Cypress For Test Automation: A Step-by-Step Guide

With the complexity of software applications growing every day, one of the most important things for every testing team to focus on is optimizing test coverage. Testers all over the world use testing tools and frameworks to conduct various kinds of testing. However, testing software systems from end-to-end along with all of their subsystems is an urgent necessity.
Cypress is a modern JavaScript-based E2E (End-to-End) testing framework designed for modern web applications. It provides a powerful and easy-to-use way to automate tests. It is primarily used for testing web applications and can be integrated with various tools and frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, and more. Its unique features, like time travel and automatic waiting, can significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of your testing process.
In this blog, we will deep dive into how to set up Cypress to perform End to End testing with Cypress locally and in the cloud using TestGrid
Before explaining more about Cypress let’s see the NPM trend for Cypress. Looking at the npm trends give us some insights into the popularity and adoption rates of Cypress.
About Cypress Testing Framework
Cypress is a popular open-source testing framework that is primarily used for web application testing. It is built using JavaScript and operates directly within the browser.
One of the key advantages of Cypress over other testing frameworks like Selenium is that it doesn’t require the use of driver binaries. The screenshot below shows how tests are executed inside of the browser, which reduces test execution time and removes network latency.
Cypress automation testing runs on a NodeJS server. To create a connection between the browser and the Node.js server, Cypress uses WebSocket protocol. WebSockets provide full-duplex communication which allows Cypress to send commands, such as navigating to URLs, interacting with elements, and making assertions, from the test code to the browser in real-time. It also enables Cypress to receive feedback, such as DOM snapshots, console logs, and other test-related information, from the browser back to the server.
Let’s break down the components and how they interact:
User Interaction: The process starts with a user interacting with the web application. This could involve actions like clicking buttons, selecting values from drop down, filling forms, or navigating through pages.
Cypress Test Scripts: Developers create test scripts using JavaScript or Typescript. These scripts simulate user interactions and verify that the application behaves as expected.
Cypress Runner: The Cypress Runner executes the test scripts. It interacts with the web application, capturing screenshots and videos during the test.
Proxy Server: A proxy server sits between the Cypress Runner and the web application. It intercepts requests and responses, allowing developers to manipulate them.
Node.js: Cypress runs on Node.js, providing a runtime environment for executing JavaScript/or Typescript code.
Web Socket: Web sockets protocol enables real-time communication between the Cypress Runner and the web application.
HTTP Requests/Responses: In the architecture diagram you can see HTTP requests (e.g., GET, POST) and responses exchanged between the Cypress Runner and the application server.
How Cypress Test Execution Works:
The user interacts with the web application.
Cypress test scripts send commands to the Cypress Runner.
The Cypress Runner communicates with the proxy server.
The proxy server forwards requests to the application server.
The application server processes requests and sends back responses.
The Cypress Runner captures screenshots and videos during the test.
Developers analyze the test results to ensure the application functions correctly.
So far we have seen how test cases are executed internally in Cypress. In the next section, you will see why Cypress is the best choice for automation.
Why Cypress For Automation Testing
Cypress has become very popular in the automation testing space due to several reasons:
Easy Setup: Cypress has a simple installation process and does not require any additional dependencies or setup. It is simple to include into both new and current projects.
Automatic Waiting: Cypress automatically waits for the elements to appear on the page before performing any actions or assertions. It intelligently handles asynchronous actions, eliminating the need for explicit waits or sleep statements.
Real-Time Reloads: As you make changes to your test files or application code, Cypress automatically reloads the test runner, providing real-time feedback. Debugging and development are sped up by this functionality.
Time Travel: Cypress allows you to go back and forth in time during test execution. You can take snapshots at different points in your test and even manipulate the application’s state to debug failures more effectively.
Interactive Test Runner: Cypress provides a user-friendly test runner interface that displays the application being tested in real-time. You can interact with the application, inspect elements, and see assertions and command logs.
Debuggability: Cypress offers built-in debugging tools that allow you to pause test execution at any point and inspect the application’s state. You can also use the browser’s developer tools alongside Cypress for advanced debugging.
