Optimising Flask Dockerfiles: Best Practices for DevOps and Developers

Pravesh SudhaPravesh Sudha
5 min read


Welcome to the world of DevOps! 🚀 Today, we’re diving into an essential skill for any DevOps engineer: optimizing Dockerfiles for Flask applications. While beginner DevOps engineers often focus on mastering basic Dockerfile syntax, experienced engineers know that true expertise lies in optimization—crafting Dockerfiles that are efficient, secure, and production-ready.

In this blog, we’ll walk through the process of building a simple Flask application. First, we’ll create a basic Dockerfile, and then we’ll refine it into an optimized version, comparing the two to understand the difference. Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your Dockerfile skills, this guide has something for everyone.

Let’s get started! 🛠️


Before we dive into writing and optimising Dockerfiles for a Flask application, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Basic Understanding of Flask
    Familiarity with creating a simple Flask application will help you follow along seamlessly.

  2. Docker Installed
    Make sure Docker is installed and running on your system. You can download it from the Docker website.

  3. Python Environment Setup
    Python 3.x installed on your system, along with pip for managing Python packages.

  4. Code Editor
    Use any code editor of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or Sublime Text.

  5. Flask Installed
    Install Flask in your Python environment using the command:

     pip install flask
  6. Sample Flask Application
    Have a simple Flask application ready or be prepared to create one as we proceed in the tutorial.

With these prerequisites in place, you’ll be ready to follow along and implement the Dockerfile optimisations we discuss. Let’s move on to the fun part!

💡 Creating the Flask Application

To start, we’ll create a simple Flask application and prepare it for containerisation. Follow these steps:

  1. Create the Project Directory
    Make a directory named basic-flask and navigate into it.

  2. Create the Flask Application
    Inside the basic-flask directory, create a file named app.py with the following content:

     from flask import Flask
     app = Flask(__name__)
     def HelloWorld():
         return "Hello World"
     if __name__ == "__main__":

    You can run this application using the command:

     python3 app.py

    Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5000. You should see Hello World displayed on the web page.

  3. List the Dependencies
    To containerise the app, we first need to specify the required Python modules. Create a requirements.txt file by running:

     pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

💡 Creating Dockerfiles

Now, let’s create two versions of Dockerfiles: a basic version and an optimised version.

Basic Dockerfile

The basic Dockerfile is straightforward but lacks efficiency and security optimisations:

FROM python:3.9-slim


COPY . /app

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

CMD ["python3", "app.py"]

This Dockerfile is functional but leaves room for improvement in caching, size optimization, and security practices.

Optimised Dockerfile

The optimised Dockerfile follows multi-stage builds and incorporates best practices for efficiency, security, and modularity:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4

# Stage 1: Build dependencies
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM python:3.10-alpine AS builder


# Install build dependencies and cache pip files for efficiency
COPY requirements.txt /code
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/pip \
    pip3 install --prefix=/install -r requirements.txt

COPY . /code

# Stage 2: Development environment setup
FROM python:3.10-alpine AS dev-envs


# Copy application files and installed dependencies
COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local
COPY . /code

# Install additional tools for development (e.g., Git, Bash)
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache git bash

# Create a non-root user for better security
RUN addgroup -S docker && \
    adduser -S --shell /bin/bash --ingroup docker vscode

# Set entrypoint and command for development purposes
ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD ["app.py"]

# Stage 3: Production-ready image
FROM python:3.10-alpine AS final


# Copy only necessary application files and dependencies
COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local
COPY app.py /app

ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD ["app.py"]

Key Differences Between the Two Dockerfiles

  • Multi-Stage Build: The optimised Dockerfile uses multi-stage builds to reduce the final image size and ensure a clean separation of build and runtime environments.

  • Caching: It leverages --mount=type=cache to speed up pip installations by caching dependencies.

  • Non-Root User: Adds a non-root user for better security.

  • Lightweight Image: Uses an Alpine base image to minimize the image size.

💡 Building the Dockerfiles

Now that we have created both Dockerfiles, it’s time to build Docker images and observe the differences in their sizes. Follow these steps:

Build the Image from the Basic Dockerfile

  1. Ensure the content of the basic Dockerfile is saved in a file named Dockerfile.

  2. Build the image using the following command:

     docker build -t basic-dockerfile .

Build the Image from the Optimised Dockerfile

  1. Save the content of the optimised Dockerfile in a separate file named Dockerfile.

  2. Build the image using this command:

     docker build -t optimised-dockerfile .

Compare the Built Images

Once the images are built, list all Docker images using:

docker images

You should notice a significant difference in the image sizes:

  • Basic Dockerfile Image: Approximately 177MB

  • Optimised Dockerfile Image: Approximately 59.2MB

Why the Optimised Image is Smaller

  • Lightweight Base Image: The optimised Dockerfile uses python:3.10-alpine, which is significantly smaller than python:3.9-slim.

  • Multi-Stage Build: Unnecessary build dependencies are excluded from the final image, keeping it minimal.

  • Efficient Caching: The use of caching for pip installations avoids redundant downloads and reduces image layers.

💡 Conclusion

Optimising Dockerfiles is a crucial skill for DevOps engineers aiming to create efficient, secure, and production-ready containers. In this blog, we explored how to build a simple Flask application, containerise it using a basic Dockerfile, and then refine it with an optimised Dockerfile.

The differences in image size and structure demonstrate the impact of best practices like using multi-stage builds, lightweight base images, and caching mechanisms. While the basic Dockerfile served its purpose, the optimised version provided a leaner, more secure, and performant container, highlighting the importance of thoughtful design in containerisation.

As you continue your DevOps journey, always strive to enhance your Dockerfiles by incorporating optimisations, considering security, and minimising overhead. A well-optimised Dockerfile not only saves time and resources but also ensures smoother deployments and scalability in production.

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Happy coding and automating! 🚀

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Written by

Pravesh Sudha
Pravesh Sudha

Bridging critical thinking and innovation, from philosophy to DevOps.