The Boyer-Moore Algorithm for Efficient String Search

Arka InfotechArka Infotech
8 min read


String searching is a fundamental problem in computer science, where the goal is to find a substring (the "pattern") within a larger string (the "text"). This problem has numerous applications in areas like text editors, DNA sequence analysis, and search engines. One of the most efficient algorithms for solving this problem is the Boyer-Moore Algorithm.

The Boyer-Moore algorithm stands out because of its efficiency in practical scenarios, outperforming many other string search algorithms, such as the naive search or Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm, especially when the pattern is relatively long. By skipping over sections of the text that cannot possibly match the pattern, Boyer-Moore reduces the number of comparisons required, making it one of the fastest algorithms for string matching in practice.

In this blog, we will explore how the Boyer-Moore algorithm works, its key components, and how it improves search performance. Additionally, we will look at code examples and real-world use cases.

1. Naive String Search vs Boyer-Moore

Before diving into the details of the Boyer-Moore algorithm, let's first look at the naive approach to string searching. The naive method involves iterating through the text and comparing the pattern character by character at each position. This results in a worst-case time complexity of O(n * m), where n is the length of the text and m is the length of the pattern.

In contrast, the Boyer-Moore algorithm uses a more sophisticated approach to search for the pattern. It tries to skip over sections of the text where a match is impossible, significantly reducing the number of comparisons, especially when the pattern is large.

2. How the Boyer-Moore Algorithm Works

The Boyer-Moore algorithm works by using two pre-processing strategies that allow it to skip over parts of the text that cannot possibly match the pattern. These strategies are:

  • Bad Character Heuristic

  • Good Suffix Heuristic

Let’s break down each of these heuristics:

2.1 Bad Character Heuristic

The bad character heuristic is the most important feature of the Boyer-Moore algorithm. When a mismatch occurs between the pattern and the text, the algorithm looks at the character in the text that caused the mismatch. It then shifts the pattern to the right such that the mismatched character in the text aligns with the last occurrence of that character in the pattern. If the character is not found in the pattern, the pattern is shifted entirely past the mismatched character.

The key idea is that instead of moving the pattern by just one position after a mismatch, the algorithm shifts it as much as possible based on the occurrence of the mismatched character in the pattern.

2.2 Good Suffix Heuristic

The good suffix heuristic is used when a part of the pattern matches a substring of the text, but the full match is not found. When a partial match occurs, the algorithm shifts the pattern in such a way that the matched portion aligns with another occurrence of the same substring in the pattern. If no such occurrence exists, the pattern is shifted past the matched portion entirely.

This heuristic ensures that the algorithm does not repeatedly compare the same characters in the pattern and text.

2.3 Combining the Heuristics

When a mismatch occurs, the Boyer-Moore algorithm uses both the bad character and good suffix heuristics to decide the largest possible shift of the pattern. The pattern is shifted the maximum of the two shifts, ensuring that the number of comparisons is minimized.

3. Boyer-Moore Algorithm: Step-by-Step Process

Let’s walk through the steps of the Boyer-Moore algorithm:

  1. Preprocess the Pattern: Compute the bad character and good suffix tables. These tables store information about how much the pattern can be shifted when a mismatch occurs or a partial match is found.

  2. Start Searching: Begin comparing the pattern to the text from right to left. This is the opposite of how we usually compare strings, but it is key to the efficiency of the algorithm.

  3. Handle Mismatches: When a mismatch occurs, use the bad character heuristic to determine the shift. If the character causing the mismatch is not in the pattern, shift the pattern completely past the mismatched character. If the character is in the pattern, use the good suffix heuristic to determine the shift.

  4. Handle Partial Matches: When a partial match occurs (i.e., part of the pattern matches a substring of the text), use the good suffix heuristic to shift the pattern as much as possible.

  5. Repeat: Continue this process until the pattern is found or the entire text has been searched.

4. Example Walkthrough

Let’s go through an example of the Boyer-Moore algorithm using the pattern "ABCD" and the text "ABC ABCD ABCD ABC ABCD". We will compute the bad character and good suffix tables and see how the algorithm searches the text.


Pattern: "ABCD"

  1. Preprocessing Step:

    • Bad Character Table: This table stores the last occurrence of each character in the pattern. For the pattern "ABCD", the bad character table will be:

      • A -> 0

      • B -> 1

      • C -> 2

      • D -> 3

    • Good Suffix Table: This table stores information about how much to shift the pattern when a partial match occurs. For the pattern "ABCD", the good suffix table will be computed based on the suffixes of the pattern.

