AWS CodePipeline - Deliver DevSecOps


Hello everyone, In the previous article we built a comprehensive AWS pipeline that includes multiple stages, provisioning AWS resources whereby terrafrom.

Today’s Article, will continue from there, and adjust our pipeline with a new action for scanning terrafrom plan file.

This article is part of The Terraform + AWS series, I use this series to publish-out AWS + Terraform Projects & Knowledge.

Checkov Overview

Checkov is a static code analysis tool for scanning infrastructure as code (IaC) files for misconfigurations that may lead to security or compliance problems. Checkov includes more than 750 predefined policies to check for common misconfiguration issues. Checkov also supports the creation and contribution of custom policies.

what is checkov

Checkov is coming up as a Python library providing CLI commands for simplicity, Checkov have the ability to run scans on terraform files, or on the plan result itself. It’s recommended to run the scan on the plan result delivering the following characteristics:

  • Plan results represent intended changes to your environment after Terraform evaluates your configurations.

  • Checkov can analyze how resources will communicate after the plan is applied.

  • Checkov can understand how a resource change will affect others.

  • Checkov will provide more accurate results while using terraform variables.

Practical commands examples

Before we start configuring our pipeline, let’s practically go through checkov installation and commands. as mentioned checkov is a Python library managed by pypi and pip Python package manager. Therefore, I will install checkov in a virtual environment on my local.

Create & Activate Python virtual env

python3 -m venv checkov-env
source checkov-env/bin/activate

Install checkov

pip install checkov

Configure & Run an inputs folder or file

Configure a folder for scan

checkov --directory /user/path/to/iac/code

Configure a specific file for scan

checkov --file /user/tf/

Configure multiple files for scan

checkov -f /user/cloudformation/example1.yml -f /user/cloudformation/example2.yml

The result of running these commands as follows:

Figure out Checkov result, with each policy result including brief details and a link providing more details and how to configure.

Checkov result discovering

let’s take the following screenshot example

Here Checkov recommends enabling the VPC flow log, which captures all network traffic that went through this VPC and saves it in a defined S3. To discover how to fix this open the mentioned link that contains the how-to as follows:

Configure a Terraform Plan file in JSON

terraform init
terraform plan -out tf.plan  # Extract plan in tf.plan file
terraform show -json tf.plan  > tf.json   # convert it to json file allows checkov read it
checkov -f tf.json

Note: The Terraform show output file tf.json will be a single line. For that reason Checkov will report all findings as line number 0.

check: CKV_AWS_21: "Ensure all data stored in the S3 bucket have versioning enabled"
    FAILED for resource: aws_s3_bucket.customer
    File: /tf/tf.json:0-0

If you have installed jq, you can convert a JSON file into multiple lines with the command terraform show -json tf.plan | jq '.' > tf.json, making it easier to read the scan result, Then run the following command.

Install jq using your OS package manager as: apt install jq
checkov -f tf.json
Check: CKV_AWS_21: "Ensure all data stored in the S3 bucket have versioning enabled"
    FAILED for resource: aws_s3_bucket.customer
    File: /tf/tf1.json:224-268

        225 |               "values": {
        226 |                 "acceleration_status": "",
        227 |                 "acl": "private",
        228 |                 "arn": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket",
If you faced an issue with urllib library update is with the following: pip install --upgrade urllib3
Use grep to print a specific policy result: checkov -f tfplan.json | grep CKV_AWS_129 -A 3

CSV output

checkov -d /path/to/your/code --output csv > checkov_results.csv
checkov -f /path/to/your/ --output csv > checkov_results.csv

Ignored checks

Since the Terraform checks are used for both normal templates and plan files, some of those are not applicable to a plan file. They evaluate the lifecycle block, which is only relevant for the CLI and are not stored in the plan file itself.

The following checks will be ignored;

  • CKV_AWS_217

  • CKV_AWS_233

  • CKV_AWS_237

  • CKV_GCP_82

Update Pipeline Action

Referring to AWS CodePipeline Automate IaC provisioning Article; let’s update our existing pipeline with plan scanning step action, as follows:

  • Open-up the CodePipeline service, Then navigate to “eraki_pipeline_us1_tagtrigger“ Pipeline.

  • Press Edit button, Scroll down to build stage, Then Edit stage.

  • Press Add action to append scan action step.

  • For The Action name type “terraform_plan_scanning

  • For Action Provider specify AWS codeBuild.

  • For input Artifact specify SourceArtifact.

  • For Project name specify eraki_codebuild_us1_tagtrigger.

  • For Variables Appen the following variable
    Key: STAGE_TYPE Value: SCAN

Hit Done.

