A Comprehensive Guide to FrontEnd Project Setup for React with Mac M Series Users

1 :- Installation of HomeBrew
Navigate to the HomeBrew
Copy this command in to the Terminal(Press Command + Space and Type Terminal)
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- After you copy and run it install successfully but when we try to check brew —version will get error
zsh : command not found :brew
Steps to Resolve the HomeBrew error When you don’t have .zshrc file
In same terminal make sure that your in Home folder if you not sure about it just write cd
Now write ls -al this will show all hidden directory in mac
Now you can see in the image that there is no .zshrc file
To create this file first thing you need to know that where brew get installed
PATH : ls /opt/homebrew/bin
Once you write above path you can brew there
Now to create the .zshrc file you need to add this command nano .zshrc and add export command inside bin file
After this do the Control +x the click the Y from keyboard and click on ENTER
Now if you wanted to check export is added or not you run below command cat .zshrc
To load this binary path you need to run the command source .zshrc
- Now if you run the command brew —version it will be installed version
Steps to Resolve the HomeBrew error When you have .zshrc file
- Just add this below file inside .zshrc
After this do the Control +x the click the Y from keyboard and click on ENTER
Now if you wanted to check export is added or not you run below command cat .zshrc
To load this binary path you need to run the command source .zshrc
- Now if you run the command brew —version it will be installed version
Installation of Git
- Brew is package manager so when wanted to install the git you just need to run command
brew install git
Check the version with command git —version
Installation of Nodejs
- Brew is package manager so when wanted to install the node you just need to run command
brew install node
Check the version with command node —version
Installation of VS code
Navigate to Vs code
click on download
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