How to Easily Connect Google Analytics to a Next.js Application

Welcome to nextjs-ga, a simple and reusable React component to seamlessly integrate Google Analytics into your Next.js applications. No need to install an npm package—just copy and paste the component into your project, and you're good to go!

Why Use This Component?

Tracking user behaviour and website performance is crucial for optimizing your Next.js app. With this component, you can:

  • Easily Add Google Analytics: No complex setup or npm installations are required.

  • Reusable and Customizable: Pass your Google Analytics Tracking ID (gid) as a prop.

  • Lightweight and Efficient: Uses Next.js's Script component for optimal performance.

  • Validation Included: Ensures your gid is in the correct format.

How to Use

Step 1: Copy the Component

Create a new file in your components folder (e.g., components/google-analytics.tsx) and paste the following code:

// components/google-analytics.tsx
"use client";

import Script from "next/script";
import { useEffect } from "react";

interface AnalyticsProps {
  gid: string;

export default function Analytics({ gid }: AnalyticsProps) {
  useEffect(() => {
    // Validate the Google Analytics Tracking ID
    const isValidGid = /^G-[A-Z0-9]+$/.test(gid);
    if (!isValidGid) {
        "Invalid Google Analytics Tracking ID. Expected format: G-[A-Z0-9]+"
  }, [gid]);

  return (

      <Script id="google-analytics" strategy="lazyOnload">
          window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
          function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
          gtag('js', new Date());
          gtag('config', '${gid}', {
            page_path: window.location.pathname,

Step 2: Add the Component to Your App

Import and use the Analytics component in your _app.tsx (or layout.tsx) file to ensure it loads on every page:

// pages/_app.tsx
import Analytics from "@/components/google-analytics";

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <Analytics gid="G-2087SB98KK" />
      <Component {...pageProps} />
// app/layout.tsx
import Analytics from "@/components/google-analytics";

export default function RootLayout({children}: {children: React.Node}) {
  return (
      {/* Other Code */}
      { children }
      <Analytics gid="G-2087SB98KK" />
      {/* Other Code */}

Replace "G-2087SB98KK" with your actual Google Analytics Tracking ID.

Step 3: Deploy and Verify

Deploy your Next.js app and visit your website. Open the Google Analytics Real-Time Dashboard to verify that your website is sending data.


1. Reusable Component

Pass your Google Analytics Tracking ID (gid) as a prop to make the component reusable across multiple projects.

2. Validation

The component includes a validation check to ensure your gid is in the correct format (G-[A-Z0-9]+). If the ID is invalid, an error will be logged to the console.

3. Optimized Performance

The Script component from Next.js ensures the Google Analytics script is loaded efficiently without blocking your page render.

4. TypeScript Support

The component is written in TypeScript, providing better tooling support and type safety.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

<Analytics gid="G-2087SB98KK" />

Dynamic Tracking ID

If your tracking ID is stored in an environment variable, you can pass it dynamically:

<Analytics gid={process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_TRACKING_ID} />


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements or find any issues, feel free to:

Let’s make this component even better together!

Follow Me

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Your support means a lot!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as you see fit.


Final Thoughts

Adding Google Analytics to your Next.js app doesn’t have to be complicated. With this reusable component, you can set up tracking in minutes and focus on building amazing features for your users.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think! 🚀

By following this guide, you’ll not only improve your website’s analytics but also streamline your development workflow. Happy coding! 🎉

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Written by

Tomilola Oluwafemi
Tomilola Oluwafemi

I craft blazingly fast software solutions while optimising for costs; Software Engineer | Backend + Frontend → Full Stack Developer