Network and XHR Control: Cypress provides full control over the network and XHR requests. You can stub or mock network requests, modify responses and test various scenarios without making actual HTTP calls.
Cross-Browser Testing: Cypress supports cross-browser testing and allows you to run tests on different browsers simultaneously. It also provides plugins for integration with popular Continuous Integration (CI) platforms and cloud-based testing services.
Getting Start with Cypress Testing
Install Cypress
To start with Cypress testing we need to set up Cypress first. To create a new project for Cypress automated testing, we have to follow the below steps
Install Node.js: Cypress requires Node.js to run. Download and install Node.js from the official website ( if you haven’t already. Ensure you have Node.js version 16 or above.
Create a new project: Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to set up your Cypress project.
Create a project, let’s name it cypress_testgrid
Initialize a new Node.js project: Start a new Node.js project by entering the commands below, and a package.json file will be generated.
npm init -y
Install Cypress: Run the below command to install Cypress as a development dependency:
npm install cypress –save-dev
yarn add cypress –dev
In the below screenshot, you can see Cypress is installed successfully
One cypress is installed you can see the latest version in package.json, as of today when I am writing this article the latest version of cypress is 13.7.1
In the above screenshot, we can see Cypress is installed. Now run the below command to open the Cypress runner and execute the test cases.
yarn cypress open
npx cypress open
You will see the below screen, select E2E Testing from the below screenshot.
Follow the wizard and finally, you will see the screenshot below with default test cases provided by Cypress.
Folder structure of Cypress Framework
The below screenshots demonstrate how Cypress creates a default folder hierarchy when it first launches.Below is a detailed description of each of these files and folders that Cypress framework have.
Below table summarizes the purpose of each directory and file within the Cypress project.
Directory/File | Description |
cypress/ | Main directory containing all Cypress-related files. |
fixtures/ | This directory contains JSON files that store static test data. For example, you can place sample data for API responses or form inputs in these files. |
e2e/ | In the e2e directory, your test files (also known as spec files) reside. You can organize your tests into folders based on the application’s features or modules. |
support/ | The support folder contains the files commands.js and e2e.js.command.js: The commands.js file is commonly used to define custom commands that you can reuse across different test filese2e.js: The e2e.js file is the entry point for loading various support files.. |
Cypress.config.js | Cypress uses a configuration file ‘cypress.config.json’ to alter a project’s default setup settings. |
node_modules | This directory contains the dependencies installed for your Cypress project. It is automatically generated when you run npm install or use a package manager to install Cypress. |
package.json | Holds metadata about the project and its dependencies. |
In next section you will see how we can create new test cases in Cypress
Create Test File in Cypress
Create a new test file under cypress/e2e/ to run e2e test case ,let’s give name to the file e.g,
Write Your Test
As we mentioned above Cypress supports the Mocha framework. Therefore, prior to moving to our initial script, it is crucial to grasp certain key concepts.
Describe() Block :
describe() block is to define a suite of tests that are logically related to each other. This could be tests for a specific module, component, or functionality of an application.
it() Blocks:
it() block defines a single, specific test case. This test case focuses on verifying a particular aspect of the functionality you’re testing.
Cypress leverages Mocha’s hooks (before(), beforeEach(), after(), and afterEach()) to provide a structured way to execute code before or after tests.
The order of execution for these hooks is crucial:
before(): Runs once before all tests in a test file. Ideal for one-time setup tasks like connecting to a database or initializing global variables.
beforeEach(): Runs before each individual test. Useful for setting up test-specific conditions or data, ensuring each test starts from a clean slate.
afterEach(): Runs after each individual test. Good for cleaning up after each test, like closing database connections or clearing temporary data or logout from the application etc.
after(): Runs once after all tests in a test file. Use this for final cleanup tasks that may need to happen only once after all tests are complete.
Cypress provides its own set of built-in assertions and extends Mocha with Chai assertions that offer a convenient way to verify test conditions. These assertions use a chainable syntax, making your tests more readable.
Some of the Examples are .should(‘have.text’, ‘Expected Text’),.should(‘not.equal’, ‘Expected Text’),.should(‘exist’),.should(‘’), .should(‘have.class’, ‘active’), etc.
Read more about Cypress assertions in this post.
