Spring Boot MicroServices kubernates tutorial - deploy to Kubernates

7 min read

Normally, we create Docker images using Dockerfiles. This involves creating a Dockerfile, providing the necessary information, and then running the docker build -d command to automatically generate Docker images. However, creating and maintaining Dockerfiles can be challenging. An alternative approach is to use Cloud Native Buildpacks. this cloud native buildpacks automatically create docker images from our source code.

It is an industry standard way to create docker images using buildpacks. one advantage of buildpacks is we dont need to create and maintain docker file.

                        <!--suppress UnresolvedMavenProperty -->
                        <password>${env.DOCKER_PASSWORD}</password> //password here i gave manually to test

Builders are part of the Cloud Native Buildpacks project, used for creating container images without needing a Dockerfile.


  • This specific builder (dashaun/builder:tiny) is a lightweight builder image.

after setting password, we have to build our project, for that we have spring-boot:build-image option.

After doing that it will build complete project and automatically push complete project into docker hub.


kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”.
kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself, but may be used for local development or CI.

to work with kunernates first we have to create K8s folder under root project, and then again create one more folder named kind under k8s. and create below files

kind-config.yaml —> kubernates expects yaml only not yml

kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
  - role: control-plane
    # port forward 80 on the host to 80 on this node
      - containerPort: 80
        hostPort: 80
        # optional: set the bind address on the host
        # is the current default
        listenAddress: ""
        # optional: set the protocol to one of TCP, UDP, SCTP.
        # TCP is the default
        protocol: TCP

The above configuration we can get from https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/


kind create cluster --name microservices config kind-config.yaml

Now we have to download go file from https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ and then download kind by using below command.

go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@v0.26.0

after using above command also it was not installing correctly. and we need to install correctly and set path 
in environmnet variables.

cd k8s/kind

./create-kind-cluster.sh —> permission denied error will come

chmod +x create-kind-cluster.sh


After running above cluster will be created, before creating make sure docker desktop is opened and running.

Now we have to create manifest files to run our services.

for that under k8s we have to create manifests —> infrastructure folder. and enter into that path.

In docker-compose.yaml file we have added all clusters right → mysql, zookeper..etc. we need to create deployment for everything in kubernates.

before creating deployment we have to install kubectl. to install kubectl follow below stpes


after that go to below path:


to create deployemenr for mysql run below command.

kubectl create deployment mysql --image=mysql:8.3.0 --port=3307 --replicas=1 --dry-run=client -o yaml

kubectl create deployment:

  • This command is used to create a new Deployment in Kubernetes


  • This option specifies the Docker image to be used for the container running inside the Deployment.

  • Here, mysql:8.3.0 means you are using the MySQL image version 8.3.0. This image contains the MySQL database server, with its configuration and software needed to run it.


  • This option defines the port on which the MySQL service will be exposed. It is important to note that this is not the internal port of the container but the port through which it can be accessed from outside the Kubernetes cluster.

  • The value 3307 here is the external port that you will use to connect to MySQL from other services or clients.


  • This sets the number of replicas (pods) that should be running for this Deployment.

  • Here, --replicas=1 means you want one instance of the MySQL container running in your cluster.


  • This flag allows you to see the Kubernetes resource configuration without creating it.

-o yaml:

  • This option tells kubectl to output the resource configuration in YAML format.

so we got output in yaml format

Now we have to create mysql.yml file under manifest and paste copied content in output. in that content we have to remove unnessesary data and paste

After creating deployemnet we have to create service as well. to create service we can use below command.

kubectl create service clusterip mysql --tcp=3307:3307 --dry-run=client -o yaml

for this also one yaml file will be generated. we have to paste that also in same mysql yaml file by seperating using —-.

below is both deployment and service. inside deployment we added password as well. in production its not good practice to add password.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: mysql
  name: mysql
  replicas: 1
      app: mysql
        app: mysql
        - image: mysql:8.3.0
          name: mysql
            - containerPort: 3307
            - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
              value: "mysql"


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: mysql
  name: mysql
      port: 3307
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 3307
    app: mysql
  type: ClusterIP

we have to make that password as secret.

kubectl create secret generic mysql-secrets --from-literal=mysql_root_password=mysql --dry-run=client -o yaml

by running above command it will encrypt password and send us encrypted password in yaml file format. this is not 100 percent efficient approach. as we are using deployment internally we are using this, in production grade application we will use AWS secret store or vault to store this sensitive data.

