Tableau UI

Anix LynchAnix Lynch
3 min read

Main Workspace

|  File  Edit  Worksheet  Dashboard  Story  Analysis  Map  [⚙️]                    |
|                                                                                 |
| Data Pane        Workspace                              Cards                   |
| ┌──────────┐    ┌─────────────────────────────────┐    ┌──────────────┐       |
| │ Tables   │    │                                 │    │ Filters      │       |
| │ ├── Sales│    │                                 │    │ ┌──────────┐ │       |
| │ └── Cust │    │                                 │    │ │Year      │ │       |
| │          │    │                                 │    │ │Region    │ │       |
| │ Fields   │    │                                 │    │ └──────────┘ │       |
| │ ├── Dim  │    │                                 │    │              │       |
| │ └── Meas │    │                                 │    │ Marks        │       |
| └──────────┘    └─────────────────────────────────┘    │ ○ Color     │       |
|                                                        │ □ Size      │       |
|                                                        │ ▲ Label     │       |
|                                                        └──────────────┘       |

Data Connection Flow

       │  Connect  │
     │  Data Source  │
    │  Live or Extract│
     │    Sheet      │

Dragging Fields to Build Viz

Fields Pane                    Shelves
┌──────────┐                 ┌─────────────────┐
│ Sales    │    drag to     │ Columns         │
│ Date     │   ───────►     │                 │
│ Region   │                │ Rows            │
└──────────┘                └─────────────────┘

                    Results in
              │     Chart       │
              │   ▲             │
              │   │             │
              │   └─────►       │

Show Me Panel (Chart Types)

|     Show Me            |
|  ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌────┐|
|  │  ▊  │ │  ○  │ │ ▤  ||
|  │  ▊  │ │  ○  │ │ ▤  ||
|  └─────┘ └─────┘ └────┘|
|  Bar     Scatter  Heat |
|  ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌────┐|
|  │  ─  │ │  ◯  │ │ ╱  ||
|  │  ─  │ │  ◯  │ │ ╱  ||
|  └─────┘ └─────┘ └────┘|
|  Line    Pie     Area  |

Dashboard Layout

| Dashboard                              |
|┌──────────┐  ┌─────────────────────┐  |
|| Filter   |  |       Chart 1       |  |
|| Panel    |  |                     |  |
||          |  |                     |  |
|└──────────┘  └─────────────────────┘  |
|              ┌─────────────────────┐  |
|              |       Chart 2       |  |
|              |                     |  |
|              |                     |  |
|              └─────────────────────┘  |

Common Workflows

  1. Basic Visualization:
Connect Data → Drag Dimension to Rows → Drag Measure to Columns → Select Chart Type
  1. Creating Dashboard:
New Dashboard → Drag Sheets → Add Filters → Add Actions → Format
  1. Data Blending:
Primary Data → Edit Blend Relationships → Add Secondary → Define Links

Key UI Elements

Shelves and Cards

| Columns Shelf     [Field] [Field]        |
| Rows Shelf        [Field] [Field]        |
| Filters Card                             |
| ├── [Filter 1]                          |
| └── [Filter 2]                          |
| Marks Card                               |
| ├── Color        [Field]                |
| ├── Size         [Field]                |
| ├── Label        [Field]                |
| └── Detail       [Field]                |

Calculation Editor

| Create Calculated Field          [✓] [✗] |
| Name: [New Calculation]                  |
|                                          |
| Formula:                                 |
| ┌────────────────────────────────┐      |
| │SUM([Sales]) / SUM([Quantity])  │      |
| └────────────────────────────────┘      |
|                                          |
| Functions  Fields  Parameters            |
| ├── String  ├── Dim   └── [Param1]      |
| ├── Date    └── Meas                    |
| └── Number                              |

Navigation Tips:

  1. Top Menu Bar: Main functions and settings

    • File: New workbook, save, export

    • Worksheet: Create new views

    • Dashboard: Combine views

    • Analysis: Advanced analytics

  2. Left Side: Data and fields

    • Connections

    • Fields list

    • Analytics objects

  3. Right Side: Properties and formatting

    • Marks card

    • Filters

    • Field properties

  4. Bottom: Sheets navigation

    • Worksheets

    • Dashboards

    • Stories


  • Drag and drop is your best friend

  • Right-click menus have contextual options

  • The Show Me button suggests chart types

  • Double-click fields for quick analysis

This guide covers the core UI elements of Tableau Desktop. The actual software has more features, but mastering these elements will give you a strong foundation!

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Written by

Anix Lynch
Anix Lynch