Flexbox: A Complete Guide to the CSS Layout Powerhouse

Abhijeet SinhaAbhijeet Sinha
11 min read

Flexbox, short for Flexible Box Layout, is a one dimensional layout mechanism that allows to create web layouts through a responsive and flexible system for aligning and distributing items within a container.

Advantages of Flexbox?

  • Responsive Design: Flexbox allows creating layouts in a smooth manner that adjust to different screen sizes.

  • Alignment Made Easy: Flexbox simplifies vertical and horizontal alignment, which was a tricky task before.

  • Dynamic Layouts: It allows dynamic resizing of elements based on available space.

  • Fewer Hacks: No need for unnecessary workarounds like clearfix or manually calculating widths.

Core Concepts of Flexbox:

1. Flex Containers and Items:

In order to use Flexbox, a parent element (flex container) and child elements (flex items) are required. The parent element is defined as a flex container by applying display: flex .

2. Main Axis vs Cross Axis:

Flexbox works with two axes:

  • Main Axis: It determines the primary direction in which items are placed.

  • Cross Axis: Perpendicular to the main axis, used for alignment and wrapping.

Flex Container Properties

1. display

Defines a flex container. Use display: flex for block-level containers and display: inline-flex for inline-level containers.

2. flex-direction

Specifies the direction of the main axis. Common Values:

  • row (default): Items are placed in a row (left to right).

  • row-reverse: Items are placed in a row (right to left).

  • column: Items are placed in a column (top to bottom).

  • column-reverse: Items are placed in a column (bottom to top).


.flex-container {
  flex-direction: column;

3. justify-content

Aligns items along the main axis. Common values:

  • flex-start (default): Align items at the start.

  • flex-end: Align items at the end.

  • center: Center items.

  • space-between: Distribute items with space between them.

  • space-around: Distribute items with space around them.


.flex-container {
  justify-content: space-between;

4. align-items

Aligns items along the cross axis. Common values:

  • stretch (default): Stretches items to fill the container.

  • flex-start: Align items at the start.

  • flex-end: Align items at the end.

  • center: Center items.


.flex-container {
  align-items: center;

5. align-content

Aligns a multi-row flex layout (when flex-wrap is used). Values include:

  • stretch (default)

  • flex-start

  • flex-end

  • center

  • space-between

  • space-around

Flex Item Properties:

1. flex-grow

Defines how much a flex item should grow relative to the rest of the elements.


.flex-item {
  flex-grow: 2; /* This item grows twice as much as others */

2. flex-shrink

Defines how much a flex item should shrink if space is limited.


.flex-item {
  flex-shrink: 0; /* Prevents the item from shrinking */

3. flex-basis

Specifies the initial size of an item before distributing the remaining space.


.flex-item {
  flex-basis: 200px;

4. align-self

Allows individual alignment of items on the cross axis, overriding align-items.


.flex-item {
  align-self: flex-end;

5. order

Changes the order of items without affecting the document structure.


.flex-item:nth-child(1) {
  order: 2; /* Moves this item to the second position */
  1. gap

Defines gap between rows and columns within the flex container.


.flex-container {
  gap: 10px; /* Creates gap between flex items */

Advanced Flexbox Concepts:

1. Wrapping Items

flex-wrap a flex container property by default, tries to fit all items on one line. Using flex-wrap items can wrap onto the next line.

  • nowrap (default): No wrapping.

  • wrap: Items wrap onto new lines.

  • wrap-reverse: Items wrap onto new lines in reverse order.


.flex-container {
  flex-wrap: wrap;

2. Combining flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis

The shorthand flex property combines these three:

  • flex: grow shrink basis.


.flex-item {
  flex: 1 1 200px; /* Grows and shrinks with a base size of 200px */

How Flexbox Changes the Display of Flex Items:

When display: flex is applied to a container, all of its direct child elements automatically become flex items, regardless of their original display type (e.g., block, inline, inline-block). Here's what happens under the hood:

  1. Automatic Flex Behavior:

    • Before Flexbox, block elements naturally align vertically, and inline elements align horizontally.

