SAP MDG: How to get Missing Column in MDG UI Screen

Suggu SandeepSuggu Sandeep
2 min read

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Some times SAP MDG UI will not be same as SAP S/4HANA BP Transaction on Logon.

In CR ERP Vendor - Instruction Key - F4 Help - One Column is Missing

Missing Column - Highlighted below

Create Enhancement & Post Exit

For Post Exit - Code

*** This is the OVS phase 2 method for the instruction key. It prepares
*** the values that are shown to the user for selection.
 TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_dtaws_text,
           banks TYPE banks,
           zlsch TYPE dzlsch,
           dtaws TYPE dtaws,
           dtzus TYPE DTAT20,
           text  TYPE dtawt,
         END OF ts_dtaws_text,

         tt_dtaws_text TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_dtaws_text.

  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_dtaws_text>  TYPE ts_dtaws_text,
                 <lt_dtaws_texts> TYPE tt_dtaws_text.

* prepare the output data
  CREATE DATA er_output TYPE tt_dtaws_text.
  ASSIGN er_output->* TO <lt_dtaws_texts>.

* check: the method must be called for the instruction key only
  IF iv_field_name NE if_mdg_bs_ecc_bp_constants=>gc_sp_field-instruction_key.

* read all instruction code keys first
  SELECT banks zlsch dtaws dtzus FROM t015w APPENDING TABLE <lt_dtaws_texts>. "#EC CI_GENBUFF

* loop at the keys to update the texts
  LOOP AT <lt_dtaws_texts> ASSIGNING <ls_dtaws_text>.

*   try to read a text - if no text is found, the text is still the key
    SELECT SINGLE text FROM t015wt INTO <ls_dtaws_text>-text
      WHERE banks = <ls_dtaws_text>-banks
      AND   zlsch = <ls_dtaws_text>-zlsch
      AND   dtaws = <ls_dtaws_text>-dtaws
*      AND   DTZUS = <ls_dtaws_text>-dtzus
      AND   spras = sy-langu.


* sort returning table
  SORT <lt_dtaws_texts> BY text.


Thanks & Regards,

Suggu Sandeep.

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Suggu Sandeep
Suggu Sandeep

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