CSS Basic - Styling the Web

Renil GaralaRenil Garala
3 min read
  • After creating the structure of our website, we will style the website. For styling we use CSS.

  • CSS Stand for cascading style sheets.

  • Browser have some default styling. this stylesheet is called user agent stylesheets. you cannot change stylesheet code but use can override code using CSS.

  • Cascading means override.

  • we give styling in key value pair in CSS.

CSS Margin

  • Margins create empty space around an element, separating it from other elements.

  • Margin is use to control the space on all sides or specific sides

  • you can give margin using margin key. for example.

      margin: 20px;

CSS Padding

  • Padding creates space inside an element, between its content and its border.

  • Padding is used to control the space inside an element on all sides or specific sides.

  • you can give padding using padding key. for example.

      padding: 20px;

CSS Border

  • Borders are used to create a line around an element, sitting between the padding and the margin.

  • You can customize the border's width, style, and color using the border property.

  • Example:

      cssCopyEditborder: 2px solid black;

CSS Height and Width

  • Height and width define the size of an element. You can set how tall (height) and wide (width) an element should be.

  • Example:

      width: 200px;
      height: 100px;

CSS Box Model

  • The CSS Box Model defines how the elements on a webpage are structured

  • Content: The actual content of the element, like text or images.

  • Padding: The space between the content and the border. It adds space inside the element.

  • Border: A line around the padding (if defined), separating the content from the outside.

  • Margin: The space outside the border, creating space between the element and other elements.

  • Example

      element {
        width: 200px;
        padding: 20px; 
        border: 2px solid black; 
        margin: 30px; 
  • The total width and height of an element are calculated by adding content, padding, border, and margin together.

CSS Specificity Algorithm

  • CSS specificity determines which styles are applied when there are conflicting rules.

  • It is calculated based on a scoring system where different selectors are given different weights.

  • CSS specificity can be thought of as a 4-part value:

    → Inline styles

    → ID selector

    → Class selector

    → Element selector

  • For example specificity value is like:

    → Inline styles: (1, 0, 0, 0)

    → ID selector: (0, 1, 0, 0)

    → Class selector: (0, 0, 1, 0)

    → Element selector: (0, 0, 0, 1)

  • Higher specificity wins.

  • If specificity is the same, the last rule defined in the CSS file takes precedence.

Key Rule

  • More specific rules (higher specificity) override less specific ones. Use this algorithm to understand why certain styles apply!

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Written by

Renil Garala
Renil Garala

A 20-year-old web developer, certified in Java. Pursuing a BCA in the third year and currently learning full-stack web development from Chaicode.