Transactions in Microservices: Part 1 — SAGA Patterns overview

In the realm of microservices, managing distributed transactions is a formidable challenge. Traditional monolithic transactions don't translate well into a microservices architecture due to the decentralized nature of the system. This is where the Saga pattern becomes invaluable, offering strategies like Choreography and Orchestration to maintain data consistency across services.

In this article, we'll delve into the Orchestration approach of the Saga pattern, building upon the foundational concepts discussed in Transactions in Microservices: Part 1 - SAGA Patterns overview. We'll provide additional context tailored for developers, analyze the limitations of the provided example, and discuss considerations for production-level implementations.

Understanding the Orchestration Approach

The Orchestration approach centralizes the control of a saga's workflow in a dedicated orchestrator service. This orchestrator dictates the sequence of operations, invoking each service involved in the transaction and handling any necessary compensating actions in case of failures. This centralized control simplifies the management of complex transactions and enhances the clarity of the system's behavior.

Practical Example: Healthcare Workflow with Orchestration

Consider a healthcare system managing a multi-step workflow for scheduling a medical procedure. The services involved might include:

  1. Patient Management: Verifying patient details and insurance coverage.

  2. Appointment Scheduler: Booking an available slot for the procedure.

  3. Inventory Management: Reserving medical supplies for the procedure.

  4. Billing: Charging the patient or insurer.

To ensure consistency across these services, we can use the Saga pattern with Orchestration. Below is a runnable Go implementation.

package main

import (

// Define step and compensation types
type Step func() error
type Compensation func()

// Saga structure
type Saga struct {
    steps        []Step
    compensations []Compensation

func (s *Saga) AddStep(step Step, compensation Compensation) {
    s.steps = append(s.steps, step)
    s.compensations = append([]Compensation{compensation}, s.compensations...)

func (s *Saga) Execute() {
    for i, step := range s.steps {
        if err := step(); err != nil {
            log.Printf("Step %d failed: %v. Rolling back...\n", i+1, err)
            for _, compensation := range s.compensations {
    fmt.Println("Saga completed successfully.")

func main() {
    saga := &Saga{}

    // Step 1: Verify patient details and insurance coverage
        func() error {
            fmt.Println("Verifying patient details and insurance coverage...")
            // Implement verification logic here
            return nil // Return error if verification fails
        func() {
            fmt.Println("Compensation: Reverting patient verification...")
            // Implement compensation logic here

    // Step 2: Book an available slot for the procedure
        func() error {
            fmt.Println("Booking an available slot for the procedure...")
            // Implement booking logic here
            return nil // Return error if booking fails
        func() {
            fmt.Println("Compensation: Canceling the booked slot...")
            // Implement compensation logic here

    // Step 3: Reserve medical supplies for the procedure
        func() error {
            fmt.Println("Reserving medical supplies for the procedure...")
            // Implement reservation logic here
            return nil // Return error if reservation fails
        func() {
            fmt.Println("Compensation: Releasing reserved medical supplies...")
            // Implement compensation logic here

    // Step 4: Charge the patient or insurer
        func() error {
            fmt.Println("Charging the patient or insurer...")
            // Implement billing logic here
            return nil // Return error if billing fails
        func() {
            fmt.Println("Compensation: Issuing a refund...")
            // Implement compensation logic here

    // Execute the saga

This Go implementation demonstrates a simple orchestrator managing a series of steps, each with its corresponding compensation. While this example provides a foundational understanding, it's essential to recognize its limitations when considering production environments.

Production Considerations

While the provided example illustrates the basic mechanics of the Orchestration approach, it's not suitable for production use without addressing several critical aspects:

1. Resiliency and Fault Tolerance

In a real-world scenario, the orchestrator must handle various failure modes gracefully. If the orchestrator crashes during the saga execution, the system needs mechanisms to recover and continue the process without data loss or inconsistency. Implementing persistent storage for the saga's state and incorporating retry mechanisms are essential to enhance resiliency. As noted in AWS's prescriptive guidance, "The orchestrator can become a single point of failure because it coordinates the entire transaction." Therefore, ensuring the orchestrator's high availability and fault tolerance is crucial.

2. Idempotency

Each step and its corresponding compensation must be idempotent, meaning that repeating the operation produces the same result. This property ensures that retrying a failed step doesn't lead to unintended side effects, which is vital in distributed systems where operations may be repeated due to transient failures. As highlighted in the C# Corner article, "Saga participants need to be idempotent to allow repeated execution in case of transient failures caused by unexpected crashes and orchestrator failures."

3. State Persistence

Maintaining the state of each step is crucial for recovery in case of failures. The orchestrator should persist the state of the saga after each step, enabling it to resume from the last known state upon restart. This persistence is vital for long-running transactions that may span extended periods. As discussed in the Medium article, "An orchestrator should be able to continue a Saga where it left off, even if it crashed during its execution."

What’s Next: Diving Deeper into Saga Patterns

In the next articles of this series, I will cover all these considerations, dive deeper into Choreography, and provide guidance on creating production-ready Orchestration implementations. We’ll also explore best practices for building resilient, scalable, and reliable distributed systems.

Stay tuned to master the intricacies of Saga patterns for microservices!

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Written by

Federico Bevione
Federico Bevione