Why use Kong API Gateway

5 min read


Kong API Gateway is a cloud-native API gateway that is based on the Nginx reverse proxy. It is a simple, fast, and lightweight solution that enables you to control, set up, and direct application-to-dedicated server request routing. The Kong API Gateway helps regulate who can access the services and data that are managed behind it. It ensures data security by allowing only authorized users and apps to access the data. The Kong API Gateway is highly performant and offers the following features:

  • Request/Response Transformation: Kong can transform incoming and outgoing API requests and responses to conform to specific formats.

  • Authentication and Authorization: Kong supports various authentication methods, including API key, OAuth 2.0, and JWT, and can enforce authorization policies for APIs.

  • Traffic Management: Kong provides traffic management features, such as rate limiting, request throttling, and IP whitelisting, to maintain the reliability and stability of APIs.

  • Monitoring and Logging: Kong offers detailed metrics and logs to help monitor API performance and identify issues.

  • Plugins: Kong has a vast and continuously growing ecosystem of plugins that provide additional functionality, such as security, transformations, and integrations with other tools.

  • Microservice Architecture: Kong is designed to work with microservice architecture, providing a central point of control for API traffic and security.

  • Scalability: Kong is designed to scale horizontally, allowing it to handle large amounts of API traffic.

Advantages of Using Kong as an API Gateway

Kong API Gateway is an efficient solution for managing APIs that offers advanced routing and management capabilities. With flexible request routing, automatic service discovery, advanced load balancing, comprehensive API management, and real-time analytics and monitoring, organizations can effectively route API traffic, discover and register APIs, distribute traffic across backend services, manage APIs throughout their lifecycle, and gain insight into API performance and usage. These capabilities make Kong a highly effective solution for managing APIs at scale and are essential for organizations looking to build and maintain a robust API infrastructure.

One of the key benefits of Kong is access to a wide range of plugins that can be easily added to the gateway, such as authentication, rate limiting, and transformations.

Another advantage of Kong is its flexible deployment options, which allow it to be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a managed service, depending on the organization's needs. Additionally, Kong API Gateway provides improved security with features like authentication and authorization, encryption, and rate limiting that help protect sensitive data and prevent attacks on APIs.

Kong's Use Cases

Kong API Gateway can be used for the following purposes:

  • API Gateway: To manage and orchestrate microservices, providing a centralized management layer for APIs and ensuring that requests are routed to the appropriate services.

  • API security: To provide robust security features, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption, which can be used to secure APIs and protect sensitive data.

  • Rate limiting and traffic control: To control the rate at which API requests are processed, preventing APIs from becoming overwhelmed under heavy load.

  • Analytics and monitoring: To provide real-time analytics and monitoring capabilities, including request and response logging, API usage tracking, and error reporting, which can be used to gain insight into API performance and usage.

  • Service discovery and load balancing: To support advanced load balancing algorithms, such as round-robin, least connections, and IP hashing, enabling organizations to distribute API traffic across multiple backend services for improved reliability and performance.

Getting started with Kong

To install the Kong API gateway and experience it, we will use our local Kubernetes cluster set up with Kind. Alternatively, you can use minikube to set up your local Kubernetes cluster.

Installing Kong API Gateway On Kind Cluster

Create Kind Cluster

  • Create a kind cluster using the below configuration in your local system.
bash -c "cat <<EOF > /tmp/kind-config.yaml && kind create cluster --config /tmp/kind-config.yaml
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
kind: Cluster
name: kong-quick-start
apiServerAddress: ""
apiServerPort: 16443

- role: control-plane
  - listenAddress: ""
    protocol: TCP
    hostPort: 80
    containerPort: 80
  - listenAddress: ""
    protocol: TCP
    hostPort: 443
    containerPort: 443
  • Set your kubeconfig context to use the kind-quick-start cluster.
  kubectl config use-context kind-kong-quick-start
  kubectl cluster-info
  • Create Kong Gateway secrets which are required for installation.
kubectl create namespace kong
kubectl create secret generic kong-config-secret -n kong \
 --from-literal=portal_session_conf='{"storage":"kong","secret":"super_secret_salt_string","cookie_name":"portal_session","cookie_same_site":"off","cookie_secure":false}' \
 --from-literal=admin_gui_session_conf='{"storage":"kong","secret":"super_secret_salt_string","cookie_name":"admin_session","cookie_same_site":"off","cookie_secure":false}' \
 --from-literal=pg_host="enterprise-postgresql.kong.svc.cluster.local" \
 --from-literal=kong_admin_password=kong \
kubectl create secret generic kong-enterprise-license --from-literal=license="'{}'" -n kong --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
  • We will also install Cert Manager because kong uses Cert Manager to provide required certificates
helm repo add jetstack <https://charts.jetstack.io>
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --set installCRDs=true --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace

bash -c "cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n kong -f -
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer-root
selfSigned: {}


apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer-ca
commonName: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer-ca
duration: 2160h0m0s
isCA: true
group: cert-manager.io
kind: Issuer
name: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer-root
algorithm: ECDSA
size: 256
renewBefore: 360h0m0s
secretName: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer-ca


apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer
secretName: quickstart-kong-selfsigned-issuer-ca
  • Now we will install Kong using it Helm chart.
helm repo add kong <https://charts.konghq.com>
helm repo update
helm install quickstart kong/kong --namespace kong --values <https://bit.ly/KongGatewayHelmValuesAIO>
open "<https://$(kubectl> get ingress --namespace kong quickstart-kong-manager -o jsonpath='{.spec.tls[0].hosts[0]}')"
  • You can also try to Curl Kong URL on your terminal.
curl --silent --insecure -X GET <https://kong.127-0-0-1.nip.io/api> -H 'kong-admin-token:kong'


Kong API Gateway is a cloud-native API gateway that uses the Nginx reverse proxy to provide advanced routing and management capabilities. It helps organizations efficiently manage their APIs by offering flexible request routing, automatic service discovery, advanced load balancing, comprehensive API management, and real-time analytics and monitoring. Kong also provides improved security with features such as authentication and authorization, encryption, and rate limiting, as well as access to a large plugin ecosystem. Additionally, Kong can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a managed service, making it an effective solution for managing APIs at scale.

If you are looking for help implementing Kong API Gateway or something similar, do contact us.

This post is originally published by Vaibhav on his blog and republished here with permissions.

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