2024 Recap: What all happened

3 min read

2024 was a crazy year. It brought many twist and turns, but in the end, it is just another year, and it’s time to make way for the new year. But before I say goodbye, and start a new time, I want to look back at all that I did this 2024:

  1. Brought the dead back to life (Jonah)

    I love making Discord bots. For the longest time, I had Gizmo, which was a semi-functional AI Discord bot. Replit made there changes, and took Gizmo offline for good. It wasn’t until recently that I pulled out those dusty Discord developer tools from the closet of my mind, and remade Gizmo to be the piggy AI Discord bot that we know today.

  2. Said goodbye and hello

    In the article I just did “The Fall of a Community,” I touched on this part. As I am sitting here, thinking about writing this article, I thought “Whoa. No way. Not even a YEAR since this happened?” Yep. When Replit closed the community doors, that closed the connections I had with many great developers, such as Anirudh Sriram (good to see you) and some other people I had collaborated with. However, I got to meet many new people. Good people. The people at Glitch! The community here was soooo strong, and the platform soo good. It is where I hang out today. I got to say hello to other people such as Tiago Rangel de Sousa. This person has been invaluable when giving me feedback on how to make my websites bigger and better. Thank you for that.

  3. Got my own domain!

    This is something that I am so proud of. I love it. Going from a .glitch.me domain to a .com domain is great, and it feels nice to own a part of the web. I am also thinking about getting domains for other projects, including Jonah.

  4. Socialized more.
    As a developer, finding the right community was hard. This year, I was able to join many great developer communities, including Glitch, Dev.to, and Hashnode. It has been great, and I have learned a great deal and seen a few great projects.

What a good year. I learned so many things. As I look to the new year, I can already see a list of things I want to accomplish.

  1. Learn Node.js

    Yeah. It’s true. I don’t know Node. This is something that I would like to figure out, so I can make better projects.

  2. Be more open

    I want to work with people. I want to someday open my doors up to collaborate with other people.

  3. Actually get database stuff going

    I want to be able to get some database stuff for static sites going so I can do more, and be more helpful.

That is just a few of the many things I want to do this next year.

Well, I have to go. 2025 is calling.

Remember: You can make an impact (this is going to sound realll cheesy). There were many times where I wanted to give up throughout this journey, but I didn’t and I feel soooo proud.

Probably for the last time this year,

MilesWK. Happy new year.

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Hi! I am MilesWK: a programmer and musician from planet Earth.*