HTTP vs HTTPS, SSL/TLS Security, Status Codes, and Methods Explained

HTTP vs HTTPS: UnderStanding Secure Communication.

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, a standard protocol for transferring data on the internet, while HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is essentially the same protocol but with an added layer of security. Ex. Imagine you’re at a coffee shop, sharing important information with a friend. Let’s compare two scenarios: one where anyone can overhear your conversation (HTTP) and another where you’re using a secret code to communicate (HTTPS).

HTTP (Insecure Communication) :

You and your friend are talking loudly at the coffee shop.

  • Visibility: Everyone around can hear what you're saying. If you share sensitive information like your bank account details or passwords, anyone can listen in.

  • Risk: Eavesdroppers could steal or misuse the information you’re sharing.

In the online world, when a website uses HTTP, the data sent between your browser and the website is not encrypted. Hackers can intercept and read this data, such as login credentials or credit card numbers.

HTTPS (Secure Communication) :

Now, imagine you and your friend use a secret code to communicate.

  • Encryption: Even though you’re still talking in the same coffee shop, anyone listening in won’t understand what you’re saying because it’s encrypted.

  • Trust: You trust your friend, knowing that the secret code ensures only the two of you can understand the conversation.

With HTTPS, data sent between your browser and the website is encrypted using SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security). This encryption makes it extremely difficult for hackers to intercept and decode your information.

The Role Of SSL/TLS in Protecting Data Online :

SSL/TLS stands for secure sockets layer and transport layer security. It is a protocol or communication rule that allows computer systems to talk to each other on the internet safely. SSL/TLS certificates allow web browsers to identify and establish encrypted network connections to websites using the SSL/TLS protocol.

Sending a Package Without SSL/TLS

You place your valuable items in an open box and hand it to a random courier on the street.

  • No Sealing: Anyone along the delivery route can peek inside, steal the items, or replace them with fake ones.

  • No Verification: You don’t know if the courier is legitimate or if they’ll deliver the package to the right person.

  • Result: Your valuables are at risk, and your friend may never receive the package.

This is what happens when a website doesn’t use SSL/TLS (HTTP). Your data is sent as plain text, making it vulnerable to interception and tampering by hackers.

Sending a Package with SSL/TLS

You place your valuable items in a securely locked box. Only your friend has the unique key to open it.

  • Encryption (Locking the Box): The locked box ensures that no one else can see or alter the contents, even if the courier is intercepted.

  • Authentication (Verified Courier): You only hand the box to a courier from a trusted company with proper identification.

  • Integrity (Tamper Detection): The box has a seal that breaks if anyone tries to tamper with it. Your friend knows it’s genuine if the seal is intact.

  • Result: Your valuables arrive safely, and your friend can trust the contents.

This represents SSL/TLS in action, where data is encrypted, verified, and protected from tampering during transmission.

Common HTTP Status Codes: What Do They Mean?

Imagine you’re sending and receiving messages with a friend. Each time they respond, they attach a note that indicates whether your request was successful or if something went wrong. HTTP status codes work similarly—they’re messages from a server that tell your browser (or app) what happened to your request.

Let’s break it down with simple real-world analogies:

1xx: Informational (Hold On!)

These are like your friend saying, “I’m working on it, hold tight!”

  • 100 Continue:
    "I’ve got your request, and it looks fine so far. Keep going!"
    Example: The server confirms it’s ready for the next part of the request.

  • 101 Switching Protocols:
    "I’m switching to a different way of communicating with you."
    Example: Upgrading from HTTP to WebSockets.

2xx: Success (All Good!)

These codes mean everything went smoothly, like your friend saying, “Done!”

  • 200 OK:
    "I got your request, and here’s what you wanted."
    Example: Viewing a webpage or receiving data from an API.

  • 201 Created:
    "Your new item has been successfully created."
    Example: Signing up on a website and creating a new user account.

  • 204 No Content:
    "I did what you asked, but there’s nothing new to show."
    Example: Successfully updating data without needing to return anything.

3xx: Redirection (Go Somewhere Else)

These codes are like your friend saying, “I’m not here, but check over there.”

  • 301 Moved Permanently:
    "The thing you’re looking for has a new address—use it from now on."
    Example: Redirecting a website to a new domain.

  • 302 Found:
    "The thing you’re looking for is temporarily over here."
    Example: Redirecting users temporarily to a different page.

  • 304 Not Modified:
    "You already have the latest version—no need to download it again."
    Example: Efficiently loading cached resources.

4xx: Client Errors (You Messed Up)

These codes indicate a problem with your request, like your friend saying, “Something’s wrong on your end.”

  • 400 Bad Request:
    "Your request is incomplete or doesn’t make sense."
    Example: Sending malformed data to a server.

  • 401 Unauthorized:
    "You need to log in before I can give you access."
    Example: Trying to access a restricted page without authentication.

  • 403 Forbidden:
    "You’re not allowed to access this."
    Example: Trying to view a page without the right permissions.

  • 404 Not Found:
    "I couldn’t find what you’re looking for."
    Example: Entering a URL that doesn’t exist.

5xx: Server Errors (I Messed Up)

These codes mean something went wrong on the server’s side, like your friend saying, “It’s my fault.”

  • 500 Internal Server Error:
    "Oops! Something broke on my end."
    Example: A bug in the server’s code caused it to fail.

  • 502 Bad Gateway:
    "The server I tried to talk to gave me a bad response."
    Example: A gateway or proxy server couldn’t get a valid response from another server.

  • 503 Service Unavailable:
    "I’m too busy or under maintenance—try again later."
    Example: A server is overloaded or temporarily offline.

  • 504 Gateway Timeout:
    "The server I was trying to talk to took too long to respond."
    Example: A delayed response from an upstream server.

HTTP Methods and Their Use Cases.

HTTP methods define the type of action you want to perform on a resource (like data on a server). Think of these methods as verbs in the language of the web, each serving a specific purpose. Here’s an explanation with examples:

1. GET: Retrieve Information

Use Case: To request and fetch data from a server without making any changes.

  • Analogy: Like looking at a menu in a restaurant. You’re asking, "What’s available?" without changing anything.

  • Example:

    • Retrieving a list of products from an online store: /products

    • Viewing a specific blog post: /blog/123

2. POST: Submit Data

Use Case: To send data to the server to create a new resource.

  • Analogy: Filling out a form and submitting it to register for an event. The server processes your request and creates something new.

  • Example:

    • Submitting a registration form: /signup

    • Adding a new item to an inventory: /products/add

3. PUT: Update or Replace Data

Use Case: To completely replace an existing resource with new data.

  • Analogy: Replacing an old photo in a frame with a new one. The old one is gone, and the new one takes its place.

  • Example:

    • Updating a user’s profile information: /user/123

4. DELETE: Remove Data

Use Case: To delete a resource from the server.

  • Analogy: Like deleting a contact from your phone. Once it’s gone, it’s no longer available.

  • Example:

    • Removing an item from a shopping cart: /cart/item/123
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Written by

Maulik Gajipara 🏌️
Maulik Gajipara 🏌️