Introduction to Fundamental Design Patterns - Part 2

Saravana Sai Saravana Sai
4 min read


In the first part of this series, we explored fundamental design patterns and their importance in creating maintainable and scalable code. This time, we'll delve into the Builder pattern, a creational pattern that simplifies the construction of complex objects.

Builder pattern

The Builder pattern is a creational design pattern that separates the construction of a complex object from its representation. This allows the same construction process to create different representations.

Real-world - scenario

Imagine you're ordering a customized burger. You can choose different buns, patties, toppings, and sauces. The Builder pattern is like having a "burger builder" who takes your order step by step:

  1. "Bun?" - You choose a sesame bun.

  2. "Patty?" - You choose a double beef patty.

  3. "Toppings?" - You choose lettuce, tomato, and onion.

  4. "Sauce?" - You choose BBQ sauce.

Imagine you're ordering a customized burger. You can choose different buns, patties, toppings, and sauces. The Builder pattern is like having a "burger builder" who takes your order step by step.

How your implementation will be without a builder design pattern.


class Burger {
    private string $bun;
    private string $patty;
    private array $toppings;
    private string $sauce;

    public function __construct(string $bun, string $patty, array $toppings = [], string $sauce = "") {
        $this->bun = $bun;
        $this->patty = $patty;
        $this->toppings = $toppings;
        $this->sauce = $sauce;

    public function __toString(): string {
        $toppingString = implode(", ", $this->toppings);
        return "Burger with {$this->bun} bun, {$this->patty} patty, toppings: {$toppingString}, and {$this->sauce} sauce.";

// Creating burgers (becomes cumbersome with more options)
$burger1 = new Burger("Sesame", "Beef");
$burger2 = new Burger("Whole Wheat", "Chicken", ["Lettuce", "Tomato"]);
$burger3 = new Burger("Brioche", "Double Beef", ["Lettuce", "Cheese", "Bacon"], "BBQ");

echo $burger1 . "\n";
echo $burger2 . "\n";
echo $burger3 . "\n";


Problems with this approach:

  • Readability: Creating complex burgers becomes less readable due to long constructor calls.

  • Maintainability: Adding or removing options requires modifying the Burger class and potentially all the constructors.

Builder Pattern in action


class Burger
    private string $bun;
    private string $patty;
    private array $toppings = [];
    private string $sauce = "";

    public function __toString(): string
        $toppingString = implode(", ", $this->toppings);
        return "Burger with {$this->bun} bun, {$this->patty} patty, toppings: {$toppingString}, and {$this->sauce} sauce.";

    public function setBun(string $bun): void
        $this->bun = $bun;
    public function setPatty(string $patty): void
        $this->patty = $patty;
    public function addTopping(string $topping): void
        $this->toppings[] = $topping;
    public function setSauce(string $sauce): void
        $this->sauce = $sauce;


interface BurgerBuilderInterface
    public function setBun(string $bun);
    public function setPatty(string $patty);
    public function addTopping(string $topping);
    public function setSauce(string $sauce);
    public function getBurger(): Burger;

class BurgerBuilder implements BurgerBuilderInterface
    private Burger $burger;

    public function __construct()
        $this->burger = new Burger();
    public function setBun(string $bun): BurgerBuilder
        return $this;
    public function setPatty(string $patty): BurgerBuilder
        return $this;
    public function addTopping(string $topping): BurgerBuilder
        return $this;
    public function setSauce(string $sauce): BurgerBuilder
        return $this;
    public function getBurger(): Burger
        return $this->burger;

// Creating burgers (much more readable and flexible)
$burgerBuilder = new BurgerBuilder();
$burger1 = $burgerBuilder->setBun("Sesame")

$burger2 = (new BurgerBuilder())->setBun("Whole Wheat")

$burger3 = (new BurgerBuilder())
    ->setPatty("Double Beef")

echo $burger1 . "\n";
echo $burger2 . "\n";
echo $burger3 . "\n";


The construction process is now more readable and expressive. You can easily see which ingredients are being added.

Adding new ingredients doesn't require modifying the Burger class or creating new constructors. You just add a new method to the BurgerBuilder.

Improved Maintainability Changes to the construction process are isolated to the BurgerBuilder class, making the code easier to maintain and extend.

This example demonstrates how the Builder pattern improves code readability and maintainability, especially when dealing with complex objects that have many optional components.


The Builder pattern offers an elegant solution by separating the construction process from the object's representation. This allows you to create different variations of an object using the same construction process. This concludes the second part of our design pattern series. In the next article, we will explore another powerful creational pattern.

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Written by

Saravana Sai
Saravana Sai

I am a self-taught web developer interested in building something that makes people's life awesome. Writing code for humans not for dump machine