Excluding the Tests
The .skip() method allows you to temporarily exclude a test or an entire test suite from being run during test execution.
The describe.skip() function allows you to temporarily exclude an entire suite of tests defined within a describe block from execution during test runs.
Including the Tests:
The .only() method allows you to instruct the test runner to execute only the specific test or test suite marked with .only(). All other tests in the suite or file will be skipped.
So far we discussed some concepts that are required for a user who is writing his script for the first time. Let’s leverage these concepts we’ve discussed to build a simple Cypress script.
Automate Your First Cypress Test Case
Let’s create a new folder under the e2e folder named “cypress_testgrid_testcases” to perform Cypress end-to-end testing.
Let’s create a new folder under the e2e folder named “cypress_testgrid_testcases” to perform Cypress end-to-end testing.
Let’s take cypress testing examples to test end to end test scenarios from login to the site with valid credentials. Verify tab functionality and logout from the application.
Test Scenario
Write a simple Cypress test in file ‘’ which covered below functionality
Visiting the website
Login into the site with valid data
Verify tabbing functionality.
/// <reference types="cypress" />
describe("Verify Login/Logout And Tab functionality", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.get('[title="Sign in"]').click()
afterEach(() => {
cy.contains("Forgot Password?");
it("Login and Click on 'Codeless' link Under Automation Section", function () {
cy.contains("Lets get you started with codeless automation");
it("Open The Link 'Real Device Cloud' in New Tab and Back To Parent Page", function () {
cy.get('[id="realdevice_li" ] > a').invoke("removeAttr", "target").click();
cy.url().should("include", "/devicecloud");
cy.contains('Device Groups')
Code walkthrough
To understand the cypress testing example script in detail. Let’s undertake the above code walkthrough.
Before Each Test (beforeEach):
Visit the homepage (cy.visit(“”)).
Clicks on the “Sign in” button (cy.get(‘[title=”Sign in”]’).click()).
Enters the email address “” in the email field (cy.get(“#email”).clear().type(“”)).
Enters the password “xxxxx” in the password field (cy.get(“#password”).clear().type(“xxxxx”)).
Clicks on the “Sign in” button (cy.get(“.signin-button”).click()).
After Each Test (afterEach):
Clicks on the user dropdown menu (cy.get(“[data-toggle=’dropdown’]”).click()).
Clicks on the “Logout” option (cy.contains(“Logout”).click()).
Verifies the presence of the text “Forgot Password?” after logout for confirmation user is logged-out
Test 1: Login and Click on ‘Codeless’ Link
Verifies the presence of the text “Dashboard” after login (likely to confirm successful login).
Clicks on the element with ID “tgtestcase”
Verifies the presence of the text “Lets get you started with codeless automation” to confirm navigating to the codeless automation section
Test 2: Open Link in New Tab and Go Back
Clicks on the link text within the element with ID “realdevice_li” and removes the “target” attribute using invoke (likely to open the link in a new tab – cy.get(‘[id=”realdevice_li” ] > a’).invoke(“removeAttr”, “target”).click()).
Asserts that the URL includes “/devicecloud” to confirm navigation to the “Real Device Cloud” page
Verifies the presence of the text “Device Groups” on the new page.
Uses cy.go(“back”) to navigate back to the previous page (TestGrid homepage).
Verifies the presence of the text “Selenium” after returning to the homepage of TestGrid.
We have written our FIRST script now time to execute the script locally. In the next section you will see how we can execute the test script locally.
Execute The Test Cases Locally
To execute the test cases, you can use Cypress commands in your terminal. Cypress provides options to run tests both in headed mode (where you can see the browser window) and headless mode (where tests run in the background without a visible browser window).
Here’s how you can execute the test cases in both modes:
Run Test Cases In Headed Mode:
In headed mode, you can see the test execution in a visible browser window.
Open your terminal.
Navigate to the directory where your Cypress tests are located.
Run the following command to execute the tests in headed mode.
Run the command yarn cypress open Or npx cypress open . as we run the command it will open below screen
Click on E2E testing and select the browser and finally execute the test case from the list, in our case we are executing the test case ‘’
When we click on test case starts executing and finally BOTH the test case pass successfully.
