
7 min read

In the Enum post, we saw how an Enum allows us to have one specific value at a time. On the other hand, Rust structs provide a way to hold multiple related values. Structs let us bundle together related properties into a single type.

There are three types of structs, named-field, tuple-like, and unit-like. We'll leave unit-like structs for another post about Traits, and in this post, we'll mainly focus on named-field and tuple-like structs. The difference between these two structs is how we access their values.

Tuple-like structs identify their values by order. For example, we can represent a Color type as a tuple-like.

struct Color(u8, u8, u8)

let c = Color(255, 165, 0);

assert_eq!(c.0, 255); // R
assert_eq!(c.1, 165); // G
assert_eq!(c.2, 0);   // B

Another example of using a tuple-like for representing X an Y coordinates can be:

struct Position(u32, u32)

let p = Position(12, 24);

assert_eq!(p.0, 12); // X
assert_eq!(p.1, 24); // Y

In contrast to tuple-like structs, named-field structs don't rely on order to identify their values. Instead, we assign a name to each element. The syntax for a named-field struct is similar to tuple-like struct, with the addition of field names and values, all enclosed within curly braces.

struct Position {
    x: u32,
    y: u32,

let p = Position { x: 12, y: 24 };

assert_eq!(p.x, 12); // X
assert_eq!(p.y, 24); // Y

A struct can contain other structures. Utilizing the above examples Color and Position, we can create a new struct that groups all elements into a single entity, such as a Square type struct.

struct Square {
    color: Color,
    position: Position,
    size: u32,

We have created a Square struct, which demonstrates that a struct is a combination of related elements.

If the struct keyword is used to define the type and elements of a struct, the implementation of the struct is accomplished using the impl keyword. With the implementation, we bring all elements together to make things more interesting.

Continuing with the Square struct, we can start implementing the square by adding a new method that returns a Square.

struct Square {
    // [...]

impl Square {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            color: Color(0, 0, 0),
            position: Position(0, 0),
            size: 200,

It's important to note the usage of pub and Self. By using pub, we make the new function public and we can create squares using Square::new().

The Self keyword is a shorthand for the name of the struct. In this code, it serves as a replacement for Square type. The next code is equivalent.

// [...]

impl Square {
    pub fn new() -> Square {
        Square {
            color: Color(0, 0, 0),
            position: Position(0, 0),
            size: 100,

The current Square implementation and new method is not very interesting because all squares using the new method has the same color, position, and size. To make it more interesting, the Rand crate can be utilized to create random color and position values.

cargo add rand

With the next code, we do the new implementation for returning random colors in the Color struct:

use rand::Rng;

struct Color(u8, u8, u8);

impl Color {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

The gen_range method from the Rand crate generates random u8 values between 0 and 255.

Similarly, we can do the same for the Position struct and return random values between 0 and 1024 for the x position and between 0 and 768 for the y position.

struct Position(u32, u32);

impl Position {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        Position(rng.gen_range(0..=1024), rng.gen_range(0..=768))

We can update the Square::new() method to use the new Position method and new Color method.

struct Square {
    // [...]

impl Square {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        Self {
            color: Color::new(),
            position: Position::new(),
            size: rng.gen_range(12..=96),

Now, every time we call Square::new(), we'll get a square with different colors, positions, and sizes.

We can keep going with named-field structs style and create a new simple struct called SquareFactory to manage hundreds of squares. It'll look like this:

struct SquareFactory {
    squares: Vec<Square>,

We further enhance our SquareFactory struct by implementing a method that allows us to create a specified number of squares. This method will take an argument n that represents the number of squares desired and returns a new SquareFactory instance with the squares property populated with n Square instances.

// [...]

impl SquareFactory {
    pub fn new(n: u32) -> Self {
        let squares: Vec<Square> = (0u32..n).map(|_| Square::new()).collect();
        Self { squares }

We first create a vector of Square instances by mapping over the range of 0u32 to n and creating a new Square instance for each iteration. Then collect into the squares variable and return the SquareFactory instance.

We return the SquareFactory using the shorthand Self { squares } instead Self { squares: squares }

Creating an instance of the SquareFactory with n squares, we call SquareFactory::new(n):

// [...]

let squareFactory = SquareFactory::new(492);

We've done some great work with the SquareFactory and Square structs, it's time to see our colorful squares in action.

The Image crate offers a range of functions and methods to work with images. To add the Image crate to the project, we run:

cargo add image

Using the Image crate, we can create a new ImageBuffer of a specified width and height and modify the pixels according to our squares instances. We can iterate over the image using a for loop and finally save the image as a .png file named squares.png.

// [...]

let mut img = image::ImageBuffer::new(1027, 768);

for (x, y, pixel) in img.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
    // ...

With the image and loop set up, we can start preparing the code to run inside the for loop.

The first line inside the for loop sets each pixel to be dark blue.

// [...]

for (x, y, pixel) in imgbuf.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
    *pixel = image::Rgb([15, 23, 42]);

// [...]

Then, we'll go through each square in squareFactory.squares and check if the current pixel is in the range of the square. If it is, we can paint it with the square's color.

// [...]

for (x, y, pixel) in imgbuf.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
    *pixel = image::Rgb([15, 23, 42]);

    for square in squareFactory.squares.iter() {
        if square.in_range(x, y) {
            *pixel = image::Rgb(square.rgb());

// [...]

Let's create the in_range method and the rgb methods in the Square struct.

// [...]

impl Square {
    // [...]

    pub fn in_range(&self, x: u32, y: u32) -> bool {
        (x > self.position.0 && x < self.position.0 + self.size)
            && (y > self.position.1 && y < self.position.1 + self.size)

This method will take two arguments, x and y positions from the image, and return a bool value indicating whether the given x and y are within the range of the square's size.

The &self in the method definition refers to a reference to the instance of the struct Square that the method is being called on. This allows the method to access and manipulate the properties of the struct without taking ownership of it.

Now we implement the rgb method.

impl Square {
    // [...]

    pub fn rgb(&self) -> [u8; 3] {
        [self.color.0, self.color.1, self.color.2]

The rgb method returns an array with the random red, green and blue values of the square's color. This method is used to paint the pixels with the corresponding color of each square using square.rgb()

// [...]

for (x, y, pixel) in imgbuf.enumerate_pixels_mut() {
    // [...]

    for square in squareFactory.squares.iter() {
        if square.in_range(x, y) {
            *pixel = image::Rgb(square.rgb());

// [...]

If everything has been implemented correctly, the output should resemble a visual representation of multiple squares with randomly generated colors and positions, something like:

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