Euler Tour Technique for Tree Problems

Arka InfotechArka Infotech
7 min read


Trees are one of the most fundamental data structures in computer science. They are widely used to represent hierarchical structures, such as organizational charts, file systems, and network routing tables. One of the most powerful techniques for solving problems on trees is the Euler Tour Technique.

The Euler Tour Technique transforms a tree into a sequence of nodes that captures the structure of the tree in a linear form. This transformation allows us to efficiently solve various tree-related problems, such as Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) queries, path queries, and subtree queries.

In this blog, we will explore the Euler Tour Technique, its applications, and how it can be implemented to solve tree-related problems efficiently. Additionally, we will walk through a detailed code example to help you understand how the Euler Tour Technique works in practice.

1. What is the Euler Tour Technique?

The Euler Tour Technique is a method of traversing a tree that captures the traversal order in a sequence. The key idea behind the Euler Tour is to record the nodes of the tree as we perform a depth-first search (DFS). This sequence can then be used to answer various queries related to the tree.

1.1 Euler Tour Definition

In the Euler Tour of a tree, we visit each node multiple times:

  • Pre-order traversal: Visit the node before its children.

  • Post-order traversal: Visit the node after its children.

The Euler Tour technique records the entry and exit times of each node during the DFS traversal. This allows us to answer a wide variety of tree-related queries by referring to the node's position in the Euler Tour sequence.

1.2 Properties of Euler Tour

  • Linear Representation: The tree is represented as a sequence of nodes in the Euler Tour, making it easier to work with tree problems in a linear fashion.

  • Efficient Queries: The Euler Tour technique allows us to convert complex tree problems into simpler range queries on the Euler Tour sequence.

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of constructing the Euler Tour is O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

2. How the Euler Tour Technique Works

The Euler Tour Technique works by performing a Depth-First Search (DFS) on the tree and recording the nodes in a sequence. The DFS is typically performed twice:

  1. Pre-order traversal: Record the node when it is first visited.

  2. Post-order traversal: Record the node when all its children have been visited.

2.1 Euler Tour Sequence

Let’s define the Euler Tour sequence:

  • For each node v, we record its entry time when we first visit it during the DFS (pre-order).

  • We also record its exit time when we finish visiting all its descendants (post-order).

By storing the entry and exit times of each node, we can perform various queries on the tree, such as finding the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of two nodes, determining the subtree size, and more.

2.2 Euler Tour and LCA Queries

One of the most common applications of the Euler Tour technique is to answer Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) queries efficiently. The LCA of two nodes u and v in a tree is the deepest node that is an ancestor of both u and v.

Using the Euler Tour, we can convert the LCA problem into a range minimum query (RMQ) problem. The LCA of two nodes u and v can be found by querying the minimum entry time in the Euler Tour sequence for the nodes u and v.

3. Applications of Euler Tour Technique

The Euler Tour Technique is used to solve a variety of tree problems. Some of the most common applications include:

3.1 Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) Queries

The Euler Tour Technique is widely used to efficiently answer LCA queries. By recording the entry and exit times of each node, we can convert the LCA problem into a range minimum query (RMQ) problem on the Euler Tour sequence.

3.2 Subtree Queries

The Euler Tour technique can be used to answer subtree queries. For example, we can calculate the size of a subtree rooted at a given node by looking at the range of nodes in the Euler Tour sequence that correspond to the subtree.

3.3 Path Queries

Another common application is path queries. For example, we can calculate the sum of values along the path between two nodes by using the Euler Tour sequence and range queries.

3.4 Dynamic Programming on Trees

The Euler Tour technique can be combined with dynamic programming to solve problems on trees, such as finding the shortest path between two nodes, counting paths, or solving optimization problems.

4. Time Complexity of Euler Tour Technique

The time complexity of the Euler Tour Technique is driven by two factors:

  1. DFS Traversal: The DFS traversal of the tree takes O(n) time, where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

  2. Range Queries: Once the Euler Tour is constructed, answering queries such as LCA or subtree queries can be done in O(1) time with appropriate data structures (e.g., Segment Tree or Binary Lifting).

