Keyboard Confessions - Episode # 02

Hussnain AhmadHussnain Ahmad
2 min read

Hi everyone,

Welcome to 2nd episode of “KEYBOARD CONFESSIONS”

Development Logs

1 - Game Working

I did some progress on my game.

Previously, my plan was to publish this game in January and move on to next project but I didn’t spend enough time completing it.

Also, I didn’t tell the idea for the game.

Its horror game where player is trapped somewhere, same concept like Granny game.

2 - Fluxxion

Next week is the final week for Fluxxion before the launch (hope so 😗)

This was the project that I have in mind for several months now that has potential to grow if execute properly.

3 - GDGoC

I haven’t write about this, but I was selected as Lead for GDSC.

Now name is changed to Google Developers Group on Campus (GDGoC)

Previously, I opened the google form for core body selection. After that, I didn’t get enough time (or motivation) to conduct the interviews.

This week, I conducted the interviews. Interviews are done mostly, just few left, and then We will start with GDSC ;)

4 - Mix

Format Change

I was thinking of changing the format of this newsletter. Something like what Yacine did to his blog.

Although, that is blog, and I wrote “Keyboard Confession” like a weekly newsletter. But I can write like it.

I can add notes, todos and my thoughts on things.

This can be helpful to reflect and I am also documenting it.

I will do some research of what to add and which to remove so This newsletter can be more helpful to you in a way.

FYP Idea

I started my 6th semester and I think its great time to pick idea for Final Year Project (FYP).

Although, I have many projects but I didn’t work on single project for more than 1 month and I will have approx 1 year for FYP.

So, past week, I was in search for FYP ideas that I found interesting.


So, first I have to find idea to work on.

Then, Need to find team so we can start working on the project.

Quote of the Week

It’s not a loss, it’s a redirection

Weekly Picks

These are some videos, articles & resources that I found helpful.

That’s it for this one.

Hope you like this episode.

Consider sharing it with your programming friends and community.

See you in the next one ;)

- Psycho

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Written by

Hussnain Ahmad
Hussnain Ahmad

Psycho Here ;-)