  2. Search Step:

    • Initially, the pattern "ABCD" is aligned with the beginning of the text.

    • Compare the last character of the pattern (D) with the corresponding character in the text (C). A mismatch occurs.

    • Using the bad character heuristic, we shift the pattern to the right such that the last occurrence of C in the pattern aligns with the C in the text.

    • Continue this process until a match is found.

5. Python Code Implementation of Boyer-Moore Algorithm

Here’s a Python implementation of the Boyer-Moore algorithm:

pythonCopy codedef bad_character_heuristic(pattern):
    bad_char = {}
    m = len(pattern)
    for i in range(m):
        bad_char[pattern[i]] = i
    return bad_char

def good_suffix_heuristic(pattern):
    m = len(pattern)
    good_suffix = [m] * m
    z = [0] * m

    # Compute Z array (length of the longest suffix of pattern[0..i] that is also a prefix)
    l, r, k = 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(1, m):
        if i <= r:
            k = i - l
            if pattern[i] == pattern[l + k]:
                z[i] = z[k]
                z[i] = r - i + 1
        while i + z[i] < m and pattern[z[i]] == pattern[i + z[i]]:
            z[i] += 1
        if i + z[i] > r:
            l, r = i, i + z[i] - 1

    for i in range(m):
        good_suffix[i] = m
    return good_suffix

def boyer_moore(text, pattern):
    m, n = len(pattern), len(text)
    bad_char = bad_character_heuristic(pattern)
    good_suffix = good_suffix_heuristic(pattern)

    s = 0  # Start of the pattern in the text
    while s <= n - m:
        j = m - 1
        while j >= 0 and pattern[j] == text[s + j]:
            j -= 1
        if j < 0:
            print(f"Pattern found at index {s}")
            s += good_suffix[0]
            bad_shift = bad_char.get(text[s + j], -1)
            good_shift = good_suffix[j]
            s += max(good_shift, j - bad_shift)

# Example usage:
pattern = "ABCD"
boyer_moore(text, pattern)

Explanation of the Code:

  1. Bad Character Heuristic: The bad_character_heuristic function constructs the bad character table, which stores the last occurrence of each character in the pattern.

  2. Good Suffix Heuristic: The good_suffix_heuristic function constructs the good suffix table, which stores how much the pattern can be shifted based on partial matches.

  3. Boyer-Moore Search: The boyer_moore function implements the Boyer-Moore algorithm, using the bad character and good suffix heuristics to efficiently search for the pattern in the text.

6. Time Complexity of Boyer-Moore Algorithm

The Boyer-Moore algorithm has an average time complexity of O(n / m), where n is the length of the text and m is the length of the pattern. In the worst case, the time complexity can be O(n * m), but this is rare in practice due to the efficiency of the bad character and good suffix heuristics.

7. Applications of Boyer-Moore Algorithm

The Boyer-Moore algorithm is widely used in applications that require efficient string matching, including:

  • Text Editors: Searching for words or phrases within documents.

  • Search Engines: Efficiently searching for keywords in web pages.

  • DNA Sequence Analysis: Searching for specific gene sequences in large DNA datasets.

  • Data Mining: Searching for patterns within large datasets.

8. Conclusion

The Boyer-Moore algorithm is one of the most efficient algorithms for string searching, especially when dealing with large texts and patterns. By using the bad character and good suffix heuristics, it significantly reduces the number of comparisons required compared to brute-force methods. This makes it a powerful tool for a wide range of applications in computer science and beyond.


Q1: What is the time complexity of the Boyer-Moore algorithm?
The average time complexity is O(n / m), where n is the length of the text and m is the length of the pattern. The worst-case complexity is O(n * m), but this is rare in practice.

Q2: Can the Boyer-Moore algorithm handle both exact and approximate string matching?
The Boyer-Moore algorithm is designed for exact string matching. However, variations of the algorithm can be used for approximate matching by allowing mismatches or gaps.

Q3: What are the advantages of the Boyer-Moore algorithm over other string matching algorithms?
The Boyer-Moore algorithm is faster than many other algorithms, such as the naive search or KMP algorithm, because it skips over parts of the text that cannot possibly match the pattern.


#BoyerMoore #StringSearch #Algorithm #TextSearch #ComputerScience

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Arka Infotech
Arka Infotech