Command & Conquer: Automating with Shell Scripts (Part 4)

Chris HolcombeChris Holcombe
3 min read

Automate Everything: An Introduction to Linux Shell Scripting

Welcome to Part 4 of the Command & Conquer series! You’ve mastered the essentials, file management, processes, and networking now it’s time to put those skills together with shell scripting. Automation is the hallmark of Linux mastery, and this chapter will teach you how to create scripts that save time and streamline tasks.

What Is a Shell Script?

A shell script is simply a series of commands written in a file that the shell can execute. Instead of typing commands one by one, you can automate repetitive tasks with a single script.

Creating Your First Shell Script

1. Write the Script

  • Create a new file: nano

  • Add the following lines:

      echo "Hello, NullVoid readers!"

2. Make It Executable

3. Execute the Script

  • Run: ./

  • Watch as it executes the commands in the file!

Key Concepts in Shell Scripting

1. Variables: What They Are and How to Use Them

Variables are placeholders for data that you can reuse in your script. Think of them as containers to store information.


  • Rules for Variables:

    • No spaces around the = sign.

    • Variable names are case-sensitive.

    • Use $variable_name to access the value.

  • Example:

      echo "Welcome, $name!"

    What Happens:

    • name is the variable.

    • "NullVoid" is the value assigned to the variable.

    • $name retrieves the value of the variable.

2. Loops: Repeating Tasks Efficiently

Loops let you automate repetitive tasks like processing multiple files.

  • Example:

      for file in *.txt; do
        echo "Processing $file"


    • for file in *.txt: Iterates through all .txt files in the directory.

    • do ... done: Defines the commands to execute for each file.

    • $file: Represents the current file in the loop.

3. Conditional Statements: Adding Logic

Conditionals let you make decisions in your scripts.

  • Example:

      if [ -f "test.txt" ]; then
        echo "File exists"
        echo "File not found"


    • [ -f "test.txt" ]: Checks if test.txt is a file.

    • then: Executes commands if the condition is true.

    • else: Executes commands if the condition is false.

4. Arguments: Making Your Script Flexible

Arguments let you pass input to your script from the command line.

  • Example:

      echo "You passed: $1"

    What Happens:

    • $1: Refers to the first argument passed to the script.

    • Run: ./ Hello.

    • Output: You passed: Hello.

Mini Project: Automate File Backups

  1. Create a script to back up a directory.

     cp -r $src $dest
     echo "Backup completed!"
  2. Explanation:

    • src: Stores the source directory path.

    • dest: Stores the destination directory path.

    • cp -r: Recursively copies the contents of $src to $dest.

  3. Make it executable: chmod +x

  4. Run: ./

Why Automation Matters

From daily tasks to large-scale server management, scripting is a cornerstone of Linux productivity. Mastering it opens the door to efficiency, customization, and creativity.

What’s Next?

In Part 5, we’ll dive into system monitoring and performance tuning, exploring commands and tools that help keep your Linux machine running smoothly. Stay Null. Stay Void. 🤘

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Written by

Chris Holcombe
Chris Holcombe