How to change the font style and theme in Eclipse editor?

Rahul ayanRahul ayan
1 min read

  1. Move your cursor to ‘Window’

  2. Left click on ‘window’

  3. A drop down menu appears

  4. Left click on ‘Preferences’

  5. A dialog box appears like the image below

    1. Next go to General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts

    2. go to Basic > Text Font

    3. Then edit button will be enabled

    4. Select the desired font family , font style and font size

    5. Then click on ‘Ok’

    6. Then click on ‘Apply and Close’

For Themes

  1. Follow this article and install the eclipse plugin

  2. Then go to this website and download the xml file of the theme you like

  3. Go to General > Appearance > color theme and import xml

  4. The previous step will add the theme to the list

  5. Select the theme from the list and set apply.

    I am currently using

    Overall Theme : Dark

    Code editor theme : Sublime Text 3(Monokai )

    Font family : JetbrainsMono Nerd

    Font size : 11

    Thank you.

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Written by

Rahul ayan
Rahul ayan