Streamline Linux User Management and Backups with a Simple Shell Script

3 min read


In this blog post, we'll delve into creating a powerful shell script to streamline user management and file backup tasks within a Linux environment. This script will offer a user-friendly interface for adding, deleting, and modifying users, as well as backing up critical directories.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we dive into the script, ensure you have a Linux system and a basic understanding of shell scripting. You'll need a text editor (like Vim, Nano, or Visual Studio Code) to write the script.

The Shell Script

Here's a breakdown of the script's functionality and code:


#add a user
add_user() {
    read -p "Enter username: " username
    read -p "Enter password: " password
    useradd -m -p "$password" $username

#delete an user
delete_user() {
    read -p "Enter username to delete: " username
    userdel -r $username

#change password
change_password() {
    read -p "Enter username to modify: " username
    read -p "Enter new password: " password
    if [ -n "$password" ]; then
        usermod -p "$password" $username

#create a backup
backup() {
    read -p "Enter directory to backup: " directory
    timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
    tar -czvf backup_$timestamp.tar.gz $directory

#main function
while true; do
    echo "1. Add User"
    echo "2. Delete User"
    echo "3. Change Password"
    echo "4. Backup Directory"
    echo "5. Exit"
    read -p "Enter your choice: " choice

    case $choice in
        1) add_user ;;
        2) delete_user ;;
        3) change_password ;;
        4) backup ;;
        5) exit 0 ;;
        *) echo "Invalid choice" ;;

How it works:

User Management:

    • Adding Users: The add_user function prompts for a username and password, then creates the user using the useradd command.

      • Deleting Users: The delete_user function takes a username and removes the user using the userdel command.

      • Changing Passwords: The change_password function prompts for a username and new password, then updates the password using the usermod command.

Backup Functionality:

    • The backup function prompts for a directory to back up, creates a timestamped archive using tar and compresses it with gzip.

Running the Script:

  1. Save the Script:

    Save the script as a .sh file, for example,

  2. Make it Executable:

    Use the chmod command to grant execution permissions:

     chmod 744
     #you can use what ever series of permission you want,
     #but i suggest not to give the user management access to other users or groups

Run the Script:

Execute the script using:



By automating these tasks with a shell script, you can significantly improve efficiency and reduce the risk of human error. Remember to tailor the script to your specific needs and to test it thoroughly before deploying it in a production environment.

you can access to this repository through the github, feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests, add some additional features that are suitable or raising issues on GitHub.


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Proficient in C++ | DevOps & SRE Enthusiast | Frontend Design with a focus on UI/UX | Skilled in Figma, PowerPoint Morph & Transitions.