Thus, the overall time complexity for constructing the Euler Tour is O(n), and answering each query is typically O(1), making the technique highly efficient for solving tree problems.

5. Euler Tour Code Example

Let’s implement the Euler Tour Technique in Python. The goal is to construct the Euler Tour and answer LCA queries efficiently.

pythonCopy codeclass EulerTour:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n  # Number of nodes
        self.tree = [[] for _ in range(n)]  # Adjacency list
        self.first_occurrence = [-1] * n  # First occurrence of each node in Euler Tour
        self.euler_tour = []  # Euler Tour sequence
        self.depth = [-1] * n  # Depth of each node
        self.lca_preprocessing_done = False

    def add_edge(self, u, v):

    def dfs(self, node, d, parent):
        self.depth[node] = d
        self.first_occurrence[node] = len(self.euler_tour)

        for neighbor in self.tree[node]:
            if neighbor != parent:
                self.dfs(neighbor, d + 1, node)

    def preprocess(self, root=0):
        self.dfs(root, 0, -1)
        self.lca_preprocessing_done = True

    def lca_query(self, u, v):
        if not self.lca_preprocessing_done:
            raise Exception("LCA Preprocessing not done")

        # Get the first occurrences of u and v in the Euler Tour
        left = self.first_occurrence[u]
        right = self.first_occurrence[v]

        if left > right:
            left, right = right, left

        # Find the minimum depth node in the range [left, right] in the Euler Tour
        min_depth = float('inf')
        lca = -1
        for i in range(left, right + 1):
            if self.depth[self.euler_tour[i]] < min_depth:
                min_depth = self.depth[self.euler_tour[i]]
                lca = self.euler_tour[i]

        return lca

# Example usage
n = 9  # Number of nodes in the tree
et = EulerTour(n)

# Add edges to the tree (undirected)
et.add_edge(0, 1)
et.add_edge(0, 2)
et.add_edge(1, 3)
et.add_edge(1, 4)
et.add_edge(2, 5)
et.add_edge(2, 6)
et.add_edge(4, 7)
et.add_edge(4, 8)

# Preprocess the tree to construct the Euler Tour

# Query the LCA of nodes 7 and 8
print("LCA of 7 and 8:", et.lca_query(7, 8))  # Output: 4

Explanation of the Code:

  • EulerTour Class: This class is used to store the tree and perform Euler Tour.

    • add_edge: Adds an edge between two nodes in the tree.

    • dfs: Performs a depth-first search to construct the Euler Tour and record the first occurrence of each node.

    • preprocess: Calls the dfs function to preprocess the tree and construct the Euler Tour.

    • lca_query: Queries the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of two nodes by finding the minimum depth node in the Euler Tour range.


yamlCopy codeLCA of 7 and 8: 4

This code constructs the Euler Tour of the tree and uses it to find the LCA of two nodes.

6. Conclusion

The Euler Tour Technique is a powerful and efficient method for solving a variety of tree-related problems. By transforming the tree into a sequence of nodes, the Euler Tour allows us to perform complex tree queries, such as LCA queries, subtree queries, and path queries, in O(1) time after an O(n) preprocessing step.

With its linear construction time and efficient query capabilities, the Euler Tour Technique is widely used in competitive programming and real-world applications where trees are involved.


Q1: Can Euler Tour Technique be used for directed graphs?
The Euler Tour Technique is primarily used for undirected trees. For directed graphs, other techniques like DFS and strongly connected components may be more appropriate.

Q2: How does Euler Tour help in solving LCA queries?
The Euler Tour transforms the LCA problem into a range minimum query (RMQ) problem, which can be solved efficiently by querying the minimum depth node in the Euler Tour sequence.

Q3: Is Euler Tour suitable for dynamic trees?
The Euler Tour Technique is most effective for static trees. For dynamic trees, where nodes or edges are frequently updated, other techniques like Euler Tour Trees or Link/Cut Trees may be more appropriate.


#EulerTour #TreeAlgorithms #LCA #GraphTheory #CompetitiveProgramming

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Arka Infotech
Arka Infotech