurate timezone transformations

  • The plugins extend dayjs's capabilities to parse, manipulate, and display times across different timezones

Step 3: Create the Timezone Clock Component

Create a new file TimezoneClock.vue in your src/components directory:

<script setup>
import { computed, ref, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc';
import dayjsTimezone from 'dayjs/plugin/timezone';

// Define component props
const props = defineProps({
  timezone: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

// Extend dayjs with UTC and timezone plugins

// Reactive reference to current time
const currentTime = ref(new Date());

// Function to update current time
const updateCurrentTime = () => {
  currentTime.value = new Date();

// Computed property to format time in specified timezone
const formattedTime = computed(() =>
  dayjs(currentTime.value).tz(props.timezone).format('h:mm a z')

// Set up interval to update time every second
const updateTimeInterval = setInterval(updateCurrentTime, 1000);

// Clean up interval when component is unmounted
onBeforeUnmount(() => {

<template>{{ formattedTime }}</template>

Key Concepts Explained

1. Props and Component Configuration

  • defineProps() creates a prop called timezone

  • required: true ensures a timezone must be provided when using the component

  • Prop is typed as a String to accept timezone names like "America/New_York"

2. Reactive Time Management

  • ref(new Date()) creates a reactive reference to the current time

  • updateCurrentTime() updates this reference

  • setInterval() calls this function every second, creating a "live" clock

3. Time Formatting with dayjs

  • dayjs().tz() converts the current time to the specified timezone

  • .format('h:mm a z') displays time as:

    • h: Hour in 12-hour format

    • mm: Minutes

    • a: AM/PM indicator

    • z: Timezone abbreviation

4. Cleanup with onBeforeUnmount

  • clearInterval() stops the timer when the component is removed

  • Prevents memory leaks and unnecessary background processes

Step 4: Using the Component

In your App.vue, demonstrate the component:

<script setup>
import TimezoneClock from '@/components/TimezoneClock.vue';

        <h1>World Clocks</h1>
        New York: <TimezoneClock timezone="America/New_York" />
        <br />
        <br />
        London: <TimezoneClock timezone="Europe/London" />
        <br />
        <br />
        Tokyo: <TimezoneClock timezone="Asia/Tokyo" />

Advanced Tips

  • Always use IANA timezone names (like "America/New_York")

  • Handle potential timezone name errors with a default fallback

  • Consider adding props for custom date formatting


You've now created a flexible, reactive timezone clock component in Vue.js. By leveraging dayjs and Vue's Composition API, we've built a powerful time display solution that's both performant and easy to use.

Learning Challenges

  1. Add a prop to customize the time format

  2. Implement error handling for invalid timezones

  3. Create a timezone selector feature

Happy coding! ๐Ÿ•’โœจ

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