Run Test case In Headless Mode
By default, Cypress runs in “headless mode,” where the browser runs in the background without opening a visible browser window.
Command to run the test case in headless mode yarn cypress run Or npx cypress run
Run the command:
‘yarn cypress run –spec cypress/e2e/cypress_testgrid_testcase/’. As you execute this command, the test case starts executing in headless mode.
In the below screenshot you can see once execution is completed where BOTH the test cases are passed.
Execute Cypress Test In The Cloud Using TestGrid
Cypress, a popular JavaScript-based testing framework, has revolutionized E2E testing with its simplicity and efficiency. Combining Cypress with a powerful testing framework such as TestGrid brings this to a new level,by providing enhanced features for executing, monitoring, and scaling tests. In the section below you will see how to leverage Cypress for E2E testing using TestGrid and its benefits.
Introducing TestGrid
TestGrid is a cloud-based testing platform designed to simplify test execution and management. It offers:
Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing: Test your applications on multiple browsers and devices.
Parallel Execution: Run multiple tests simultaneously to save time.
CI/CD Integration: Seamlessly integrate with tools like Jenkins, GitLab, or GitHub Actions.
Detailed Analytics: Gain insights into test performance with dashboards and reports.
Scalability: Handle large-scale test executions effortlessly.
Why Combine Cypress with TestGrid?
Combining Cypress with TestGrid enhances E2E testing by leveraging the strengths of both tools:
Cloud-Based Testing: Execute Cypress tests on a wide range of environments without setting up local infrastructure.
Parallel Execution: Reduce testing time by running tests concurrently on TestGrid’s infrastructure.
Device and Browser Coverage: Ensure your application performs well across different browsers and devices.
Scalability: Easily scale your tests to accommodate growing application needs.
Comprehensive Reporting: Access detailed logs, screenshots, and video recordings of test executions for better debugging.
Set up TestGrid for cypress testing
Below are the steps for setting up the Testgrid in the cloud
Step 1: The TestGrid platform provides support for the Cypress CLI tool in your custom Cypress test automation project. Select the Cypress feature from the dashboard.
Step 2: Click on the “Generate TestGrid JSON File” button to create your run environment configuration.
Step 3: Fill in the required details:
Project Name, Build Name, and select browsers from the available options (e.g., Chromium or Firefox).
Choose the desired version and click “Submit” to generate the JSON file.
Step 4: Once the testgrid.json file is downloaded:
Update the cypress config.file path to match your project.
- Place the testgrid.json file in your Cypress project directory. In the below screenshot, you can see the updated testgrid.json
Below testgrid.json file with detail explanation done below of each line
Let’s explain the testgrid.json file in detail
Let’s explain the configuration file for running Cypress tests in an environment (likely provided by TestGrid, a cloud-based test automation platform).
Below is an explanation of each key and its significance:
Specifies the base URL of the TestGrid environment where the tests will run.
Contains the credentials required for authenticating with the TestGrid platform.
username: The email address for logging into TestGrid (
access_key: A secure access key (API key) for authentication (asdi339jddndhdhd33333j).
- Lists the browsers and their versions to be used for testing.
This section covers the settings that are required to run the Cypress tests in the cloud.
Path to the Cypress configuration file used for test setup.
Value: /Users/ABC/Documents/e2e_testgrid/cypress.config.js
Name of the test project.
Value: TestGrid_E2E.
A label for the test build. Helps identify test runs.
Value: TestGrid_E2E_1.0.
Array of file paths for Cypress test specifications to be executed.
- Array of test files to exclude from the run.
Specifies the number of parallel test executions.
Value: 2, meaning two test instances will run concurrently.
- Placeholder for any Node.js dependencies needed for the test run.
- Placeholder for additional package configuration options.
Indicates whether tests should run in headless mode (without a visible browser UI).
Value: true, meaning the tests will run in headless mode.
Step 5: Install TestGrid’s Cypress CLI by running one of the following commands:
$ npm install -g testgrid-cypress-cli
$ sudo npm install -g testgrid-cypress-cli
Execute the Cypress Test in the cloud
After installing all dependencies, execute your project using the following Cypress CLI command:
testgrid-cypress run |
Once the tests have run successfully, you can view the results, including a test summary and step execution video, on the TestGrid dashboard.
