Tarjan’s Algorithm for Strongly Connected Components

Arka InfotechArka Infotech
7 min read


In the world of graph theory, understanding the relationships between nodes is crucial, especially in directed graphs where the direction of edges matters. One of the most important concepts in this area is the Strongly Connected Component (SCC). An SCC in a directed graph is a maximal subgraph where every node is reachable from every other node within the same component.

Tarjan’s Algorithm is a depth-first search (DFS)-based algorithm that efficiently finds all strongly connected components in a directed graph. Developed by Robert Tarjan in 1972, this algorithm is renowned for its ability to find SCCs in O(V + E) time, where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.

In this blog, we will explore how Tarjan’s Algorithm works, step by step, and see its practical applications. We will also provide Python code examples to demonstrate how to implement the algorithm.

1. What is a Strongly Connected Component (SCC)?

In a directed graph, a strongly connected component (SCC) is a subgraph where for every pair of nodes u and v in the component, there is a path from u to v and a path from v to u.

For example, in a directed graph, consider the following nodes and edges:

mathematicaCopy codeA → B → C
↑    ↓
D ← E

In this graph, the SCCs are:

  • {A, B, C, D, E}, as all nodes are mutually reachable from one another.

2. Why is Tarjan’s Algorithm Important?

Tarjan’s Algorithm is essential because it allows us to efficiently identify all SCCs in a directed graph. It has several practical applications, including:

  • Cycle detection: Identifying cycles in a graph is crucial for various applications like scheduling, detecting deadlocks in operating systems, and analyzing control flow in compilers.

  • Graph partitioning: SCCs are used in graph partitioning tasks, where the goal is to divide the graph into smaller subgraphs that are easier to process.

  • Finding Strongly Connected Components in Web Crawlers: SCCs help identify closely related web pages in a web graph.

  • Social Network Analysis: SCCs are useful in identifying communities or groups of users who are strongly interconnected.

3. How Tarjan’s Algorithm Works

Tarjan’s Algorithm uses Depth-First Search (DFS) to explore the graph and identify strongly connected components. It assigns a unique index to each node as it is visited and maintains a low-link value for each node, which represents the smallest index reachable from that node, including through back edges.

The algorithm follows these key steps:

  1. DFS Traversal: Start a DFS from any unvisited node. During the DFS, assign an index to each node.

  2. Low-Link Value: For each node, maintain a low-link value, which helps identify back edges that lead to earlier nodes in the DFS tree.

  3. Stack: Maintain a stack to store nodes as they are visited. This stack helps in identifying SCCs when backtracking.

  4. Identify SCCs: If a node’s low-link value is equal to its index, then the node is the root of an SCC, and all nodes on the stack above it form an SCC.

4. Steps in Tarjan’s Algorithm

The following steps outline how Tarjan’s Algorithm works in more detail:

Step 1: Initialize

  • Each node is initially unvisited.

  • Maintain a stack to keep track of nodes in the current DFS path.

  • Keep an array of indices and low-link values for each node. The index is a unique identifier assigned to each node when it is visited.

Step 2: DFS Traversal

  • Start DFS from an unvisited node. Assign it an index and set its low-link value to the index.

  • For each adjacent node, if it hasn’t been visited, recursively perform DFS on it.

  • After the DFS call, update the low-link value of the current node based on the low-link value of its adjacent nodes.

Step 3: Detect SCCs

  • If the low-link value of a node is equal to its index, this node is the root of an SCC. Pop all nodes from the stack until the root node is reached, marking them as part of the SCC.

5. Tarjan’s Algorithm: Time Complexity

The time complexity of Tarjan’s Algorithm is O(V + E), where:

  • V is the number of vertices (nodes) in the graph.

  • E is the number of edges in the graph.

This is because each node and edge is processed once during the DFS traversal, making the algorithm highly efficient for large graphs.

