Binary Indexed Tree (BIT): A Tool for Efficient Queries

Arka InfotechArka Infotech
6 min read


In the world of data structures, efficient query handling is crucial for solving a variety of computational problems. The Binary Indexed Tree (BIT), also known as the Fenwick Tree, is a powerful data structure that enables efficient handling of prefix sum queries and updates in arrays. It strikes a balance between simplicity and performance, making it a popular choice in competitive programming and real-world applications.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to the Binary Indexed Tree, covering its structure, operations, implementation, and applications. By the end, you'll understand how BIT works and how to use it for efficient problem-solving.

1. What is a Binary Indexed Tree (BIT)?

A Binary Indexed Tree is a data structure that allows:

  • Efficient prefix sum queries: Calculate the sum of elements from the beginning of an array to a given index.

  • Efficient point updates: Update the value of an element in the array and reflect the change in the prefix sums.

Key Characteristics:

  • Space-efficient: Requires only O(n) space for an array of size n.

  • Time-efficient: Supports both updates and queries in O(log n) time.

2. How Does BIT Work?

The Binary Indexed Tree leverages the binary representation of indices to efficiently store and retrieve cumulative sums. Each node in the BIT array represents the sum of a specific range of elements in the original array.

2.1 BIT Array Structure

  • The BIT array is a 1-based index array, where each index stores the sum of a range of elements.

  • The range of elements covered by an index is determined by the least significant bit (LSB) of the index.

For example:

  • Index i in the BIT array represents the sum of elements from index i - 2^k + 1 to i in the original array, where 2^k is the largest power of 2 that divides i.

2.2 Key Operations

  1. Update: Add a value to an element in the array and update the corresponding ranges in the BIT.

  2. Query: Calculate the prefix sum from the start of the array to a given index.

3. Operations in BIT

3.1 Update Operation

When updating an element in the original array, the BIT array needs to reflect the change in all ranges that include the updated element.


  1. Start at the index to be updated.

  2. Add the value to the current index in the BIT array.

  3. Move to the next index using the formula index += LSB(index).

Time Complexity: O(log n).

3.2 Query Operation

To calculate the prefix sum up to a given index, sum up all relevant ranges stored in the BIT array.


  1. Start at the given index.

  2. Add the value at the current index in the BIT array to the result.

  3. Move to the previous index using the formula index -= LSB(index).

Time Complexity: O(log n).

4. Binary Indexed Tree Implementation

Let’s implement a Binary Indexed Tree in Python.

pythonCopy codeclass BinaryIndexedTree:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.tree = [0] * (size + 1)  # 1-based indexing

    def update(self, index, value):
        """Add 'value' to the element at 'index'."""
        while index <= self.size:
            self.tree[index] += value
            index += index & -index  # Move to the next index

    def query(self, index):
        """Calculate the prefix sum up to 'index'."""
        sum_ = 0
        while index > 0:
            sum_ += self.tree[index]
            index -= index & -index  # Move to the parent index
        return sum_

    def range_query(self, left, right):
        """Calculate the sum of elements in the range [left, right]."""
        return self.query(right) - self.query(left - 1)

# Example usage
n = 10  # Size of the array
bit = BinaryIndexedTree(n)

# Update elements
bit.update(1, 5)  # Add 5 to index 1
bit.update(4, 3)  # Add 3 to index 4
bit.update(7, 8)  # Add 8 to index 7

# Query prefix sums
print("Sum of elements up to index 4:", bit.query(4))  # Output: 8
print("Sum of elements in range [2, 7]:", bit.range_query(2, 7))  # Output: 11


  1. Initialization: The BIT is initialized with all zeros.

  2. Update: Updates propagate changes to all relevant ranges.

  3. Query: Prefix sums are calculated by summing up relevant ranges.

5. Applications of Binary Indexed Tree

The Binary Indexed Tree is versatile and can be used in a variety of applications:

5.1 Prefix Sum Queries

BIT is ideal for calculating prefix sums efficiently, which is useful in problems involving cumulative sums.

5.2 Range Queries

With slight modifications, BIT can handle range queries, such as finding the sum of elements in a subarray.

5.3 Inversion Count in an Array

BIT can be used to count inversions in an array in O(n log n) time.

5.4 Dynamic Range Queries

BIT supports dynamic updates and queries, making it suitable for scenarios where the array is frequently modified.

5.5 Fenwick Tree for 2D Grids

The BIT can be extended to 2D grids for solving range sum queries in matrices.

6. Advantages and Limitations


  • Efficient: Performs both updates and queries in O(log n) time.

  • Simple Implementation: Easier to implement compared to Segment Trees.

  • Space-efficient: Requires only O(n) space.


  • Fixed Size: The size of the BIT is fixed during initialization.

  • Not Suitable for Range Updates: BIT is less efficient for range updates compared to Segment Trees.

7. Common Problems Solved Using BIT

Here are some classic problems that can be solved using Binary Indexed Trees:

  1. Sum of Elements in a Range: Calculate the sum of elements in a subarray efficiently.

  2. Inversion Count: Count the number of inversions in an array.

  3. Kth Smallest Element: Find the Kth smallest element in a dynamic array.

  4. 2D Range Queries: Solve range queries on a 2D grid using a 2D BIT.

8. Binary Indexed Tree vs Segment Tree

FeatureBinary Indexed TreeSegment Tree
Space ComplexityO(n)O(4n)
Update TimeO(log n)O(log n)
Query TimeO(log n)O(log n)
Ease of ImplementationEasyModerate
Range UpdatesNot EfficientEfficient


The Binary Indexed Tree is a simple yet powerful data structure for handling dynamic queries and updates efficiently. Its ability to handle prefix sum and range queries in O(log n) time makes it a go-to choice for competitive programming and real-world applications.

While it has some limitations compared to more advanced structures like Segment Trees, the BIT remains an essential tool for solving a wide range of problems. With the knowledge of BIT, you can tackle prefix sum problems, inversion counts, and more with confidence.


Q1: Can BIT handle negative values?
Yes, BIT can handle negative values during updates and queries.

Q2: How is BIT different from Segment Tree?
BIT is simpler to implement and uses less space, but Segment Trees are more versatile and support range updates efficiently.

Q3: Can BIT be extended to higher dimensions?
Yes, BIT can be extended to 2D or 3D grids for solving range queries in higher dimensions.

Q4: Is BIT suitable for sparse arrays?
BIT is less efficient for sparse arrays compared to other data structures like hash maps.


#BinaryIndexedTree #FenwickTree #DataStructures #CompetitiveProgramming #AlgorithmOptimization

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Arka Infotech
Arka Infotech