Understanding Recursion: A Journey into the Depths of Problem Solving

Dhruvan NaiduDhruvan Naidu
8 min read


When I first encountered recursion, it felt like a mysterious spell—a function calling itself? That seemed both powerful and perplexing. I struggled to grasp how recursion worked under the hood, which problems could be solved using it, and how to determine what should be returned or what data structure to use. Through consistent practice and exploration, I began to unravel its mysteries. This blog is my journey to understanding recursion, explained in a way that I hope resonates with anyone learning this fascinating concept.

What is Recursion?

At its core, recursion is a technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem. This self-referential nature allows recursion to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example:

function countdown(n) {
    if (n <= 0) {
    countdown(n - 1); // The function calls itself with a smaller value.




Here, the problem of counting down from 5 to 0 is broken into smaller subproblems, each solved by calling the function recursively.

How Recursion Works Under the Hood

To understand recursion, it’s crucial to grasp what happens during a function call:

  1. Call Stack:

    • Every time a function is called, a new stack frame is added to the call stack. This frame stores the function’s arguments, local variables, and return address.

    • When the function completes (reaches its base case), its stack frame is popped off.

  2. Base Case:

    • Recursion requires a stopping condition, called the base case. Without it, the recursion would continue indefinitely, leading to a stack overflow.
  3. Recursive Step:

    • The function calls itself with a modified input, gradually moving closer to the base case.


function factorial(n) {
    if (n === 0) return 1; // Base case
    return n * factorial(n - 1); // Recursive step


Here’s how the call stack unfolds:

Function CallReturns
factorial(5)5 * 24
factorial(4)4 * 6
factorial(3)3 * 2
factorial(2)2 * 1

The stack unwinds, multiplying values as it returns.

How to Identify Problems Solvable by Recursion

How to Derive Recurrence Relations

Recurrence relations are equations that define a sequence of values based on previous terms. Deriving these relations is essential for understanding the computational complexity of recursive algorithms. Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify the Problem's Structure:

    • Break down the problem into smaller subproblems.

    • Observe how the solution to the larger problem depends on the solutions to the smaller subproblems.

  2. Define the Recursive Step:

    • Write down how the problem transitions from a larger instance to one or more smaller instances.

    • Example: For merge sort, the array is divided into two halves, each of which is sorted recursively before merging.

    T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n)

Here, T(n) is the time for sorting an array of size n, and it involves sorting two halves (each of size n/2) and merging them, which takes O(n).

  1. Account for the Base Case:

    • Identify the smallest subproblem size that can be solved directly.

    • Example: For merge sort, when the array size is 1, no sorting is needed:

    T(1) = O(1)
  1. Combine Results:

    • Combine the recurrence relation for smaller subproblems to define the overall solution.

    • Example: Using the Master Theorem or substitution, you can solve the recurrence to determine time complexity.

How to Visualize the Recursion Tree

A recursion tree is a graphical representation of all the function calls made during recursion. It helps trace how the algorithm breaks the problem into subproblems and how the results are combined.

  1. Start with the Original Problem:

    • Place the initial function call at the root of the tree.

    • Example: For fibonacci(4), the root is fibonacci(4).

  2. Expand Each Node:

    • For each recursive call, add a child node representing the next function call.

    • Continue expanding until you reach the base case.

  3. Mark Base Cases:

    • Base cases terminate the recursion. These are the leaf nodes of the tree.
  4. Trace the Return Values:

    • Once a base case is reached, trace back the return values up the tree to combine results.

Example: Visualizing fibonacci(4):

         /             \
  fibonacci(3)      fibonacci(2)
   /      \           /     \
fibonacci(2) fibonacci(1) fibonacci(1) fibonacci(0)
 /     \
fibonacci(1) fibonacci(0)
  • Leaf nodes are base cases (fibonacci(1) and fibonacci(0)).

  • Internal nodes represent combining results (e.g., fibonacci(2) = fibonacci(1) + fibonacci(0)).

By summing the work at each level, you can determine the algorithm's total complexity.

Visualization clarifies how recursion unfolds, highlights repeated calculations, and aids in optimizing algorithms using techniques like memoization. Recursion is particularly effective for problems that exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. Self-Similarity:

    • If a problem can be broken into smaller subproblems that resemble the original problem, recursion is a good fit.

    • Example: Calculating Fibonacci numbers, traversing trees, or solving the Tower of Hanoi.

  2. Divide-and-Conquer:

    • Problems that can be divided into independent subproblems lend themselves to recursion.

    • Example: Merge Sort, Quick Sort.