6. Python Code Implementation of Tarjan’s Algorithm

Here’s how you can implement Tarjan’s Algorithm in Python:

pythonCopy codeclass TarjanSCC:
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph
        self.index = 0
        self.stack = []
        self.indices = [-1] * len(graph)
        self.low_link = [-1] * len(graph)
        self.on_stack = [False] * len(graph)
        self.sccs = []

    def strongconnect(self, v):
        # Set the index and low-link value for v
        self.indices[v] = self.index
        self.low_link[v] = self.index
        self.index += 1
        self.on_stack[v] = True

        # Consider all neighbors of v
        for w in self.graph[v]:
            if self.indices[w] == -1:  # If w is not visited
                self.low_link[v] = min(self.low_link[v], self.low_link[w])
            elif self.on_stack[w]:  # If w is on the stack, it's part of the current SCC
                self.low_link[v] = min(self.low_link[v], self.indices[w])

        # If v is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC
        if self.low_link[v] == self.indices[v]:
            scc = []
            while True:
                w = self.stack.pop()
                self.on_stack[w] = False
                if w == v:

    def find_sccs(self):
        for v in range(len(self.graph)):
            if self.indices[v] == -1:
        return self.sccs

# Example usage:
graph = [
    [1],        # Node 0 points to Node 1
    [2],        # Node 1 points to Node 2
    [0, 3],     # Node 2 points to Node 0 and Node 3
    [4],        # Node 3 points to Node 4
    [5],        # Node 4 points to Node 5
    [3]         # Node 5 points to Node 3

tarjan = TarjanSCC(graph)
sccs = tarjan.find_sccs()
print("Strongly Connected Components:", sccs)

Explanation of the Code:

  1. Initialization: The graph is represented as an adjacency list. We initialize the indices, low_link, and on_stack arrays to track the state of each node.

  2. DFS Traversal: The strongconnect function is a recursive DFS function that explores the graph and identifies SCCs.

  3. SCC Detection: When the low-link value of a node is equal to its index, the nodes in the stack up to that node form an SCC.


luaCopy codeStrongly Connected Components: [[5, 4, 3], [2, 1, 0]]

In this example, the graph contains two strongly connected components:

  • {0, 1, 2}

  • {3, 4, 5}

7. Applications of Tarjan’s Algorithm

Tarjan’s Algorithm has several important applications in computer science and graph theory:

  • Cycle Detection: By identifying SCCs, we can detect cycles in directed graphs. If a node belongs to an SCC with more than one node, it is part of a cycle.

  • Graph Partitioning: Tarjan’s Algorithm can be used in tasks where we need to partition a graph into smaller, strongly connected subgraphs.

  • Dependency Analysis: In systems where components depend on each other (e.g., in software packages), SCCs can help determine which components are interdependent.

  • Web Crawling and Search Engines: SCCs help identify clusters of closely related web pages or websites.

8. Conclusion

Tarjan’s Algorithm is a powerful and efficient method for finding strongly connected components in a directed graph. Its O(V + E) time complexity makes it suitable for large-scale graphs, and its application in detecting cycles, graph partitioning, and dependency analysis is indispensable. By using DFS and low-link values, Tarjan’s Algorithm can quickly identify SCCs, providing valuable insights into the structure of complex networks.


Q1: What is the difference between Tarjan’s Algorithm and Kosaraju’s Algorithm for SCCs?
Both algorithms find SCCs in O(V + E) time, but they differ in their approach. Kosaraju’s Algorithm uses two DFS passes, while Tarjan’s Algorithm uses a single DFS pass with the help of low-link values and a stack.

Q2: Can Tarjan’s Algorithm handle cyclic graphs?
Yes, Tarjan’s Algorithm is specifically designed to detect cycles in directed graphs by identifying SCCs, which inherently include cycles.

Q3: How can Tarjan’s Algorithm be used in real-world applications?
Tarjan’s Algorithm is widely used in dependency analysis, cycle detection in compilers, network analysis, and even in web crawling to identify related pages.


#TarjansAlgorithm #GraphTheory #SCC #DepthFirstSearch #GraphAlgorithms

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Arka Infotech
Arka Infotech