How to Deploy a Backend Server on Cudos Intercloud:

4 min read

Cudos Intercloud is rapidly emerging as a reliable platform for decentralized cloud computing, offering high-performance computing resources, scalability, and secure infrastructure. For developers looking to deploy a backend server, Cudos Intercloud provides an excellent environment to ensure robust performance while maintaining the benefits of decentralization.

This guide takes you through a step-by-step process of deploying a backend server on Cudos Intercloud, including the setup, configuration, and deployment stages.

Why Choose Cudos Intercloud for Backend Deployment?

Cudos Intercloud stands out for backend deployment due to several advantages:

1. A decentralized infrastructure: Minimize single points of failure and ensure enhanced security.

2. It is scalable: Easily adjust resources to meet demand fluctuations.

3. The cost efficiency: Pay-as-you-go pricing with no unnecessary overhead.

4. Integration with Web3: Perfect for projects requiring blockchain integration.

Now, for the deployment process.

✓ Prerequisites

Before starting, ensure you have the following:

- A Cudos Intercloud Account: Sign up on the Cudos Intercloud platform

( )

- SSH Key Pair: For secure access to your virtual machines (VMs.)

- A Backend Application Code: Ensure your server code is ready for deployment (e.g., a Node.js, Python Flask, or Django app)

- Docker Installed (Optional but recommended): Containerize your application for easier deployment and scalability.

- A Domain Name (Optional): For custom domain mapping.

Step 1: Setting Up a Cudos Intercloud Virtual Machine

1. Login to Cudos Intercloud:

- Access the Cudos Intercloud dashboard using your credentials.

2. Launch a Virtual Machine:

- Navigate to the “Compute” section and select “Create Virtual Machine.”

- Choose a suitable VM configuration based on your backend’s resource requirements. For most applications, a basic VM with 2 CPUs and 4GB RAM is sufficient.

- Select an operating system (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is a popular choice for backend servers).

3. Configure Networking:

- Assign a public IP address to your VM.

- Open necessary ports for your backend server (e.g., port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS).

- Ensure the firewall settings allow inbound traffic on these ports.

4. Generate SSH Access:

- Use your SSH key pair to configure secure access to the VM.

Step 2: Preparing the Virtual Machine

1. Access the VM via SSH:


ssh -i /path/to/your/ssh/key username@your-vm-ip


2. Update and Install Dependencies:

- Update the package manager and install essential tools:


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install -y git curl unzip


3. Install Server Software:

- Based on your backend framework, install the necessary software:

- Node.js:


curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt install -y nodejs


- Python & Pip:


sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip


- Docker (Optional):


sudo apt install -y

sudo systemctl start docker

sudo systemctl enable docker


Step 3: Deploying Your Backend Application

Option 1: Direct Deployment

1. Clone Your Backend Repository:

- Use Git to clone your backend code onto the VM:


git clone

cd your-backend-repo


2. Install Dependencies:

- Depending on your backend framework:

- For Node.js:


npm install


- For Python:


pip install -r requirements.txt


3. Start the Server:

- Run your application locally on the VM:

- Node.js:


node server.js


- Python Flask:




4. Test the Server:

- Access the server using the public IP and port (e.g., `http://your-vm-ip:5000`)

Option 2: Docker Deployment

1. Create a Dockerfile:

- Ensure your backend repository contains a `Dockerfile` for containerization. Example for a Node.js app:


FROM node:16


COPY . .

RUN npm install

CMD ["node", "server.js"]



2. Build and Run the Docker Container:


docker build -t your-backend-app .

docker run -d -p 80:80 your-backend-app


3. Verify the Deployment:

- Access the server via the public IP.

Step 4: Configuring a Reverse Proxy (Optional)

To improve performance and security, use a reverse proxy like Nginx.

1. Install Nginx:


sudo apt install -y nginx


2. Configure Nginx:

- Edit the default Nginx configuration:


sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default


- Update the file with:


server {

listen 80;


location / {


proxy_http_version 1.1;

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';

proxy_set_header Host $host;

proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;




3. Restart Nginx:


sudo systemctl restart nginx


Step 5: Securing Your Backend

1. Enable HTTPS:

- Use Let’s Encrypt to secure your server with SSL:


sudo apt install -y certbot python3-certbot-nginx

sudo certbot --nginx


2. Set Up a Firewall:

- Allow only necessary ports:


sudo ufw allow OpenSSH

sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

sudo ufw enable


Step 6: Monitoring and Scaling

1. Resource Monitoring:

- Use tools like `htop` or `Docker stats` to monitor resource usage.

2. Scaling:

- For scaling, use Cudos Intercloud’s API or dashboard to increase VM resources or deploy additional instances.


Deploying a backend server on Cudos Intercloud combines the benefits of decentralized infrastructure with robust cloud computing capabilities. By following this guide, you can leverage the platform's features to ensure your backend is scalable, secure, and efficient. Whether you're hosting APIs, managing databases, or running full-stack applications, Cudos Intercloud is a powerful solution for modern backend deployments.

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Valeria is a Web3 writer. She does technical research and puts them into comprehensive writings.