

The prompt for Genuary2025 Day 24 is Use One Geometric Shape*” & I chose *Rectangles.

RectSplash is coded in LiveCodeLab and is made with rectangles moving across the screen.


Rectangles roaming
Rotating & rolling
Running & rimming along
Reciting the rhymes that belong
Twirling and twisting
Avoiding the mistakes that were tripping
As the angles of the others are tilting
Tiling and tipping
Tipping to the ways as the rectangles are roaming


LiveCodeLab Code

ringDetail = abs(67 - (time % 10) * 4)

animationStyle paintOver

ambientLight 255, 200, 155

if time % 9 > 5
    stroke black
    stroke yellow

if time % 9 > 4
    fill gold
    fill turquoise

if time % 5 > 3
    simpleGradient sandybrown,pink, saddlebrown 
    simpleGradient pink, saddlebrown, yellow

rotate time / 5
scale 0.05 + ((time % 20)/20)

//center planetary 
13 + time % 8 times with i 
    rotate (time / 5) + i
    ringDetail times
        rotate 0, Math.cbrt(sin(time))/1000, (2 * pi) / ringDetail
        move 2, Math.hypot(time % 3  +1), 0
            rect sin(time %5 + 0.5) + 1, 0.3 + (1 / ringDetail)

//secondary planetary spur
9 - time % 4 times with i
    rotate (time / 5) + i, (time/4) + i
    move 0,1,1
    ringDetail times
        rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / ringDetail
        move 2, 0, 0
            rect sin(time %5 + 0.5) + 1, 0.3 + (1 / ringDetail)
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Written by

Kofi / Illestpreacha
Kofi / Illestpreacha