  3. Traversal Problems:

    • Traversing hierarchical structures, like trees or graphs, is naturally recursive.

    • Example: Preorder, Inorder, Postorder traversal in binary trees.

  4. Dynamic Programming:

    • Problems requiring overlapping subproblem solutions can use recursion with memoization.

    • Example: Knapsack problem, Longest Common Subsequence.

Steps to Approach a Recursive Problem

  1. Understand the Problem:

    • Break the problem into smaller parts. Identify what the smallest possible version of the problem looks like.
  2. Define the Base Case:

    • This is the simplest scenario where recursion stops.
  3. Define the Recursive Step:

    • Determine how the function can call itself with smaller inputs to progress toward the base case.
  4. Combine the Results:

    • If required, combine the results of recursive calls to form the final solution.

Code Snippets: From Simple to Advanced

1. Sum of an Array (Simple)

function sumArray(arr) {
    if (arr.length === 0) return 0; // Base case
    return arr[0] + sumArray(arr.slice(1)); // Recursive step

console.log(sumArray([1, 2, 3, 4])); // Output: 10


  • Base Case: If the array is empty, return 0.

  • Recursive Step: Add the first element to the result of the function called with the rest of the array.

2. Fibonacci Sequence (Intermediate)

function fibonacci(n) {
    if (n <= 1) return n; // Base cases
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); // Recursive step

console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Output: 8


  • Base Cases: Return n when n is 0 or 1.

  • Recursive Step: Sum the results of the two preceding numbers.

3. Palindrome Check (Intermediate)

function isPalindrome(str) {
    if (str.length <= 1) return true; // Base case
    if (str[0] !== str[str.length - 1]) return false; // Mismatch
    return isPalindrome(str.slice(1, -1)); // Recursive step

console.log(isPalindrome("racecar")); // Output: true


  • Base Case: A single character or an empty string is a palindrome.

  • Recursive Step: Compare the first and last characters, then recurse with the substring excluding them.

4. Binary Search (Efficient)

function binarySearch(arr, target, low = 0, high = arr.length - 1) {
    if (low > high) return -1; // Base case
    const mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
    if (arr[mid] === target) return mid; // Found
    if (arr[mid] > target) return binarySearch(arr, target, low, mid - 1);
    return binarySearch(arr, target, mid + 1, high);

console.log(binarySearch([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 4)); // Output: 3


  • Base Case: If the range is invalid, the target is not in the array.

  • Recursive Step: Narrow the search range based on the target’s value.

5. Generating Permutations (Advanced)

function permute(arr, prefix = []) {
    if (arr.length === 0) {
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        permute([...arr.slice(0, i), ...arr.slice(i + 1)], [...prefix, arr[i]]);

permute([1, 2, 3]);


  • Base Case: If the array is empty, print the prefix.

  • Recursive Step: Generate permutations by choosing each element and recursing on the remaining elements.

6. Solving N-Queens (Advanced)

function solveNQueens(n, row = 0, cols = [], diag1 = [], diag2 = []) {
    if (row === n) return 1; // Base case: All queens placed
    let solutions = 0;
    for (let col = 0; col < n; col++) {
        if (cols.includes(col) || diag1.includes(row - col) || diag2.includes(row + col)) continue;
        solutions += solveNQueens(n, row + 1, [...cols, col], [...diag1, row - col], [...diag2, row + col]);
    return solutions;

console.log(solveNQueens(4)); // Output: 2


  • Base Case: If all queens are placed, count the solution.

  • Recursive Step: Place a queen in a safe column and recurse for the next row.

What to Return and Data Structures to Use

  • When to Return a Value:

    • Return values when the solution depends on aggregating results (e.g., summing, counting).
  • When to Use Data Structures:

    • Arrays: Useful for permutations, combinations, or path tracking.

    • HashMaps/Sets: Effective for tracking visited states (e.g., in graphs).

    • Stacks: Mimic recursion explicitly for iterative solutions.

Pointers for Recognizing Recursion

  1. Identify Repetition:

    • Does the problem repeat itself in smaller scales?
  2. Think Hierarchically:

    • Is the problem structured like a tree, graph, or nested loops?
  3. Leverage Subproblems:

    • Can the larger problem be solved by solving smaller versions?


Understanding recursion takes practice, patience, and persistence. By studying how it works under the hood and solving diverse problems, recursion becomes less of a mystery and more of a powerful tool in your programming arsenal. My journey taught me that recursion is not just about functions calling themselves—it’s about thinking in terms of breaking down problems, leveraging the call stack, and finding elegant solutions.

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Written by

Dhruvan Naidu
Dhruvan Naidu