After secret yaml file generated we have to past in same mysql.yaml file. and set password in deployment yaml as below.

name: mysql
  - containerPort: 3307
        key: mysql_root_password
        name: mysql-secrets

Now we have to create persistent volume by adding below code in same mysql.yaml file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: mysql-pv
  storageClassName: 'standard'
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 1Gi
    path: /data/mysql

Now we have to create persistent volume claim

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: mysql-pvc
  storageClassName: 'standard'
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

Now we have to Map out init.sql file into this mysql.yaml file

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: mysql-initdb-config
  initdb.sql: |
    CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS inventory_service;

After adding all these details, we have to run below command

kubectl apply -f mysql.yaml


To check weather it deployed or not use command → kubectl get all


To get secrets → kubectl get secrets

to get congMaps created → kubectl get configmaps

We can check PVC as well → kubectl get pvc

1Gi → means 1 Giga Byte

we can also get logs of our deployment.

kubectl get pods → running container will come

kubectl get logs -f <ContainerName>

kubectl port-forward svc/mysql 3307:3307 —>

The kubectl port-forward command is used to forward local port requests to a service in a Kubernetes cluster. This is useful for accessing applications running within the cluster from your local machine.

Like wise we have to implement for other services (Grafana, postfres, loki, mongoDB…. etc)

Now we have to remove if we given any hardcoded values in our project. by using @Value annotation we can remove hardcoded value. in api gateway service we added url as hardcoded, now we can remove those.

public class Routes {

    private String productServiceUrl;

    private String orderServiceUrl;

    private String inventoryServiceUrl;

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> productServiceRoute(){
        return route("product_service")
                .route(RequestPredicates.path("/api/product"), HandlerFunctions.http(productServiceUrl))
                .filter(CircuitBreakerFilterFunctions.circuitBreaker("productServiceCircuitBreaker", URI.create("forward:/fallbackRoute")))

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> productServiceSwaggerRoute(){
        return route("product_service_swagger")
                .route(RequestPredicates.path("/aggregate/product-service/v3/api-docs"), HandlerFunctions.http(productServiceUrl))
                .filter(CircuitBreakerFilterFunctions.circuitBreaker("productServiceSwaggerCircuitBreaker", URI.create("forward:/fallbackRoute")))

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> orderServiceRoute(){
        return route("order_service")
                .route(RequestPredicates.path("/api/order"), HandlerFunctions.http(orderServiceUrl))
                .filter(CircuitBreakerFilterFunctions.circuitBreaker("orderServiceCircuitBreaker", URI.create("forward:/fallbackRoute")))

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> orderServiceSwaggerRoute(){
        return route("order_service_swagger")
                .route(RequestPredicates.path("/aggregate/order-service/v3/api-docs"), HandlerFunctions.http(orderServiceUrl))
                .filter(CircuitBreakerFilterFunctions.circuitBreaker("orderServiceCircuitSwaggerBreaker", URI.create("forward:/fallbackRoute")))

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> inventoryServiceRoute(){
        return route("inventory_service")
                .route(RequestPredicates.path("/api/inventory"), HandlerFunctions.http(inventoryServiceUrl))
                .filter(CircuitBreakerFilterFunctions.circuitBreaker("inventoryServiceCircuitBreaker", URI.create("forward:/fallbackRoute")))

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> inventoryServiceSwaggerRoute(){
        return route("inventory_service_swagger")
                .route(RequestPredicates.path("/aggregate/inventory-service/v3/api-docs"), HandlerFunctions.http(inventoryServiceUrl))
                .filter(CircuitBreakerFilterFunctions.circuitBreaker("inventoryServiceSwaggerCircuitBreaker", URI.create("forward:/fallbackRoute")))

    public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> fallbackRoute(){
        return route("fallbackRoute")
                .GET("/fallbackRoute", request -> ServerResponse.status(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE).body("service unavailable, please try again later"))



same like we have to implement yaml files for main services(order service, inventory service, notification service…etc).

After adding run below command

kubectl apply -f infrastructure —> it will run all files under infrastructure directory

kubectl get pods → to check running pods.

In above image postgres not running we have to check logs to find out the issue.

kubectl describe pod postgres-54845b8f4f-xmw6m → to check logs for that particular container

some port related configuration mismatch. after correcting its running successfully.

    - name: postgres
      port: 5433       # Host port for external access
      targetPort: 5432 # Container's PostgreSQL port
      protocol: TCP

kubectl get pods

kubectl get svc

Now we can verify weather we can able to access keycloak or not. as this is cluster we can able to access through localhoost://8080, we have to do port forwarding.

kubectl port-forward svc/keycloak 8080:8080

after above command open http://localhost:8080 → it will open keycloak successsfully.

we have to do port forward for all services and then u can able to see grafana

complete source code: https://github.com/Malalakshmi/Microservices_Application_Main.git

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