    • Once an element becomes a flex item, its behavior changes. Instead of following traditional block or inline stacking, its position and size are determined by the Flexbox layout model.

  2. Alignment and Flexibility:

    • A flex item no longer behaves strictly as a block or inline element. Instead, it becomes a flex item, controlled by properties like flex-grow, flex-shrink, and align-items.

    • This allows items to align and distribute dynamically within their parent container, even if their original dimensions and display types are different.

Key Difference Between Flex Items and Block Elements

AspectBlock ElementsFlex Items
Stacking BehaviorStack vertically, one after the other.Flow dynamically based on the flex-direction.
Intrinsic SizingRespect intrinsic width but overflow the container.Resize based on flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis.
AlignmentHard to align vertically or horizontally.Easy alignment using justify-content and align-items.

Intrinsic Sizing: The Role of min-content and max-content

Flexbox uses the intrinsic sizing rules of min-content and max-content to calculate the initial base size of flex items as soon as a property display:flex is applied. Let’s try to understand these concepts:

1. What Are min-content and max-content?

These are intrinsic sizing keywords in CSS:

  • min-content: The smallest width an element can have without overflowing its content. For text, it is the longest unbreakable word or element.

  • max-content: The width required to display all content on a single line without wrapping. For text, this includes all words laid out in one line.


<div class="example">This is a long sentence that will break into smaller parts.</div>
.example {
  width: min-content; /* Smallest possible width */

.example {
  width: max-content; /* Longest possible width */

2. How Does Flexbox Use These?

When Flexbox calculates the base size of a flex item (before applying flex-grow, flex-shrink, or flex-basis), it considers these intrinsic sizing properties:

  • Calculating Base Size:

    • By default, the initial size of a flex item is set to its flex-basis (if specified).

    • If flex-basis is auto (default value), Flexbox looks at the item’s content and uses the intrinsic size (min-content or max-content) to calculate base size.

    • The browser computes the size that suits best for the content without breaking or overflowing.


.flex-item {
  flex: 1 1 auto; /* Intrinsic size used for base calculation */
  • Behavior:

    • Flexbox starts with max-content for the initial layout to make sure that the item can grow.

    • If the container is too small, it switches to min-content to ensure items shrink without breaking the layout.

3. Interaction with flex-basis

The flex-basis property explicitly sets the base size of a flex item. However, if flex-basis is set to auto, the browser falls back to intrinsic sizing:

  • For content-sized elements, it uses max-content.

  • For constrained elements, it adjusts using min-content.


.flex-item {
  flex-basis: auto; /* Browser chooses the optimal size */

.flex-item {
  flex-basis: 100px; /* Fixed base size */

How These Properties Affect Layout:

To understand how Flexbox uses min-content and max-content, let’s look at a practical scenario.

Example: Squeezing and Growing a Flex Item

<div class="flex-container">
  <div class="flex-item">Short</div>
  <div class="flex-item">This is a longer piece of content.</div>
.flex-container {
  display: flex;

.flex-item {
  flex: 1 1 auto; /* Items share available space */
  padding: 10px;
  border: 1px solid #333;
  • Initial Layout:

    • The browser calculates the flex-basis for each item using their intrinsic widths (max-content).

    • Items are adjusted to fit their content but will not exceed the container width.

  • Shrinking and Growing:

    • If the container shrinks, the items shrinks in equal proportion based on their flex-shrink value.

    • If the container grows, the items expand proportionally using flex-grow.

Flex-Basis vs Width/Height in Flexbox:

When working with Flexbox, one of the most confusion is the relationship between flex-basis and the width and height properties. While all three properties define the size of an element, their behavior in a Flexbox layout is quite different.

How flex-basis Differs from width and height

PropertyBehavior in FlexboxMain Axis vs Cross Axis
width/heightExplicitly sets the dimensions of an item, irrespective of the Flexbox layout.Applies to the cross axis if flex-direction: column.
flex-basisSets the initial size of an item along the main axis before space distribution occurs.Applies to the main axis, regardless of flex-direction.

