Database Integration with GraphQL, Fiber, and SQLx in Go

Shivam DubeyShivam Dubey
5 min read

This article will guide you through building a GraphQL API that connects to a PostgreSQL database using Fiber, SQLx, and gqlgen. We'll cover everything from setting up the database to handling queries via resolvers.

Code Explanation and Execution Flow

1. Database Connection (db.go)


package main

import (

    _ ""

var db *sqlx.DB

func initDB() {
    var err error
    db, err = sqlx.Connect("postgres", "user=postgres password=yourpassword dbname=graphql_db sslmode=disable")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to database: %v", err)
    log.Println("Database connected successfully")


  • Purpose: Initializes the connection to the PostgreSQL database.

  • sqlx.Connect: Connects to the database using the PostgreSQL driver.

  • Error Handling: If the connection fails, the application logs the error and stops.

  • Global Variable (db): Used across the app for executing queries.

Execution Flow:

  1. initDB is called in main.go to establish a connection with the database before the server starts.

  2. Queries in resolvers use this connection to fetch or modify data.

2. Resolvers (resolvers.go)


package main

type queryResolver struct{}

func (r *queryResolver) Users() ([]*User, error) {
    var users []*User
    err := db.Select(&users, "SELECT * FROM users")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return users, nil

func (r *queryResolver) User(id string) (*User, error) {
    var user User
    err := db.Get(&user, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &user, nil


  • Resolvers: Functions that handle GraphQL queries by interacting with the database.

  • Users Resolver:

    • Fetches all users from the users table.

    • Uses db.Select to map query results into a slice of User objects.

  • User Resolver:

    • Fetches a single user by ID using a parameterized query.

    • Uses db.Get to fetch and map the result to a User object.

  • Error Handling:

    • Returns nil and an error if the database query fails or no data is found.

Execution Flow:

  1. GraphQL server invokes the resolver based on the query type (users or user).

  2. The resolver executes a SQL query to fetch data from the database.

  3. The results are returned as GraphQL responses.

3. GraphQL Types (models.go)


package main

type User struct {
    ID   string `json:"id"`
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Age  int    `json:"age"`


  • Defines the User type to represent the database structure.

  • JSON tags: Ensure that fields are serialized with these names in GraphQL responses.

4. GraphQL Handler (graphql_handler.go)


package main

import (

func GraphQLHandler(app *fiber.App, srv *handler.Server) {
    app.All("/query", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        return nil

    app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        return nil

    app.Get("/playground", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
        playground.Handler("GraphQL Playground", "/query").ServeHTTP(c.Context())
        return nil


  • Purpose: Routes requests to the GraphQL server.

  • /query Route:

    • Handles GraphQL requests (queries, mutations) by invoking the server handler.
  • /playground Route:

    • Serves the GraphQL Playground for testing queries interactively.
  • Fiber Middleware: Uses Fiber's routing and HTTP handling for simplicity and speed.

Execution Flow:

  1. Users access /playground in a browser to open the testing UI.

  2. Queries and mutations are sent to /query, where the GraphQL server processes them.

5. Fiber Server (main.go)


package main

import (


func main() {
    initDB() // Initialize database

    // Create Fiber app
    app := fiber.New()

    // Create GraphQL server
    srv := handler.NewDefaultServer(generated.NewExecutableSchema(generated.Config{
        Resolvers: &Resolver{},

    // Register GraphQL routes
    GraphQLHandler(app, srv)

    // Start server
    log.Println("Server running on http://localhost:8080/")


  • Initialize Database: Calls initDB to establish a database connection.

  • Fiber App: Creates an HTTP server using Fiber.

  • GraphQL Server:

    • Sets up the gqlgen executable schema and resolvers.

    • Links the Fiber app to the GraphQL server and playground routes.

  • Start Server: Starts the Fiber app on port 8080.

Execution Flow:

  1. Initializes the database connection with initDB.

  2. Sets up routes for GraphQL and starts the server.

  3. Logs the server URL, which can be accessed via a browser or GraphQL client.

6. Test GraphQL Queries

Query All Users:

query {
    users {

Execution Flow:

  1. The request hits the /query endpoint.

  2. The users resolver executes a SQL query (SELECT * FROM users).

  3. Results are returned as a list of User objects.

Sample Response:

    "data": {
        "users": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Alice",
                "age": 25
                "id": "2",
                "name": "Bob",
                "age": 30

Query a User by ID:

query {
    user(id: "1") {

Execution Flow:

  1. The request hits the /query endpoint.

  2. The user resolver executes a parameterized query (SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1).

  3. The result is returned as a single User object.

Sample Response:

    "data": {
        "user": {
            "name": "Alice",
            "age": 25


In this tutorial, you:

  1. Learned how to connect a PostgreSQL database to a GraphQL API.

  2. Built a server using Fiber, SQLx, and gqlgen.

  3. Queried and fetched data using GraphQL.

This setup can be extended with mutations, authentication, and more advanced features like subscriptions for real-time updates.

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Written by

Shivam Dubey
Shivam Dubey