  • Then Done on stage level, and Save on pipeline level.

Update buildspec.yml

At the moment we did configure the stage if scan but didn’t update the buildspec.yml file that holds the commands in this action.

  • Update the install phase with the following
      echo "Installing Checkov components"
      yum install python -y
      pip install --no-input checkov
      pip install --upgrade --no-input urllib3
      yum install jq -y
  • Update the Pre-build phase with the following
      elif [ "$STAGE_TYPE" = "SCAN" ]; then
        echo "Filter on Scan action"
        echo "terraform scan started on `date`"
        cd "AWS_Demo/37-build-test-pipeline";
        ls -lathr;
        terraform init;
        terraform plan -out tfplan;
        terraform show -json tfplan | jq '.' > tfplan.json;
        checkov -f tfplan.json;

Therefore, the entire buildspec.yml file will be as follows:

version: 0.2
    #key: "value"
#  parameter-store:
#    key: "value"
#  secrets-manager:
#    key: "value"

      python: 3.12

    on-failuer: ABORT
    commands: |
      echo "Installing terraform"
      yum install -y wget unzip
      yum clean all
      unzip terraform_"$TERRAFORM_VERSION"
      chmod 775 terraform
      mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
      terraform --version
      rm terraform_"$TERRAFORM_VERSION"
      ls -al /usr/local/bin/terraform
      echo "Installing Checkov components"
      yum install python -y
      pip install --no-input checkov
      pip install --upgrade --no-input urllib3
      yum install jq -y

    on-failure: ABORT
    commands: |
      if [ "$STAGE_TYPE" = "plan" ]; then
        echo "Filter on Plan action";
        echo terraform plan started on `date`
        #cd "CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/AWS_Demo/37-build-test-pipeline";
        cd "AWS_Demo/37-build-test-pipeline";
        ls -lathr;
        terraform init;
        terraform validate;
        terraform plan -out tfplan;
      elif [ "$STAGE_TYPE" = "SCAN" ]; then
        echo "Filter on Scan action"
        echo "terraform scan started on `date`"
        cd "AWS_Demo/37-build-test-pipeline";
        ls -lathr;
        terraform init;
        terraform plan -out tfplan;
        terraform show -json tfplan | jq '.' > tfplan.json;
        checkov -f tfplan.json;
        echo "No Plan, or Scan stages";

    on-failure: ABORT
    commands: |
      if  [ "$STAGE_TYPE" = "apply" ]; then
        echo  "Filter on Apply stage";
        echo terraform execution started on `date`;
        ls -lathr;
        #cd "$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/AWS_Demo/37-build-test-pipeline";
        cd "AWS_Demo/37-build-test-pipeline";
        ls -lathr;
        terraform apply tfplan;
        echo "No Apply stage";

    on-failure: CONTINUE
    commands: |
      echo "Fetching provisioning details"
      terraform show -json tfplan > tfplan.json
      yum install -y jq
      echo "print out terrafrom version and json format version"
      jq '.terraform_version, .format_version' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out provider config"
      jq '.configuration.provider_config' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out resource config"
      jq '.configuration.root_module.resources' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out outputs"
      jq '.outputs' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out resource changes"
      jq '.resource_changes' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out resource config"
      jq '.configuration.root_module.resources' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out provider config"
      jq '.configuration.provider_config' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out provider config"
      jq '.configuration.provider_config' tfplan.json
      echo ""
      echo "print out lock file configuration"
      jq '.configuration.lock_version' tfplan.json
Make sure the buildspec.yml file exists in the main directory. check here for more info

and now we are ready to test our pipeline.

Fire the Pipeline

After updating your buildspec.yml file locally now it’s time to push and tag our commit, follow up:

  • Save buildspec.yml file.

  • Push your update as follows

git add buildspec.yml 
git commit -m "pipeline/Prov Scan stg"
git push
git tag <commit_hash> release-21
git push origin release-21
Everything up-to-date

This should fire the pipeline as it’s fired up by the release-* tag; Go to your pipeline and it should appear results as below screenshots:

In parallel actions

The Scan Action will fail because we faced a security issue we needed to make our code match the checkov security recommendations; However, that means we did configure our pipeline successfully

AWS Pipeline Notifications

As we configured last time your pipeline should send you notifications as follows, Check previous article for more info:


That's it, Very straightforward, very fast🚀. Hope this article inspired you and will appreciate your feedback. Thank you

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Written by

Mohamed El Eraki
Mohamed El Eraki

Cloud & DevOps Engineer, Linux & Windows SysAdmin, PowerShell, Bash, Python Scriptwriter, Passionate about DevOps, Autonomous, and Self-Improvement, being DevOps Expert is my Aim.