Introduction to Apache Kafka

Sarah AkinbamiSarah Akinbami
3 min read

Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events daily. It is widely used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. In this blog, we will explore Kafka’s architecture, core concepts, and how to set up and use Kafka.

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is an open-source platform designed for handling real-time data streams. It allows for the publication, storage, and processing of event streams in a highly fault-tolerant and distributed manner.

Key Concepts of Kafka


A broker is a server running Kafka that is responsible for storing and managing the exchange of messages. Multiple brokers form a Kafka cluster to provide high availability and scalability.


An event is a message produced to or consumed from a Kafka broker. Events are stored as byte arrays on disk.

Producer and Consumer

  • Producer: Services that generate and send events to Kafka.

  • Consumer: Services that read events from Kafka.

A service can act as both a producer and a consumer.


A topic is a category or feed name where records are published and stored. Topics are partitioned for scalability and replicated for fault tolerance.


A topic is divided into multiple partitions to enable parallel processing. Each partition stores messages in an immutable sequence.

Replication Factor

This defines how many copies of a partition are maintained across the Kafka cluster, ensuring data availability during broker failures.

Consumer Group

A consumer group consists of multiple consumers working together to read data from different partitions of a topic.

Setting Up Kafka


  1. Install Java: Kafka requires Java to run.

     sudo apt install default-jdk
  2. Download Kafka: Obtain the latest Kafka binaries from the official Apache Kafka website.

  3. Start Zookeeper: Kafka uses Zookeeper for cluster management.

     bin/ config/
  4. Start Kafka Broker:

     bin/ config/

Working with Kafka

Creating a Topic

Create a topic named test-topic with one partition and one replication factor:

bin/ --create --topic test-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Producing Messages

Start a producer to send messages to test-topic:

bin/ --topic test-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Type your messages and press Enter to send.

Consuming Messages

Start a consumer to read messages from test-topic:

bin/ --topic test-topic --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Kafka Use Cases

  1. Real-Time Data Pipelines: Stream data between systems or applications in real-time.

  2. Event Sourcing: Capture state changes as a sequence of events.

  3. Log Aggregation: Collect and aggregate log data from various sources.

  4. Stream Processing: Analyze and process data streams to gain insights or trigger actions.


Apache Kafka is a powerful platform for handling real-time data streams. With its distributed architecture and fault tolerance, it is an essential tool for modern data-driven applications. For further learning, visit the Apache Kafka documentation.

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Written by

Sarah Akinbami
Sarah Akinbami