Container Networking: Part I

Atul ThosarAtul Thosar
2 min read

Table of contents

My first encounter with container was when I had performed load testing on an application using JMeter. So rather installing JMeter on multiple Virtual Machines (VMs), I ended deploying them on multiple containers on a single VM.

I still remember, I was curious to understand how a container can manage to keep applications isolated. I was interested in understanding networking part specifically.

When I searched, lot of terms coined around. Like veth, bridges, Linux Namespaces, cgroups. I had lot of queries in my mind too.

  • How a network packet traverse from Host to container and vice-versa?

  • How container maintains separate network space for themselves?

  • Post installing docker, I see docker0 device in ip a command output. What is its use?

  • Post creating container, I see eth0@if5 device in container, whereas veth6e6a37e@if4 device on Host. Are they related to docker0 device?

  • And many more…

After a lot of readings (yes, it took me some time), I understood few of the stuff which I would like to share in this blog series.

I assume reader has basic understanding of Linux, Virtualization and Containerization on a high level.

Topics To Cover

I have broken down this blog post in following parts

  1. Part II: Virtual Ethernet

  2. Part III: Network Namespaces and Network Bridges

  3. Part IV: Container (docker, podman, etc) Networking


We are going to use Vagrant VM on the Ubuntu host with Oracle VirtualBox v7.0. The biggest advantage of using Vagrant VM is it provides a clean slate to play with. One can destroy, create, duplicate, share it very easily.

Here is the Vagrant File

cat <<EOF >> Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/jammy64"
 config.vm.box_version = "20241002.0.0"

 config.vm.synced_folder "./shared-with-vm", "/shared-with-host"
 config.vm.hostname = "cnd" # Container Networking Demo

 config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    # Display the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
    # vb.gui = true

    # Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
    vb.memory = "2048"
    vb.cpus = 2 = "Container Networking Demo"

Create a directory shared-with-vm in the same location where Vagrantfile resides. This helps to share the data between host and VM

mkdir shared-with-vm

Start the VM and logged into it

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Install few utilities

vagrant@cnd:~$ sudo apt update
vagrant@cnd:~$ sudo apt install -y net-tools vim curl git tree traceroute make dos2unix bind9-dnsutils tshark ethtool python3 python3-pip python3-scapy iputils-ping iproute2

# Note: you may need to restart few services. Do as it pops up
vagrant@cnd:~$ systemctl restart networkd-dispatcher.service unattended-upgrades.service

Last thing (optional, just to advertise my older blog post :-)), you can set the aliases. I do this way.

agrant@cnd:~$ wget
vagrant@cnd:~$ source

All set, let us jump to Part II.

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Written by

Atul Thosar
Atul Thosar

!!! Software Engineer !!!