Key Differences:

1. Main Axis vs Cross Axis:

  • flex-basis always applies to the main axis, which is defined by the flex-direction.

    • If flex-direction: row, flex-basis sets the item's width.

    • If flex-direction: column, flex-basis sets the item's height.

  • width and height are static and always apply to the respective dimensions, regardless of the flex-direction.


<div class="flex-container">
  <div class="flex-item">Item 1</div>
  <div class="flex-item">Item 2</div>
.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column; /* Main axis is vertical */

.flex-item {
  flex-basis: 100px; /* Applies to the vertical dimension */
  width: 200px;      /* Affects horizontal dimension (cross axis) */

Here, flex-basis sets the height of the items, while width controls their width.

2. Flexibility and Space Distribution:

  • flex-basis interacts with flex-grow and flex-shrink to dynamically adjust the size of items based on available space.

  • width/height are static and are not part of the Flexbox layout, meaning they won't grow or shrink dynamically.


<div class="flex-container">
  <div class="flex-item">Item 1</div>
  <div class="flex-item">Item 2</div>
.flex-container {
  display: flex;

.flex-item {
  flex: 1 1 200px; /* flex-basis sets the starting size, adjusts dynamically */
  width: 200px;    /* Static size that won't respond to Flexbox behavior */
  • Here, flex-basis sets the initial size but allows the item to grow or shrink. In contrast, width sets a fixed size, and the item won’t grow or shrink dynamically.

3. Browser Behavior:

If both flex-basis and width/height are defined:

  • flex-basis takes precedence over width/height for determining the main axis size in a Flexbox layout.

When to Use flex-basis vs width/height :

Use flex-basis When:

  • There is a need for size of items to respond dynamically to the Flexbox layout.

  • The container’s main axis determines the size of items.

  • Working with flex-grow or flex-shrink and flexibility in size is requried.

Use width/height When:

  • Fixed dimensions are required which are independent of the Flexbox layout.

  • The item's size is determined by the cross axis or is unrelated to Flexbox.

Margins in Flexbox: A Quick Overview:

Margins in Flexbox behave slightly differently compared to block layouts, providing powerful tools for spacing and alignment.

  1. Main Axis Margins:

    • Margins along the main axis (e.g., margin-left and margin-right for flex-direction: row) interact with justify-content.

    • Setting margin: auto on a flex item will occupy all available space along the main axis, centering or aligning items dynamically.


    .flex-item {
      margin-left: auto;
      margin-right: auto;

The item centers itself by taking equal space on both sides.

  1. Cross Axis Margins:

    • Margins on the cross axis (e.g., margin-top and margin-bottom for flex-direction: row) work alongside align-items or align-self.

    • Unlike block layouts, margins don’t collapse in Flexbox. Instead, they stack, to provide predictable spacing.

  2. Vertical Margins in Column Layouts:

    • For flex-direction: column, margin-top and margin-bottom help space items along the vertical main axis.

    • When combined with justify-content and align-items, they provide control over spacing.


    .flex-container {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      justify-content: space-between;

    .flex-item {
      margin-bottom: 10px;
  1. Dynamic Spacing:

    • Using margin: auto to dynamically push or pull items within the container.

    • Example: Vertical centering with margin: auto in a column layout:

        .flex-container {
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
          height: 100vh;
        .flex-item {
          margin: auto; /* Centers item along both axes */

Tips for Mastering Flexbox:

  1. Use tools like Flexbox Froggy for interactive practice.

  2. Inspect layouts using browser developer tools to debug and refine.


Flexbox is a super handy CSS layout tool that makes modern web design so much easier. It lets turn elements into flexible, dynamic items, which makes it simple to create layouts that are responsive, space-efficient, and visually appealing. By using properties like flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis, along with concepts like min-content and max-content, flexbox provides precise control over how layouts look and function.

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Written by

Abhijeet Sinha
Abhijeet Sinha