07 - Service Management with SYSTEMD

Rohit PagoteRohit Pagote
5 min read

SYSTEMD and Services

What is SYSTEMD?

  • Systemd is a Linux initialization system and service manager that is responsible for bootstrapping the system, managing system processes, and providing a standardized approach to manage services, tasks, and logs.

  • Systemd replaced older init systems like SysVinit and Upstart in most modern Linux distributions due to its efficiency and enhanced features.

  • All the major distributions, such as RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, adopted systemd as their init system.

What is a service unit?

  • A service unit file is a file with the .service extension contains information about a process which is managed by systemd.

  • This needs to be created at /etc/systemd/system/<service-name>.service location.

  • With systemd, the service events are automatically logged (without any additional configuration).

  • It is composed by three main sections:

    1. Unit (optional)

      • Unit: This section contains the description of the unit itself, and information about its behavior and its dependencies: (to work correctly a service can depend on another one). It consists of following options (few of many):

          $ cat /etc/systemd/system/project-mercury.service
          Description=Python Django for Project Mercury       # description of the unit/service
          Documentation=http://wiki.caleston-dev.ca/mercury   # details of the service and documentation related to it
          After=postgresql.service                            # use to specify that our unit/service should be started after the units we provide in the form of a space-separated list
    2. Service (required)

      • Service: In this section, we can specify things as the command to be executed when the service is started, or the type of the service itself.

          ExecStart=/bin/bash /usr/bin/project-mercury.sh    # script to start
          User=project_mercury                               # service accoutn to be used to start the service instead of root
          Restart=on-failure                                 # defines how and when to restart the service
          RestartSec=10                                      # to set the time in seconds to wait before the system attempt to restart the service
    3. Install (optional)

      • Install: This section contains information about the installation of the unit. This allow the service to be enabled during boot.

          WantedBy=graphical.target    #  This allow the service to be enabled during boot


  • Start a service:

      $ systemctl start <service_name>
  • Stop a service:

      $ systemctl stop <service_name>
  • Restart a service:

      $ systemctl restart <service_name>
  • Enable a service to start at boot:

      $ systemctl enable <service_name>
  • Disable a service from starting at boot:

      $ systemctl disable <service_name>
  • Check the status of a service:

      $ systemctl status <service_name>
  • Reload service configuration without stopping it:

      $ systemctl reload <service_name>
  • Reload systemd to recognize new or modified unit files:

      $ systemctl daemon-reload


  • SYSTEMD consists of 2 major tools i.e. systemctl and journalctl.


  • Systemctl is the main command used to manage services on a SYSTEMD managed server.

  • It can be used to manage services such as START/STOP/RESTART/RELOAD as well as ENABLE/DISABLE services during the system boot.



  • systemctl start <service-name>: To start a service, for example to start a docker service:

      $ systemctl start docker
  • systemctl stop <service-name>: To stop a service, for example to stop a docker service:

      $ systemctl stop docker
  • systemctl restart <service-name>: To restart a service, this will stop and start the service again.

      $ systemctl restart docker
  • systemctl reload <service-name>: To reload a service, this will reload all the configuration without interrupting the normal functionality of the service.

      $ systemctl reload docker
  • systemctl enable <service-name>: To enable a service and make it persistent accross reboots.

      [~]$ systemctl enable docker
  • systemctl disable <service-name>: To disable a service at boot.

      [~]$ systemctl disable docker
  • systemctl status <service-name>: To know the status of the service, this command provided the state of the service. If running properly is should show active (running) state.

      [~]$ systemctl status docker


  • systemctl deamon-reaload: To reload systemd to recognize new or modified unit/service files, it reloads the system manager configuration and makes the systemd aware of the changes.

      $ systemctl daemon-reload
  • systemctl edit <service-file> --full: To edit the service file, this will open a text editor, you can make the changes and re-write the settings as needed, making changing this way applied immediately without running the systemctl daemon reload command.

      $ systemctl edit project-mercury.service --full
  • systemctl get-default: To see the current runlevel.

      $ systemctl get default
  • systemctl set-default <target-name>: To change the runlevel to a different target.

      $ systemctl set-default multi-user.target
  • systemctl list-units --all: To list all the units that systemd has loaded, this lists all the unit which are active, inactive or another state.

      $ systemctl list-units --all
  • systemctl list-units: To list only active units.

      $ systemctl list-units
  • systemctl cat <service-name>: To view, and also locate a unit file, a comment line containing the path to the unit file is printed as the first line of output.

      $ systemctl cat project-mercury.service


  • Journalctl is a command for quering/viewing logs collected by systemd.

  • The systemd-journald service is responsible for systemd’s log collection, and it retrieves messages from the kernel systemd services, and other sources.

  • Very useful when you are troubleshooting issues with systemd services.


  • journalctl: To print all the log entries from oldest to the newest.

      $ journalctl
  • journalctl -b: To print all the logs from the current boot.

      $ journalctl -b
  • journalctl -u <service-name/unit-name>: To print all the logs specific to the unit specified.

      $ journalctl -u docker.service
  • journalctl -u docker.service --since <time>: To print all the logs specific to the unit specified since the given time.

      [~]$ journalctl -u docker.service --since "2022-01-01 13:45:00"
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Written by

Rohit Pagote
Rohit Pagote

I am an aspiring DevOps Engineer proficient with containers and container orchestration tools like Docker, Kubernetes along with experienced in Infrastructure as code tools and Configuration as code tools, Terraform, Ansible. Well-versed in CICD tool - Jenkins. Have hands-on experience with various AWS and Azure services. I really enjoy learning new things and connecting with people across a range of industries, so don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to get in touch.