Kruskal’s Algorithm: Building a Minimum Spanning Tree

Arka InfotechArka Infotech
4 min read


Kruskal’s Algorithm is a popular greedy approach for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a connected, weighted, and undirected graph. Unlike Prim’s Algorithm, which builds the MST by adding vertices, Kruskal’s Algorithm focuses on adding edges in increasing order of weight while avoiding cycles.

In this blog, we’ll explore Kruskal’s Algorithm, understand its steps, implement it in Python, and discuss its applications and benefits.

1. What is a Minimum Spanning Tree?

A Minimum Spanning Tree is a subset of edges in a connected, weighted graph that:

  • Includes all the vertices.

  • Has the minimum possible total edge weight.

  • Contains no cycles.

For example, if the graph represents cities and road distances, the MST connects all cities with the least total road length.

2. Kruskal’s Algorithm Explained


  1. Sort all edges of the graph in non-decreasing order of weight.

  2. Initialize an empty MST.

  3. Iterate through the sorted edges:

    • Add the edge to the MST if it does not form a cycle.
  4. Stop when the MST contains V−1V-1V−1 edges, where VVV is the number of vertices.

Key Concept: Cycle Detection

To ensure no cycles are formed, Kruskal’s Algorithm uses the Union-Find (Disjoint Set Union) data structure.

3. Algorithm Implementation

3.1 Helper Functions for Union-Find

The Union-Find data structure supports two operations:

  • Find: Determine the set a vertex belongs to.

  • Union: Merge two sets.

pythonCopy codeclass UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.parent = list(range(size))
        self.rank = [0] * size

    def find(self, vertex):
        if self.parent[vertex] != vertex:
            self.parent[vertex] = self.find(self.parent[vertex])  # Path compression
        return self.parent[vertex]

    def union(self, u, v):
        root_u = self.find(u)
        root_v = self.find(v)

        if root_u != root_v:
            if self.rank[root_u] > self.rank[root_v]:
                self.parent[root_v] = root_u
            elif self.rank[root_u] < self.rank[root_v]:
                self.parent[root_u] = root_v
                self.parent[root_v] = root_u
                self.rank[root_u] += 1

3.2 Kruskal’s Algorithm

pythonCopy codedef kruskal(graph, num_vertices):
    # Step 1: Sort edges by weight
    edges = sorted(graph, key=lambda x: x[2])  # Each edge is (u, v, weight)
    uf = UnionFind(num_vertices)
    mst = []
    total_cost = 0

    # Step 2: Process edges
    for u, v, weight in edges:
        if uf.find(u) != uf.find(v):
            uf.union(u, v)
            mst.append((u, v, weight))
            total_cost += weight

            # Stop if we have enough edges
            if len(mst) == num_vertices - 1:

    return mst, total_cost

# Example graph (Edge List)
graph = [
    (0, 1, 10),
    (0, 2, 6),
    (0, 3, 5),
    (1, 3, 15),
    (2, 3, 4)

mst, cost = kruskal(graph, num_vertices=4)
print("Edges in MST:", mst)
print("Total Cost:", cost)


yamlCopy codeEdges in MST: [(2, 3, 4), (0, 3, 5), (0, 1, 10)]
Total Cost: 19

4. Time Complexity

StepTime Complexity
Sorting edgesO(Elog⁡E)O(E \log E)O(ElogE)
Union-Find operationsO(E⋅α(V))O(E \cdot \alpha(V))O(E⋅α(V))

Here, EEE is the number of edges, VVV is the number of vertices, and α(V)\alpha(V)α(V) is the inverse Ackermann function, which grows very slowly.

Overall Time Complexity: O(Elog⁡E)O(E \log E)O(ElogE), as sorting dominates.

5. Applications of Kruskal’s Algorithm

  1. Network Design:

    • Designing telecommunication or electrical networks with minimal cost.
  2. Transportation:

    • Building efficient road or railway systems.
  3. Clustering:

    • Used in hierarchical clustering algorithms in data science.
  4. Computer Graphics:

    • Generating minimal spanning trees for rendering.

6. Advantages and Limitations


  • Efficient for sparse graphs.

  • Simple to implement using edge lists.


  • May be slower than Prim’s Algorithm for dense graphs.

  • Requires sorting all edges upfront.

7. Comparison with Prim’s Algorithm

AspectKruskal’s AlgorithmPrim’s Algorithm
ApproachGreedy: Adds edges to the MSTGreedy: Adds vertices to the MST
Graph RepresentationWorks well with edge listsWorks well with adjacency matrices
Best Use CaseSparse graphsDense graphs

8. Tips for Using Kruskal’s Algorithm

  1. Graph Representation:

    • Use edge lists for efficient sorting.
  2. Optimize Union-Find:

    • Implement path compression and union by rank for faster operations.
  3. Edge Weights:

    • Ensure all edge weights are non-negative.

9. Conclusion

Kruskal’s Algorithm is a powerful and versatile tool for finding Minimum Spanning Trees in graphs. Its edge-centric approach makes it ideal for sparse graphs, while the Union-Find data structure ensures efficiency. Understanding its mechanics and implementation will help you solve real-world problems in network design, clustering, and beyond.


Q1: Can Kruskal’s Algorithm handle disconnected graphs?
No, Kruskal’s Algorithm requires the graph to be connected.

Q2: How does Kruskal’s Algorithm ensure no cycles are formed?
It uses the Union-Find data structure to check if two vertices are already connected.

Q3: What is the difference between Kruskal’s and Prim’s Algorithm?
Kruskal’s Algorithm adds edges, while Prim’s Algorithm adds vertices to the MST.

Comments Section

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#KruskalAlgorithm #MinimumSpanningTree #GraphAlgorithms #Programming #Algorithms

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Arka Infotech
Arka Infotech