Mastering View Helpers and Concerns in Ruby on Rails 8: Modern Practices for 2025

Chetan MittalChetan Mittal
5 min read

With the release of Ruby on Rails 8 in late 2024, the framework continues its tradition of enabling developers to build modern, scalable web applications with ease.

As 2025 unfolds, understanding how to best utilize View Helpers and Concerns is critical for writing clean, maintainable, and future-proof Rails applications.

This blog will explore the nuances of these features, highlight enhancements introduced in Rails 8, and offer best practices and actionable insights for leveraging them effectively.

What Are View Helpers and Concerns in Rails 8?

View Helpers

View Helpers are methods designed to format and present data in Rails views, helping reduce redundancy and improve readability.

They abstract repetitive logic and ensure that views remain clean and focused on presentation rather than computation.

For example, a helper might format a date:

module ApplicationHelper
  def formatted_date(date)
    date.strftime("%B %d, %Y")

This keeps your views uncluttered:

<p>Published on: <%= formatted_date(@article.published_at) %></p>

In addition to formatting, helpers can handle tasks like generating links, rendering dynamic classes, or manipulating strings for consistent UI design.


Concerns are modules used to encapsulate shared logic across Rails models, controllers, or even other parts of the application. They promote modularity and code reuse by enabling developers to extract common functionality into reusable components.

For example, a model concern might handle taggable functionality:

module Taggable
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    has_many :tags

  def add_tag(tag_name)
    tags.create(name: tag_name)

In your model:

class Article < ApplicationRecord
  include Taggable

Concerns help keep models and controllers lightweight by extracting complex, reusable behaviors into modules that can be included where needed.

Rails 8 Enhancements Impacting Helpers and Concerns

Ruby on Rails 8 introduced several features and improvements that directly impact how developers use View Helpers and Concerns:

1. Streamlined Helper Inheritance

In Rails 8, helpers can now be more seamlessly inherited and used across different contexts.

This reduces the need for repetitive inclusion of helper methods and simplifies their usage in views, mailers, and controllers.

2. Improved Modularization for Concerns

Rails 8 provides better support for modularizing Concerns, especially when working with APIs and service objects.

This allows developers to structure shared logic more effectively, making it easier to test and maintain.

3. Enhanced Debugging and Error Reporting

One challenge in earlier Rails versions was resolving conflicts when helper methods or concern modules had overlapping functionality.

Rails 8 improves error reporting and debugging tools, making it easier to identify and fix such issues.

For instance, when two helpers inadvertently define methods with the same name, Rails 8 provides a clearer conflict resolution mechanism, guiding developers to address the issue effectively.

4. Extended Compatibility with Hotwire

Rails 8 integrates more tightly with Hotwire, encouraging developers to pair Concerns and Helpers with Turbo Streams and Stimulus for interactive, dynamic UIs.

This alignment makes it easier to incorporate modular logic into live updates and real-time features.

Best Practices in Rails 8

1. Keep Helpers Focused on Views

Helpers should strictly handle view-related tasks like formatting and presentation.

Avoid placing business logic or database queries in helpers, as this blurs the line between MVC components.

Good Practice:

# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
module ApplicationHelper
  def format_price(price)
    number_to_currency(price, unit: "$")

Bad Practice:

# Avoid querying the database in helpers
def fetch_latest_products
  Product.order(created_at: :desc).limit(5)

Such logic belongs in models, controllers, or services.

2. Use the Helpers Proxy in Controllers

Instead of directly including helper modules in controllers, leverage the helpers proxy.

This approach maintains separation of concerns and reduces the risk of unexpected behavior.


class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @formatted_price = helpers.format_price(@product.price)

This pattern is particularly useful for mailers or APIs, where direct inclusion of helpers might cause unnecessary dependencies.

3. Refactor Shared Logic into Concerns

Concerns are ideal for encapsulating logic that is shared across multiple models or controllers. For example, extracting authentication-related methods into a controller concern keeps controllers slim and focused.


# app/controllers/concerns/authentication.rb
module Authentication
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    before_action :authenticate_user

  def authenticate_user
    redirect_to login_path unless current_user

# In a controller
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  include Authentication

This modular approach ensures reusability without duplicating logic.

Migrating to Rails 8: Steps to Optimize Your Code

1. Audit Helper Usage

Review all existing helper methods and ensure they adhere to their intended purpose. Move any logic unrelated to view rendering to the appropriate layer.

2. Refactor Overloaded Concerns

Large Concerns can become difficult to maintain. Break them into smaller, single-responsibility modules. For example, separate tagging and categorization logic into distinct modules.

3. Utilize New Features

Rails 8 introduces tools like ActionView::Component, which allow developers to build reusable, object-oriented view components. This complements helpers by enabling more structured UI development.


# app/components/user_card_component.rb
class UserCardComponent < ViewComponent::Base
  def initialize(user:)
    @user = user
<%= render( @user)) %>

This approach combines the best of helpers and Concerns, offering a clean, reusable solution for UI elements.

Case Study: Avoiding Pitfalls


Directly including helper modules in controllers can lead to unexpected behavior and make debugging more challenging.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  include ApplicationHelper

  def show
    @formatted_date = formatted_date(@article.published_at)

This approach tightly couples the controller to view logic, violating the MVC pattern.


Refactor to use the helpers proxy:

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @formatted_date = helpers.formatted_date(@article.published_at)

Rails 8's enhancements make it easier to adopt this pattern, improving maintainability and clarity.

Additional Tip:

Use feature flags or environment checks to manage legacy helper methods during the migration process. This ensures a smoother transition while maintaining backward compatibility.

Embracing Rails 8 for Long-Term Success

Ruby on Rails 8 continues to champion simplicity and developer productivity. By adhering to modern practices for View Helpers and Concerns, developers can:

  1. Maintain clear separation of concerns.

  2. Create modular, reusable code.

  3. Build applications that are easier to test, debug, and extend.

Rails 8 empowers developers with the tools needed to address the challenges of contemporary web development.

By focusing helpers on view-related tasks and using Concerns for shared logic, you can ensure your applications remain robust and maintainable in 2025 and beyond.

By mastering these tools, developers can leverage the full power of Rails 8, crafting applications that are not only functional but also elegant and future-ready.

Whether you are enhancing an existing application or building a new one, the principles and practices outlined in this guide will set you on the path to success.

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Written by

Chetan Mittal
Chetan Mittal

I stumbled upon Ruby on Rails beta version in 2005 and has been using it since then. I have also trained multiple Rails developers all over the globe. Currently, providing consulting and advising companies on how to upgrade, secure, optimize, monitor, modernize, and scale their Rails apps.