In the below screenshot you can see two test cases, are executed in Chrome browser 120 and 121
Execute Test Cases In Multiple Browsers
Execute the test cases in multiple browsers, we have to update the browsers section in the , .json file . In the below code / screenshot you can see we have added both chrome and firefox browsers with the latest version that Testgrid supports.
"browsers": [
"browser": "chrome",
"versions": [
"browser": "firefox",
"versions": [
In the below screenshot you can see two test cases, are executed in chrome browser with version 120 , 121 and firefox browser with version 122 , 123.
Cypress Best Practices
Every tool has some best practices that can help maximize its effectiveness and efficiency. Below are a few best practices of Cypress.
Avoid Unnecessary Wait :
Suppose you have a scenario where you want to test the visibility of an element after clicking on a button. Instead of using a static cy.wait() command, which introduces unnecessary waiting time, you can use Cypress commands like cy.get() with assertions to wait for the element to become visible.
describe('Avoid Unnecessary Waits Example', () => {
it('should check visibility after button click', () => {
// Visit the webpage containing the button and element
// Click on the button
// Instead of using cy.wait(), wait for the element to become visible
.and('have.text', 'Expected Text')
Set baseUrl In Cypress configuration File
Hard-coding the baseUrl using cy.visit() in the before() block of each spec file is not the best approach . With the baseUrl set in the configuration file, Cypress will automatically prepend this base URL to any relative URLs used in your tests.
Here’s how you can use cy.visit() with a relative URL in your test files:
For example, in your cypress.config.js file, you can set the baseUrl to the login page URL
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
"baseUrl": "",
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
describe('Login Page Test', () => {
it('should load the login page', () => {
// Cypress will automatically prepend the baseUrl to this relative URL
// Add your test assertions here
Multiple assertions per test Cypress
Writing a single assertion in a test can make it run more slowly and lead to problems with performance. The recommended practice is to add multiple assertions with a single command, which speeds up testing and improves test clarity and organization. In the below example you can see we have multiple validation in a single command.
.should('have.class', 'active')
.and('have.text', 'Hello World');
Isolate it() blocks
Isolating it() blocks is indeed a best practice in Cypress (as well as in other testing frameworks). Each it() block should be independent and self-contained, with its own setup and teardown steps. This ensures that tests can run independently of each other, making them more robust and reliable.
Here’s how you can isolate it() blocks in Cypress:
describe('Test Suite', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Common setup steps before each test
cy.visit('/'); // Navigate to the page
// Other setup steps as needed
afterEach(() => {
// Common teardown steps after each test
// Cleanup tasks, if any
// We can add logout test case here
it('Test Case 1', () => {
// Test steps for the first scenario
cy.get('.element').should('have.class', 'active');
it('Test Case 2', () => {
// Test steps for the second scenario
cy.get('.other-element').should('have.text', 'Hello World');
// Additional assertions and interactions
Keeping test data separate
Keeping test data separate is indeed a best practice in Cypress. Separate data files are easier to update and manage, especially when dealing with a lot of test data. You can reuse the same test data across multiple tests if applicable
Cypress allows you to define test data in external JSON files called fixtures. This keeps your test code clean and separates concerns between test logic and test data.
// Example fixture file: test-data.json
"user": {
"username": "testuser",
"password": "password123"
// Example usage in a test
beforeEach(() => {
cy.fixture('test-data.json').then((data) => {
this.userData = data.user;
This blog post provided a comprehensive introduction to Cypress, a modern and powerful end-to-end testing framework. It covered the fundamentals of Cypress, its benefits, and best practices for writing and executing test cases efficiently. With its ease of use and robust features, Cypress is an excellent choice for automating web applications and ensuring a seamless user experience.
Source: This blog was originally published at
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Written by

Ronika Kashyap
Ronika Kashyap
Experienced Software Tester with 7+ years of ensuring product excellence. Proficient in automation, API testing, and Agile. Achieved 30% test coverage increase. Dedicated to delivering top-notch software.