🚀 Method Chaining in Rest Assured 🚀

Shiva OletiShiva Oleti
1 min read

If you're diving into API automation with Rest Assured, you're probably familiar with the powerful method chaining feature it offers.

🔗 The Core Trio: given(), when(), and then()

What Is Method Chaining?

Method chaining in Rest Assured enables seamless specification of:

  • Request parameters, headers, body, and authentication (given()).
  • The HTTP method and endpoint to interact with (when()).
  • Response validation using assertions (then()).

This flow mirrors the Given-When-Then structure from Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), making your tests easy to understand and maintain.

Example: Testing an API with Method Chaining

Here’s how you can test a simple GET API using Rest Assured:

import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

public class ApiTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            .baseUri("https://api.example.com")  // Define base URI
            .queryParam("id", 1)                // Set query parameter
            .header("Authorization", "Bearer token_value")  // Set headers
            .get("/users")                      // Specify HTTP method and endpoint
            .statusCode(200)                    // Assert status code
            .body("name", equalTo("John Doe"))  // Validate response body
            .log().all();                       // Log complete response

Why Use Method Chaining?

✨ Readable Tests: The BDD structure (given-when-then) is intuitive and self-explanatory. ✨ Reduced Boilerplate: Combines request building, execution, and validation in one seamless chain. ✨ Flexible Validation: Integrates powerful assertion frameworks for response validation.

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Written by

Shiva Oleti
Shiva Oleti