Structured Error Handling for TypeScript

Michael PiperMichael Piper
3 min read

The Result Library is a TypeScript utility designed to offer structured error handling using Ok and Err types, providing a robust way to manage both success and failure scenarios. This library is inspired by Rust, borrowing its error-handling patterns to create a reliable alternative to exception-based error management.


  • Type Safety: Explicit handling of Ok and Err cases with strong TypeScript typings.

  • Convenient API: Simplifies error handling with intuitive methods.

  • Improved Error Handling: Reduce runtime errors with structured control flows.

  • Reusable Components: Seamlessly integrates into any TypeScript project.


npm install result-library


Creating Results

To create Ok and Err results, use the ResultBuilder interface:

import { ResultBuilder } from 'result-library';

const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder();

const success = Ok("Operation was successful");
const failure = Err("An error occurred");

Checking Results

if (success.is_ok()) {
  console.log("Success:", success.unwrap());
} else {
  console.error("Error:", success.err());

if (failure.is_err()) {
  console.error("Failure:", failure.unwrap_err());

Example: Division Function

function divide(a: number, b: number) {
  const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder();
  if (b === 0) {
    return Err("Division by zero is not allowed");
  return Ok(a / b);

const result = divide(10, 2);
if (result.is_ok()) {
  console.log("Result:", result.unwrap());
} else {
  console.error("Error:", result.unwrap_err());

Advanced Usage with Types

Define explicit types for better type safety:

const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<number, string>();
const result = Ok(42);
const error = Err("Something went wrong");

if (result.is_ok()) {
} else {

Use Case: File Processing

function processFile(filePath: string) {
  const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<string, string>();

  if (!filePath.endsWith(".txt")) {
    return Err("Only .txt files are supported");

  try {
    const fileContent = "File content"; // Simulated file read
    return Ok(fileContent);
  } catch (error) {
    return Err("Failed to process the file");


  • Eliminates Ambiguity: Clear distinction between success and error states.

  • Improves Readability: Declarative code that is self-documenting.

  • Avoids Exceptions: Promotes error handling via return types instead of exceptions.

  • Enhances Debugging: Easily identify and manage error cases.

API Reference

Result<A, E>

A generic class representing either a success (Ok) or failure (Err) value.

  • is_ok(): Returns true if the result is Ok.

  • is_err(): Returns true if the result is Err.

  • ok(): Retrieves the success value.

  • err(): Retrieves the error value.

  • unwrap(): Returns the success value or throws an error if the result is Err.

  • unwrap_err(): Returns the error value or throws an error if the result is Ok.

Ok<A, E>

A subclass of Result representing a success state.

Err<E, A>

A subclass of Result representing an error state.


An interface for creating Ok and Err instances.

  • Ok<A, E>(value: A): Creates an Ok result with the given value.

  • Err<E, A>(error: E): Creates an Err result with the given error.


Contributions are welcome! Open an issue or submit a pull request for bug fixes or enhancements.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


TypeScript, Result, Rust, Functional Programming, Error Handling, Ok, Err, Library

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Written by

Michael Piper
Michael Piper

Experienced Software Engineer skilled in creating mobile apps and web solutions. Expertise in iOS/Android app development, JavaScript frameworks, Python, and research methodologies. Detail-oriented problem solver with 10+ years of experience delivering top-notch solutions.