How to Make a Retro 2D JavaScript Game Part 3

Note: If you'd rather have a video tutorial, here it is:
Let’s make the game more fun with scoring and difficulty progression.
1. Adding a Score
Modify the create
function to display a score:
this.score = 0;
this.scoreText = this.add.text(16, 16, 'Score: 0', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff' });
Now you'll see a score in the upper left hand corner of the screen:
Let’s update the score when the player catches an item. In the update function where we created collision detection, add the following to update the score:
this.score += 10;
this.scoreText.setText('Score: ' + this.score);
So change this:
if (Phaser.Geom.Intersects.RectangleToRectangle(this.player.getBounds(), this.item.getBounds())) {
console.log('Caught an item!');
this.item.y = 50;
this.item.x = Phaser.Math.Between(50, 750);
to this:
if (Phaser.Geom.Intersects.RectangleToRectangle(this.player.getBounds(), this.item.getBounds())) {
console.log('Caught an item!');
this.item.y = 50;
this.item.x = Phaser.Math.Between(50, 750);
this.score += 10;
this.scoreText.setText('Score: ' + this.score);
And now every time you catch a block, the score updates:
2. Increasing Difficulty
Let's make this more difficult and make the items fall faster as the score increases:
In our create function, add this:
this.itemSpeed = 3;
in our update() function, delete this:
// Move falling item
this.item.y += 3;
And replace it with this:
this.item.y += this.itemSpeed;
if (this.score > 0 && this.score % 500 === 0) {
this.itemSpeed += 0.5;
console.log('Going faster! Speed is now: ' + this.itemSpeed);
Now, every time you get 500 points, your speed increases, and it gets more difficult!
3. Retro Feel Enhancements
So let's add some graphics to this to make it more exciting.
I just drew up these images, don't judge me.
You can download the pail.png from here
in preload, add the following:
// Load the player sprite
this.load.image('player', 'pail.png');
Then remove this:
// Player (Blue rectangle)
this.player = this.add.rectangle(400, 550, 50, 50, 0x0000ff);
And replace it with this:
// Replace rectangle with sprite
this.player = this.add.sprite(400, 550, 'player');
this.player.setScale(1); // Adjust this value if needed to match desired size
Let's turn the falling objects into apples.
You can download the apple.png from here
In preload(), add:
this.load.image('apple', 'apple.png'); // Loa
In create(), delete this:
// Falling item (Green rectangle)
this.item = this.add.rectangle(400, 50, 50, 50, 0x00ff00);
and replace it with this:
// Apple sprite
this.item = this.add.sprite(400, 50, 'apple');
this.item.setScale(1); // Adjust scale if needed
And now you'll see a different look!
Now we see an apple and a pail, but it's in a dark room. Let's enhance our look by adding in a background.
You can download the background.png from here
In preload():
this.load.image('background', 'background.png'); // Load background image
and in create():
// Add background first so it appears behind other sprites
this.add.image(400, 300, 'background'); // Position at center of game (800/2, 600/2)
And let's make the score black so we can see it:
this.scoreText = this.add.text(16, 16, 'Score: 0', { fontSize: '24px', fill: '#fff' });
Now save it and reload it:
Hey that looks awesome!
Final Thoughts
Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve built a working "Catch the Items" game using Phaser 3. Here’s a playable version of it as well.
Next Steps to try on your own:
Customize the shapes with images or sprites.
Add sound effects.
Experiment with game parameters like speed and item spawn rates.
Keep practicing, and have fun creating your games. The possibilities are endless—go make something awesome! 🚀
Note: If you'd rather have a video tutorial, here it is:
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Written by

Jeremy Morgan
Jeremy Morgan
I'm a coder, blogger, and training architect for Kode Kloud. Follow me for content related to development and cloud.