We have open sourced our Job Board app built on Rails 6

Chetan MittalChetan Mittal
3 min read


We recently open sourced our very first own MVP - Dollarjobs - launched in 2019 but failed to gain much traction after a couple of months so got shut down. The reasons could be:-

  • Indian Jobs Listing Market is monopolized by Naukri.com

  • Lack of any import of Job Listings from 3rd party websites

  • May be should have kept the MVP running for a little more months

Why Open Sourcing?

  • We want to showcase our Ruby on Rails development skills especially in MVP Development

  • We want to showcase that Ruby and Rails code written 5 years back still runs. Can you do this with NodeJS?

  • We want to upgrade Dollarjobs to TailwindCSS, Rails v8, ActiveAdmin v4, Opal (moving JQuery scripts), Litestack, 3 x Solids, Kamal v2, Thruster, etc. A complete upgrade of the MVP powered by 100% Ruby only.

  • We want to re-launch Dollarjobs as a PSHS (Paid Self Hosted Software) Product e.g. ONCE products

Does the Rails 6 version work?

Oh, yes definitely it woks. Follow the instructions below to get it up and running on your local dev machine:

Tech Stack

  • Ruby 2.7.0

  • Ruby on Rails version 6 - gem 'rails', '~> 6.1.0'

  • SQLite (in 2019 we launched our MVP on SQLite in production) - gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.4'

  • Node 14 LTS

  • Yarn

  • Python (requirement for building node-sass)


Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/bestwebventures0/dollarjobs.git

Install mise to manage programming languages

$ curl https://mise.run | sh

Install Ruby using mise

$ cd dollarjobs
$ mise i

Install Node and Yarn

$ mise i node@14
$ npm install -g yarn
$ mise use node@14 # not required as project already has mise.toml but still run it in case

Install Python and Python2

$ sudo apt install python-is-python3 # i am on Ubuntu 24.04. For mac I suppose you may use `brew`
$ mise i python@2
$ mise use python@2 # not required as project already has mise.toml but still run it in case

Install Ruby Gems and Node Modules

$ bundle update mimemagic # bundle install gives error
$ yarn install

Run migrations and import seed data

$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed

Run Rails Server; goto browser and hit http://localhost:3000

$ rails s

Add Job Listing Prices

Open URL http://localhost:3000/admin and login using:

  • admin@example.com

  • password

Goto ‘Prices’ tab in menu and click on “New Price”. Add any number(s) in USD.

Logout and voila, you are ready to use Dollarjobs. However, there is one caveat, you need API key:secret for Razorpay payment gateway to save a job listing. But yes, you can modify the code and bypass to save a job listing without a payment.

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Written by

Chetan Mittal
Chetan Mittal

I stumbled upon Ruby on Rails beta version in 2005 and has been using it since then. I have also trained multiple Rails developers all over the globe. Currently, providing consulting and advising companies on how to upgrade, secure, optimize, monitor, modernize, and scale their Rails apps.